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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Hey everyone! Nice to hear from all of you. I'll respond individually to them later.

Today was pretty cool (boring history notes aside). I got up early enough to catch some shows. Then, I made a reasonable dent in my history work. I went to the store and bought some video games (the second and third part of the .hack series and the InuYasha game). All I need to do is wait for summer so I can actually play them. ^^;; The rest of my time has been spent online doing whatever it is that I do. That's about it. Boring, I know.

Okay, now for the responses:
ParanoidPerson: Yeah, I hates them mood swings. They annoy me and everyone else. Fortunately, my head is no longer staticy. ^^;;
Chie: I'm pretty sure every student reaches that point sometime during the year. I'm always borderline on it. Oddly enough, when I have enough time to sleep, I'm an insomniac. O.o
CrH: You see, I do the history homework, but I don't study (I try, but I fall asleep). So, essentially, I do wing it. Besides, I'm in an AP (read: college) course, so I have a super-stressful test I have to take so I can get the college credit. With Americans, anyway, it's not really a fascination, it's just that they get on us more about it. Besides, the textbook is so boring *whines*.
Blue Hawk: They're rather cute, but, then again, aren't all kittens? Yeah, I'm soo glad that project's over with. Just about a billion more and I'll be home free. >.>
Mimmi: Well, the thing about me is that people can't usually tell if I'm tired, happy, sad (even close to tears), or angry. Somehow, I have one of those personalities. So, when people tell me that I don't look well, I must really look terrible. O.o I'll try to post some pictures today of the kittens.
Taki: Thanks for visiting. If it makes you feel any better, I'm far worse at visiting people. It's usually few and far between. I am kinda busy (almost totally lost it this morning when I thought of all the stuff I had to do this weekend). But, well, it'll all be worth it in the end. ^^
SomeGuy: Well, I got some sleep last night, so mission accomplished! I'll try to rest (I'll probably end up sleeping on my history book).

Thanks for the posts everyone! Here's the long-awaited picture of the kittens with their mother:

Heh. I just realised that my cats are having a staring contest. The girl won. Very entertaining. Then again, I'm easily amused.


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71% of people get this? Aw, and I thought I was special...

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