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myOtaku.com: Mimi

Thursday, August 26, 2004

It's been to long since I've updated, but college has kept me pretty busy. I really like it though. I only have five classes in four days, and they seem to go pretty fast. I'd have to say my favorite one would be Princples of Economics. The teacher is so cool! He's really funny, and he keeps you focused on what we're learning. I'd say my second favorite would be Philosphy of Religion. It's cool, but I mainly like it cause there's this really cute guy in it. He's only about five months younger than me, but he has a girlfriend.

On Monday I have World Civilizations, and Philosphy of Religion. Tuesday I have English Comp. 101. Wednesday I have Princples of Economics, and Thurday, today, I had Oral Communications.

I love college a lot more than I did high school. It's so much cooler! The only thing I don't like is that they give you homework right away, but it's mainly just reading. It's not to bad. Well I'll shut up now, so bye!

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