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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Thursday, October 9, 2003


Finally, fall break. After nine weeks of backbreaking work, almost impossible deadlines, and, worst of all, missing Inuyasha, I can do nothing for a week but lay around, play Zelda, and site revamps. I'm torn between X and Angel Sanctuary, so I'll do what politicians do in this situation- flip a coin. Hoo yeah... Well, I got tails, which means *dum dum dum dum* X! I may do Angel Sancutary as a theme a bit later. ^^ For those of you that don't know what X is, I'll give you the rundown. Basically, it's about the apocalypse and the role two groups of people play in it. One group wants to destroy and rebuild Earth because of human corruption or something. The other group wishes to save the world from the apocalypse and spare the people. They are known as The Dragons of Earth and The Dragons of Heaven (I'm not sure which is which ^.^;;). Simple, huh? Not really. You see, there is this boy, Kamui, who has yet to choose his standing on the apocalypse. Once he picks a side, it will tip the scales toward either destroying or saving earth. Add in childhood friends Fuma and Kotori (who seem to have a role in this all) and a blind, deaf, dumb, and lame psychic mind-reader-type girl and you have X. That's the basics, I guess. I haven't seen too much of it, so I don't know a lot.

Another good point to fall break is that these entries may (dare I say it?) MAKE SENSE!! Or at least partial sense because I will get more than five to six hours of sleep at night.

Anyway, not much else to say. The revamp will probably take place sometime this weekend.

Ja ne!