I dont want to go...
No, I will not go to camp!!
Last year, was the most horrible thing EVER!!
Camp starts next month, and I hope the church people dont make me go!
I already gave them an exquse, I get sick if I leave the town. (Which is a lie)
Last year, we went to lake Mathus, which was horrible! On our first day, there was a rat in our cabben, that night someone in our cabbin got stung by a bee. Then on another day, we found a squopian in our cabbin! Also, we never got rid of the rat!!
It was so hot too!!
The showers were discusting...there was a frog in the tolet. We coulndt use the bathroom alone, cause of wild pigs that live in that area. At least we saw some bunnies.
It was horrible, how ever this year the camp will be someplace up in the San Antiono area. I better not have to go, if I do, I WILL SET THE ENTIRE CAMP ON FIRE! Then run all the way to my brother's apartment.
That is my plan, so hopefully I dont have to go...