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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

  I'm feeling kind of unloved at the moment. T-T No one's visited me since Friday. Am I not random enough for you? Fine. XP Yeah, it's really hard to pull off that fake-hurt tone on the internet. And, yeah, I can't talk because I don't really visit others that often (which will change once summer is here...hopefully...). But, I had a great weekend. First the anime club party Thursday (where I saw the angsty and nifty Metropolis. I loves Ken-ichi). I got Friday off (and consequently got absolutely no work done). Then, there was a party on Saturday where I played chess with this super-interesting person (yay! New friend!), hung out with some of my friends, and watched some funny AMVs and flash animations, not to mention Kill Bill Vol. 1. Lotsa fake blood. O.o And Sunday sucked because I had to do a weekend's worth of homework in one afternoon/evening. But, other than that, it was cool. And I get to go to my first con ever this weekend. W00t.

Physics practical. *compulsive shivering* Trig at 7AM *curls up into fetal position* Math exam next Tuesday. *rocks back and forth* I hate the Greeks and their Algebra.

That about covers it. I took a bunch of quizzes to post. Lookie:

You're an Etch-a-Sketch!! You're the creative,
artsy type who doesn't need to actually utilize
a single muscle group in order to have fun.
Doesn't matter though, you're still cool.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Etch-A-Sketch. Better with those than Slinkies. So...much...tangling...

It isn't a poem
Non curo. Si metrum non habet, non est poema.
"I don't care. If it doesn't rhyme, it isn't
a poem."
You are a type A personality. You like bright
things, you don't call in sick to work, and you
have devastating opinions about art.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I thought of someguy while taking this quiz.

Which Wolf's Rain Character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Woot. I'm one of my favourites!

You're a Plot writer!

What kind of writer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I actually start out with a main character before a plot...

You are most likely to be the Vampire

The Chevalier personifies the vampire that acts
with noble intentions, despite what it is
capable of. Taking a conflicting nature and
resolving its issues, the chevalier both
embraces and yet keeps the vampiristic nature
in check; the hunt and taking of blood is
enjoyed greatly, yet is restricted to those who
willingly give, 'wrong-doers,' or is taken in
self-defense; its powers are also embraced
willingly, yet while it blatantly and proudly
uses them, those that harm are only used in
self-defense or in the defense of others. The
vampire charm is used in full, and the
chevalier appears as one of the most alluring
of all vampires, often lordly in appearance as
well. Because of the open embrace of its powers
and seemingly royal stature, the chevalier
often is an immensely powerful vampire.

Dominant personality trait: Pride

Dominant color: Gold

Fictional Vampire Examples: Meier Link ('Vampire
Hunter D: Bloodlust'), Jean-Claude ('Anita
Blake: Vampire Hunter')

Curious to see how you would fare as a creature of
the night? Come this way...

Vampire Classification Quiz (w/ Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

I ownz you vampires. :3


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