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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

  W00t! Today was the last day of school. Yes, I did have to sit my Geometry test *flinches* and I will be vastly dissappointed if I did poorly. I actually studied. For four hours. That never, ever happens. I usually don't bother to study. But, now I can devote a bit more time to posting and such (I don't guaruntee much improvement, but I'll try).

The con I went to was fantastic! I had soo much fun taking photos of the cosplayers, watching anime, partaking in the anime-related events, and hanging with my friends. Lots of fun! And I was inspired by the vast marathons of Full Metal Alchemist that I watched to change the theme to FMA. W00t. I'll grab some pics tonight and will definately have my Offenders ready this time before I have my theme change up. Heh, sorry about this month's. I have the Offenders done for Lain, but the text colours are off and hard to read, so it never left my computer. Gomen-nassai. I'll be better. I hope. O.o

Yup, BlueHawk, that subject is from the ending song to Wolf's Rain, called "Gravity." I had it stuck in my head. O.o Now I have "I am" stuck in my head. Yeah, I got a few import CDs at the con. The downside is that I can't read the song titles or lyrics unless they're English. Heh. ^^;; I've just started to make up names for them and improvise lyrics. >.>

Hate to break it to you guys, but Fullmetal has been licensed (by Funimation of all companies). That's why I'm doing the theme, so that I can say I knew about it before Funi produced/screwed it up. *sigh* S'okay, though. Funi's pretty good with releasing unedited, subtitled versions. *crosses fingers*

Blah, enough of the babbling. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!


"Your majesty, is your buttocks in peril?" -some dood from Kyo Kara Maou.

The voices tell me that you're crazy and I shouldn't believe you.

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