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myOtaku.com: Mimi

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 08/04/04:

Result Posted on 08/04/04:

Which Marauder are you?
quiz made by Robyn and Angie.
It's Harry Potter's mom!

Result Posted on 08/04/04:

Result Posted on 08/04/04:

Result Posted on 08/04/04:

If you were a Rochester what would you be like? by Sylver Lupin
HairBrown Blonde
EyesGrey Blue
Height5 foot 6 inches
TempermentKy/Jonny w/ some Beth - Sweet and angelic with a little demon inside
Favorite ParentJonny
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Which Megami Kouhosei character are you?

Take the Megami Kouhosei character selector to find out.

theOtaku.com: What Happy Lesson Teacher-Mother Are You?
theOtaku.com: What Anime Angel Are You?

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at mutedfaith.com.
You cute little thang, you're Akane!

Which Magic User's Club Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You in Saiyuki by Maris-chan
Your name
Your date of birth
Way of transportationan old mini-van
Best friend
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Card Captor Sakura- Li+Sakura

What Anime Couple Are You?

Who's your celebrity match? Find out @ Mind-Blowing!!! Tooboe
Which Wolf's Rain Character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Toboe

Which Wolf's Rain character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla live
your quote is live Life the best you can. Your not
sure whats ganna happen to you as life goes on
but your sure to make the best of it. You realy
do live your life as best you can, by pushing
your limits, always finding the silver
ligning,and i'm sure your a realy good friend.
KEEP IT UP! <^.~>

what is your quote
brought to you by Quizilla Mint Tea
Mint Tea... You are Mint Tea! Naturally sweet you have a happy-go-lucky attitude.
The world is full of fun and wonder! Although
you can be naive at times and quite aloof to
your surroundings you know how to have good
clean fun! Most people see you as cute and very
gentle by nature and it is most likely true.
You have a great outlook on life and you try
not to let things get to you. Go you!

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by Quizilla

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com Cutie Patuti
CUTE! Your cute attitude and clothing covers your
attitude perfectly. Smiles come naturally for
you and Parents love you. Your colors should be
bright happy colors!! You mislead people at
times with your curiosity, but get out of
scrapes when you need to.

Whats Your Inner Attitude? (For girls) Anime Pics (many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla White
You are White.
Simple, Truthful and innocent. Almost with the
mind of a child, white's tend to be somewhat
naive at times. Ignorance can be bliss, but it
can also lead to a boring conversation.

What Color Best Represents Your Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am truly passionate. Find your soul type at kelly.moranweb.com.
You're excited about life and in touch with yourself and nature. Tell me, do I have this straight? Virtues: You appreciate humor like none other. Puns might even spark laughter in you (TEHY R FUNNI). You seek adventure and connection with your surroundings. You seek friends who will not only share laughs with you but actually form a deep bond of trust and empathy beneath the surface. You look for adventure and courage in people, and variation is necessary to keep you under control. You see yourself as multi-faceted, so you need people who can see you in your many lights. You're constantly trying to figure yourself out while analyzing the people around you. Silly, silly people. Aspirations: You can't decide what you want to be yet, but you know you want it to be adventures and interesting, with constant changes. You don't know what love will do for you yet, but it's competing with adventure for a place in your heart. An internal conflict has begun: can you be a successful worker, lover, and parent all at once? Quirks: Noise of any sort is irritating when you're in the mood. Smacking gum, loud chewing, humming- it's about as pleasing as bodily noises. You dislike emaciated people because of jealousy and just plain disgust. You're a procrastinator but a hard worker, too. Factors: You need constant attention and support. You're high-maintnence, but a great, reliable friend. Nature needs you and you need nature; it's helped thus far, so keep in touch with the outside world. Future: Who knows! You absolutely need constant change, so vacationing is surely in the cards. Will you settle down or not? Love will find you eventually, as it does to everyone. Will you choose the sweet home life or the rewarding busy-bee life?

Result Posted on 08/03/04:

Who were you in a past life? by Kat007
Favorite Color:
You were most probably:A pirate
If not then you were:Just another face in Japan
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
You are a PHOENIX in your soul and your
wings make a statement. Huge and born of flame,
they burn with light and power and rebirth.
Ashes fall from your wingtips. You are an
amazingly strong person. You survive, even
flourish in adversity and hardship. A firm
believer in the phrase, 'Whatever doesn't kill
you only makes you stronger,' you rarely fear
failure. You know that any mistake you make
will teach you more about yourself and allow
you to 'rise from the ashes' as a still greater
being. Because of this, you rarely make the
same mistake twice, and are not among the most
forgiving people. You're extremely powerful and
wise, and are capable of fierce pride, passion,
and anger. Perhaps you're this way because you
were forced to survive a rough childhood. Or
maybe you just have a strong grasp on reality
and know that life is tough and the world is
cruel, and it takes strength and independence
to survive it. And independence is your
strongest point - you may care for others, and
even depend on them...but when it comes right
down to it, the only one you need is yourself.
Thus you trust your own intuition, and rely on
a mind almost as brilliant as the fire of your
wings to guide you.You are eternal and because
you have a strong sense of who and what you
are, no one can control your heart or mind, or
even really influence your thinking. A symbol
of rebirth and renewal, you tend to be a very
spiritual person with a serious mind - never
acting immature and harboring a superior
disgust of those who do. Likewise, humanity's
stupidity and tendency to want others to solve
their problems for them frustrates you
endlessly. Though you can be stubborn,
outspoken, and haughty, I admire you greatly.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla sandals
Sandals- peaceful, daydreamy, and thoughtful, you
often find yourself staring into space. When
you aren't out volunteering you are often just
dreaming away. You enjoy the company of
friends sometimes but enjoy peace and quiet.
[please vote! thank you! :)]

What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla DesireLove
Love. You Truly Desire Love. You long for someone
to hold you and take the pain away. You haven't
been in much relationships or you need to work
on how to handle them. You always seem lost in
a daydream about the person you care about

What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla
theOtaku.com: What is Your Super Smash Bros. Fighting Style? http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/E/EmberKestrel/1066363856_la008elsie.jpg
The Dreamer Escapes from society into a daydream where beauty
and adventure are all at her fingertips. She
still seeks to find aspects of her imagined
world in the real one, childlike almost in her
perspective, naive at times but genius at
others, a thirst for new ideas, new
information, new places all in the hope to find
what she longs for, but as of yet can only find
in her dreams...

A unique perspective on one's inner self: who are you?
brought to you by Quizilla The Sun
The Sun Your personality is solar. You are bursting with
inner vitality, warmth and strength. You shine
on everyone around you and make them feel good.
Your friends all adore you - and when you
aren't around them they miss you terribly.

What's Your Celestial Personality Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 08/03/04:

You are this image! The happy Vash!

What Vash The Stampede Image Are You? (Trigun)
brought to you by Quizilla
Which LOTR man were you stalking? by LadyBella
Name (user or otherwise):
Who you were stalking:Dominic Monaghan
Purpose:Hey, it’s a hobby!
Result:E-Bay will never be the same...
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
What Annoying Celebrity are YOU Destined to Kill? by tiffeh
You will killthe members of N'Sync
Withrat poison
OnOctober 7, 2006
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Which LoTR Character Will You Most Likely Rape? by Cardila
Shoe Size
Favorite Color of Jelly Bean
Reason Why He Submits"I'd do anything for 58 cents"
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Which LOTR man were you stalking? by LadyBella
Name (user or otherwise):
Who you were stalking:Dominic Monaghan
Purpose:Hey, it’s a hobby!
Result:E-Bay will never be the same...
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Your Vampire: The Masquerade Vampire by Pudding333
Your Name
Date You Were EmbracedFebruary 15, 874
Sect and ClanSabbat: Gangrel
Path You Follow Or PreferThe Path of Metamorphosis
Greatest StrengthAbility to manipulate pretty much anyone you want
Greatest WeaknessImmense dislike of humans
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What are you wanted for? by meteoric
CrimeShoplifting a turkey
Reward for capture$82,436
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Whos Your Celeb Sex Slave? by angelsurfer
Color Eyes?
Your Celeb?Orlando Bloom... ooh you like those guys with that feminine touch
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How will Orlando Bloom fuck you? by nothing_to_say
Your LJ name
Your Age
When?On the night of his movie premiere
Where?Your house
How?Keep teasing you until you can't take it anymore
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Your Inner Kitty by gifted_one
Fur lengthShort
ColorsDark Gray, blue eyes
Kitty accessoriesA spiked collar
Favorite thing to say"Wanna be friends?"
# of lives you have left6
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Which LOTR Guy Will Give You A Fab Birthday Gift? by DarkRose
Favorite Color
Who Gives You The GiftDom and Billy joint gift
What They Give YouA trip to Disneyworld
Estimated Value$4,071
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what LOTR actor will you be issued a restraining order from? by ebonyeyeliner
your name
actorHugo Weaving
reason for restraining orderwrote one too many letters
how far you must stay away from said actoron the next continent
response actor gave to reporters"i can never undress anymore"
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Which LOTR character (male) would you end up with? by Cormak
You end up with:Legolas
You meet on:May 22, 3020
This is where:beneath the leaves of Lorien
And this is what happens:He pulls you against him and kisses you passionately.
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Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn
Your Name
You Are A:Country lover
Your Favorite Band/SongLinkin Park - My December
You Like To Read:Classic literature
You Firmly Believe In:Nudity
Everyone Thinks You Are:You don't have any friends
You Were Conceived:In a burning building
You Will Marry:A respectable person
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Your Life: The Movie by mintyduck
Who will play you:LL Cool J
Who will play your love interest:Parker Posey
Weeks you will stay in the box office:14
Song that will play during your love scene:Pulp - Something Changed
Song that will play during your death:Frente - Air
Your name:
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What will your last words be? by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."this pain it'll go away soon, right?"
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:Your mother warned you not to run around with scissors in your hand. You die by some freak accident. Can't really say it was pretty, your Funeral is a closed casket.
Death Date:July 5, 2027
Number attending your funeral?108
How much will you leave to friends and family?$162,784
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Result Posted on 08/03/04:

Quiz @ TAZL.com
You are a Butterfly! You like organization and things to be just-so. You never take shortcuts, and no matter how long it takes, you try your hardest. When others don't go by the rules, you often get frustrated. Some might call you a perfectionist; but we all know that you're just determined to do your best. :)
Your Icon is..... by d3athofs3asons
Your Name
Your Age
Your B-day
Your Icon Is....
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/03/04:

Result Posted on 08/03/04:

I adopted a cute lil' pikachu fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I adopted a cute lil' cow fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I adopted a cute lil' easter bunny fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I adopted a cute lil' giraffe fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

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