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Friday, May 14, 2004

   Quest for the burnt bread.
"If you haven't noticed, my eyebrows have grown back."

So, here we are again. Just you, me, and the internet. I suppose I should write something profound or life-altering since you came all the way here. But, no. I'm just rambling. Cookies.

"The last thing I need is for you to light my knees on fire."

It's been going okay, I guess. Still a lot of work. Still a fair amount of stress (physics practical..noooo!). Still rather tired. But, at least there isn't much more left of the school year. And I have today off, which is pretty nice. Unfortunately, I have to spend half of my summer watching imoto-chan, which will get old fast. *sighs* Somehow, I'm not totally stressed out. Rather, I'm pretty calm, considering. Dunno how.

"Why is it 'follow the spiders'? Why can't it be 'follow the butterflies'"?

Thanks for all the posts by the way. I'll try to hang out a bit today, but I don't guaruntee much (I have to do some homework this afternoon). Anyway, CrH got the song I was listening to. 'Twas "The Scientist" by Coldplay. It's a good song. Speaking of good songs, I heard this nifty little song by They Might Be Giants called Particle Man. Take a gander:
Particle Man
by They Might Be Giants


Particle man, particle man
Doing the things a particle can
What's he like? It's not important
Particle man

Is he a dot, or is he a speck
When he's underwater does he get wet
Or does the water get him instead
Nobody knows, Particle man

Triangle man, Triangle man
Triangle man hates particle man
They have a fight, Triangle wins
Triangle man

Universe man, Universe man
Size of the entire universe man
Usually kind to smaller man
Universe man

He's got a watch with a minute hand
Millenium hand and an eon hand
When they meet it's a happy land
Powerful man, universe man

Person man, person man
Hit on the head with a frying pan
Lives his life in a garbage can
Person man

Is he depressed or is he a mess
Does he feel totally worthless
Who came up with person man
Degraded man, person man

Triangle man, triangle man
Triangle man hates person man
They have a fight, triangle wins
Triangle man
It was made into a Rurouni Kenshin AMV where Kenshin was Particle Man, Aoshi was Universe Man, Gen-ei was Triangle Man, and Sanosuke was Person Man. Ah, humor.

"Hearing voices isn't a good sign, not even in the wizarding world."

Yup. That about covers it. I'm gonna go look for a Lain pic for the Offenders. I hope I can get it up tomorrow. Until then, sayonara.


Quotes from random scenes in the Harry Potter movies.

theOtaku.com: What Metal Gear Solid Character Are You?

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