myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Monday, May 22, 2006
Mood: Nostalgic
Music: The X/1999 soundtrack.
The alarm clock sounded at 5:10 sharp. A toussle-haired otaku leaned over and turned it off in mild irritation. 'Okay, okay,' she thought, 'No need for that. I'm getting up.'
Ten minutes later, a blonde laborador retriever mix nuzzled the hand of the sleeping otaku. She crawled out of bed, petting her dog and cursing the hour. She managed to get ready in time to sit in the living room for a bit, nursing an angry stomach. She departed for the bus stop, pleased that this is the last time she'd have to ride the bus to school and certainly the last time she'll wake up before dawn for a long while.
The bus came from yet another direction today. It didn't fall from the sky as she had predicted it someday would, but it came from yet another unexpected direction. She climbed onto the bus and, as the bus driver pulled away, she prayed that she didn't die from her bus driver's tendency to speed and run into stuff. She did arrive safely at school, albiet with slightly frayed nerves and a more pronounced stomachache (probably from holding in the screams of "Slow down! You'll crash into that if you don't stop!").
She walked up to the rather modest administration building with the intention of lining up to get her clearance card, which allowed her to graduate. By happenstance, she ran into her friend Neko-san, whom she hadn't seen in a very long time. They chatted while waiting for the ladies behind the counter to wait on them. Finally, the little otaku stepped forward to get her card.
"I'm sorry, I don't have a card for you," said the woman behind the counter.
"I wonder what I could owe the school," the otaku said nervously. She'd had a bad feeling about this morning.
"In fact, you're not even on my senior list."
"What? You've got to be kidding me."
Neko-san thought for a minute before saying, "I think you looked up the wrong last name."
Indeed she had and, two seconds later, Neko-san and the otaku had departed from the office.
'I must have lost years of my life today,' thought the otaku morosely as she plodded through the reception area. 'Yet more years wasted on the public education system.'
I was just going to summarize that for this post, but I kind of felt like writing an anecdote instead. It's far more interesting sometimes. I almost went on a rampage when they said I wasn't a senior. ^^;; I'm graduating whether or not you want me to, dammit!
I've just realised that I haven't posted any kitten pictures as of late. They're about two years and one month old now, but still so cute. Maybe I'll do a mini photoshoot of them.
Not planning too much for this week. I'm probably going to start sketching stuff for the new theme. I want it to be simple and elegant. I have a good idea for the navigation system that I'm thinking of adding (in addition to the normal navigation system). I dunno. I don't want to overhaul entirely the code of the website, but I don't want it to be plain. I'll have to think about it. *thinkthink*
Well, I think I'll go and maybe catch up on some video games. :D I'm actually doing okay in some of my games. For once!

I love you whether you want to be loved or not! XP
Image from Pride of the Fist: A Rock Lee fansite.
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