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bishiefangirl (though I am rarely on)
El Cajon, California
Member Since
Amateur writer
Real Name
Not your business unless you know me
Hmmmm. . .that's a tough one.
Anime Fan Since
early 2002. I was before that, I stopped in 2001 because of societal pressure, came back in 2002
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, anything Miyazaki, Gundam Wing, .hack
To be a successful writer, to travel a lot, but most of all to help others.
Computers (though I know little about them LOL), reading, writing, watching anime (LOL, of course), playing video games, travel and tourism when I can afford it, more. . .
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, January 31, 2004
Short one-shot humor fic by me
It's not in the Mirrorverse, it's set mid-series. When I heard that song "We're In The Jailhouse Now," I just got this silly little idea. Hope you get as much of a laugh as I did.
NOTE: I *know* Diablo came after Quick Draw and that Vash wouldn't know who Legato and Midvalley were. Hence, Wolfwood (who would know who they were) is the only one to recognize them as such.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2004
More fanart. . .

This is one of the best Heero/Duo fanarts I've ever seen. Ever. ^^
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Round Robin Story Trigun RP
Well, on looking at that cute pic of Knives, I got an idea. . .(noo, not what you're thinking)
Rather than write a fanfic, though, I decided to make it a round robin story/character rp. ^^
You can find it here:
I know, this is a really pointless post-I just wanted to post something here. ^^
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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
LOL, just feeling silly
This post has no point-except to showcase, bar none, one of the best pieces of shounen ai fanart I have ever seen. THIS IS NOT MY OWN WORK and I have no idea who the original artist of the doujinshi which this is a cover of was.
Nevertheless, I present Knives-as you have most likely never seen him.

LOL, isn't he so kawaii here? ^^ Seriously, if the anime writers and artists had designed anime Knives this way. . .there would be so many more fangirls and K/L would be *the* Trigun pairing rather than W/V. Aww. ^^
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Sunday, January 18, 2004
This is one great fanfic.
This is one of the most well-written Knives and Vash as brothers and psychological/philosophical drama fics I have ever seen. ^^ Yes, it's that good.
I always love a Knives and Vash thoughts fic that does not involve some form of mutual twincest. ^^ So many writers seem to think that if these characters are alone together, they must be doing something sick. Blah.
I consider myself a somewhat tolerant person (nonincestuous RemxVash is one of my absolute fave pairings despite it being a major shouta complex unless it's AU, and I normally like shounen ai and shoujo ai) nevertheless, incest is just *SICK,* and it is nice to see a Knives and Vash as brothers fic without it. ^^
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Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Dark Mirror-chapter 10 now online
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Monday, January 12, 2004
New entry in AP contest:
"Incompatible," by Chiruken, is a Knives/Meryl and Vash/Milly fic. ^^
It has been added to the contest as of today. ^^
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Friday, January 9, 2004
There must be a full moon out tonight. . .
There were trolls at CF and CAA today. >.<
The CAA trolls were the worst. I was walking thin ice already in a shounen ai related debate (whether, since I am an open fan of 1x2 and 1x2x1 and 1+2+1 as pairings, I could have a Gundam Wing character as my avatar)
First, J_Howard makes the following post, a fine example of anti-yaoi trolling and flamebait posting, in the "Bad Anime" thread.
Then, in reply to J_Howard's spewing of hate du jour, YokoKurama makes an *equally* hateful (and now deleted) pro-yaoi post calling J_Howard a bigot, several profane names, and totally blowing up on him. Of course, YK was banned as a troll, because trolling done by pro-yaoi factions is *immediately* quashed.
Point being: Trolling never solves ANYTHING! Trolling only makes the more respectable parties on both sides look as bad as the idiot trolls!
Sorry about that. ^sigh^ I'm tolerant of and open to a lot of things: trolling just isn't one of them, simply because of the damage these people do to others and the mess they create of boards.

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Sunday, January 4, 2004
Update on CAA situation
It turns out the April date was a mistake. The forum owner/programmer is from England and had written today's date in the European fashion, 04/01/04, rather than 01/04/04. LOL!
At least the site is up and running again. I do hope they find whomever hacked it though. ^^
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Saturday, January 3, 2004
CAA Hacked
Hackers took down the server hosting the Christian Anime Alliance board today. >.<
The archives are intact, nevertheless the board will not be operational again until April of this year. ;;^.^;;
Although I don't have money, I'm offering what reward I can offer-a very honorable mention on this site, and my services as a beta reader for anything you are writing-if you can provide information on who hacked the server that leads to said person's facing justice. ^^
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