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who needs to kno
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
C.C House!!
Today I get to go spend the night at C.C's house!!
I think it was bad I dont remember the time she told me to go.
Maybe someone will call me.
I've never been at C.C's house before, she has kitty cats!!!
Yesterday, I got two imunizations. One was a chickenpox shot, which is weird cause I got it a long time ago. Also I got it bad enough to where I defentlay will not get it again. Then I got the first dose of HPV shot. I have to go back in august to get the second dose, and in decemember to get the third. THe HPV shot was the weirdest, I've never flet a shot like that. Oh, for those of you that dont know, I go to take shots every two weeks. Since I'm so used to the feeling of the needle in my skin, it might be nice to get a tattoo!
Then afterward, my mom took Hippy, Sora and me to the video rental store. I checked out a Sims game. It is really fun!!
I made Prince of Tennis characters, and last night I had one of the propose to the other, and they both got really sad. It was funny. I can make them kiss, hardcore stuff.
I like it!
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Monday, June 25, 2007
I was just watching some Prince of Tennis AMV's
and I relized since I only need one more credit for gym why dont I take tennis?
I mean I dont feel like contuning to take dance class anymore, I didnt really like it! ^ ^'
So that means one more gym credit, I dont want to take P.E, or Athletics....there is always band, however wont it be strange taking both martching band and guitar? So that is out of the question...There is always soccer, I played that for three years when I was in elementary school...then again, I did quit cause I was allergic to grass...and trees...besides, I was put as a defender. Which is basically, I really didnt have to do anything. Then there is running. I was in the running club in elementary school for two years....I dont know what class that is it track? Uhh....My best time for a mile was eight minutes, which isnt to good. Ummmm... I dont know what to do.
Tennis looks so fun, yet so hard....Trey-Chan said it takes a lot of endurance...I think.
Anyone have any ideas?
To Teddy, I am so sorry I could not go to Barns and Noble, it's just I didnt check my myspace until 5:30, and so...I dont think my parents would do take me there so suddenly, maybe some other time. Let's do something soon, I want so show you my hair! I just got a stratener, so now it looks really pretty!!
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
In celebration of the new Tales of Symphonia OVA that was just relesed in Japan (and youtube) I have changed my theme. Only for a little while!
^ ^
Hippy and I saw the first episdoe on youtube a while ago, and it was awsome!
For those of you that havent played the game, I highly recomend it! Hippy and I have already beaten it eight times, and still havent done everything in it!
So, I'm happy!!
Also, for this entire week, I have to baby sit from 3pm to 11pm. Everyday!! Well, at least I get $20 dollors for doing it.
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Friday, June 22, 2007
I dont want to go...
No, I will not go to camp!!
Last year, was the most horrible thing EVER!!
Camp starts next month, and I hope the church people dont make me go!
I already gave them an exquse, I get sick if I leave the town. (Which is a lie)
Last year, we went to lake Mathus, which was horrible! On our first day, there was a rat in our cabben, that night someone in our cabbin got stung by a bee. Then on another day, we found a squopian in our cabbin! Also, we never got rid of the rat!!
It was so hot too!!
The showers were discusting...there was a frog in the tolet. We coulndt use the bathroom alone, cause of wild pigs that live in that area. At least we saw some bunnies.
It was horrible, how ever this year the camp will be someplace up in the San Antiono area. I better not have to go, if I do, I WILL SET THE ENTIRE CAMP ON FIRE! Then run all the way to my brother's apartment.
That is my plan, so hopefully I dont have to go...
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Well, we finished remodling the room I'm currently sleeping in.
I used to sleep on the coutch in the living room, but my parents relocated my room. So, now I sleep in the orange room. The floor tiles are finally put in, and yesterday Hippy and I moved all the posters that were in the old room to the new one. We havent finshed putting all of our stuff in there. Like our mangas and things like that. We are soon going to decarate! Any one have any ideas on what we should put in our new room? We already have four My Chemical Romance posters, one Panic! At the disco, two AFI, and one Clay Akein poster. Those are hanging on the inside of the entrance door, the Legend of Zelda poster is outside the door. On one door of the closet is a FullMetal Alchemist poster, and on the other closet door is an Axel x Roxas picture I drew. All we have is posters, so please give me some ideas of other things we could put up that would be wonderful!
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Well, nothing much has happened.
We didnt do anything for fathers day, because my parents dont get paid until this saterday. Also, I forgot...hey, he "forgets" my birthday I "forget" fathers day. It's how life works...I think.
Oh, I found this really fun site that you can make your own myspace layout and save them on the site. I forgot the name of it however. I've already made like nine diffrent layouts. It's really fun.
Everyone! This is a link to the wonderful Trey-Chan's otaku site! I hope the link works, if not, I'll have to make another one.
.. ">
Trey-Chan is my crazy editor of doom. It is very sad that no one comments her posts, so it would be wonderful if you all could visit her site. She dosnt post to often, but when she does, her posts are awsome!! She has done so much for me!! Trey-Chan is loves Prince of Tennis and Tsubasa!! She is also the person that got me into yaoi!
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Friday, June 15, 2007
I have returned!!
Yes, my computer is now fixed once more.
The computer guy said that there was over 5,000 virueses in the thing. Also, you know that thing that you put C.Ds to play games and things like that. Well, that broke. So, the computer people fixed it and now I can burn things. So, if anyone knows any good sites to download music please put the address in your commement.
Okay well a lot has happened sicne the computer crashed. So here is everything:
The Wedding-
Well, my aunt and uncle are now legally marred after 25 years. It was actally a really simple wedding. None of the females word dresses, not even the bride. The bride wore a pink blouse and kahki pants, the groom wore some blue dress shirt, and jeans. Oh, and the poor bishop that had to marry them! He was the only white person in the enitre room, and was the best dressed too! I'm kinda happy that he left as soon as the ceremony was finished. I had never realized how dirty my family was! They were cracking the most dirty jokes! Espsally toward my father and mother! It was so funny!! One of my cosins called my sister Sora the Mid Life Crisis Baby. Sora is only three, but that just goes to show you how old my parents were when she was born.
Teddy's House-
One day, Teddy came to my house and he had Uuben with him. They wanted me to go Teddy's house so I did. Hippy was in the shower at the time, so I walked with them to his house. Unknowingly until Hippy told me, that my father began to freak out when I left. She told me that he began to have like a panic attack or something when he saw me walk of with two boys. So, he told my mother to take Hippy to Teddy's house as fast as she could. We had an awsome time at the house. Teddy gave Hippy and me some watermelon, and some cake. It was wonderful! I remember that, those things were the best food that I had aten all day. So it rocked! They were playing a Naruto game. I didnt want to play, because of my illness. Well, it's not really a illness. I have sweaty palm syndrom. Which means usally after I play a video game the controller is it was dipped in water.
The sleepover-
Last night I spent the night at Trey-Chan's house. It was really fun!! She fixed up my hair, and it looked really pretty!! Also she showed me a bunch of Prince of Tennis things. Like the musical, and the D-Boys. Stuff like that. It was really cool. I didnt realize that there was so much characters. Also there were spiders!! Which is bad, cause I'm allergic to them. We found two!! I had an awsome time at Trey-Chan's house! Maybe next time, as soon as we finsih remodling my room Trey-Chan can sleep over!
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Well, right now I'm at Teddy's house!
However, my computer is still dead. Which sucks.
Sadly I will not be able to visit sites yet.
So as soon as I get my cpu back I be sure to vist!
Love ya!!
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
REJOICE!~ (but not too loudly ^^;)
Heys, this is Trey-Chan filling in for Mimi and her dead computer ^^;
But do not fear for there's a 51.3% chance that the computer people can save Mimi's computer from death! (how many times has it dodged the bullet? o_O ..... oh, Mimi says ALOT)
So, if her computer doesn't die COMPLETELY, she might have it back tomorrow~ =D
I'm sorry these post are really short, but it's kinda hard when Mimi won't cooperate on the phone >.<
But it's ok, we still love her =D
Teddy: Mimi wants to know what your doing in Arizona. Are you there just to be there or are you there for good? O_o
In Mimi's own words (and I quote!)
Mimi: uiguivgtyfuglo;jopjjo TEDDY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN ARIZONA?!?!?!?!?!?!?! >.<
^_^ see ya guys later~!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I have taken over!!!!!~~~ (not really...)
Hello alls~
This is Trey-Chan, Mimi's awesome editor of doom! (not really...)
Mimi's computer died and will be dead for a while, so I will type out her post thingy-ma-bobber:
End of post.....
.........>.< Mimi! What the hell?!
*cough* Yeah....
Well, Mimi will be back as soon as the virus DIES! >o<
And to Teddy, Mimi says don't worry about updating her post *is being forced to update for her*
So..... yeah.....
ByeBye!~ =D
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