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Texas (Calallen) to be presise
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taking care of horses
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making honors band
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Beyblade/Inuyasha/Case Closed/Yu-Gi-Oh/Pokemon/Yu Yu Hakusho/Mobile Suit Gundam Seed/Dragonball Z,GT/Rurouni Kenshin/Duel Masters/Rave Master
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calming bucking horses/dancing/singing/Beyblading/drawing
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Monday, June 27, 2005
hey guys it's about 6:10am and I have a dentist appointment at 8:30am. I have to get fillings. But one of my cousins is staying over for a while and we are having a hillrious time because we are kinda alike because she likes soccer and I like soccer. Where both kinda messy and she is starting to like anime. She started whatching it with me last night and she said that it was interesting and cool. NEways I'm just really bored. Oh and IF YOU WOULD LIKE DOBY VILLAGE IS HOLDING A FAN ART CONTEST SO PLEASE ENTER! We haven't gotten any in yet but you can go to the site that me and goku162002 made. It is a Shaman King club and you all can still join if you want. If you go to goku162002's site and the Doby Village banner has the link on it. You would be all be helping out because I would like to choose a winner before I leave for Europe on sunday. I will be gone for 3weeks. I will miss you guys so much. But maybe I'll be able to get on a computer somewhere. Well I gues I'll chat with you guys later.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I don't know what to call it!
Don't know what to call it!
hey guys well I had this neat idea that if someone would like to do it. I thought that some one could give me their phone # (depending on where they live) and I would try to call them just to see what my friends sond like. I would really like to try this if any of you are up to it. And don't worry I WILL NOT give out any personal information that you all will give to me. If you would like to try it just PM me and I can do more than one person. And sorry BEYBLADER I don't have a puzzle right now, but I will have one up pretty soon.
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
hey guys well that's it school is officially out for summer. But during Athletics the mood was somewhat of morningful. This exchange student from Mexico was our school this year and now she is going back to Mexico. Her name is Maria and we will all miss her greatly becuse she did so much for our teams in athletics.(Sniffles) Sorry it is just to sad to see her go because she was a TOTALLY AWSOME FRIEND TO US ALL. Well I will be leaving in about a month to go to Europe but I will let yall know when.
Quote:(From Lary the Cable Guy) GET-ER-DONE/LORD I APOLOGISE
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
hey guys I am trying to get some money for my trip to Europe and I am selling my Pokemon cards for that. And I have double Star, Hollo Graphic, Drak, Light, ect...
So if any of you are interested in this please tell me. I have energy decks, and trainer decks also. So if you have any
?s PLEASE TELL ME or if you do not understand anything also tell me.
QUOTE: "The best thing you could have in the entire world is your family and friends, So don't lose them."
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Friday, April 15, 2005
100 GB entries
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!100GB entries
OMG i am so happy I have finaly got 100 GB entries. And sorry for not updating in a while but my internet is not working and it still itsn't working so I am on my dad's computer.
I have TAKS test next week so just kill me now. And last week I saved a baby horses life because if I wasn't out there Hay Misha (the horse i saved) wouldn't be here right now. I will have a picture up soon. And I have to go to work tomorow and hand out ribbons to the winners at the horse jummping competition. And I have to make sure that no one gets hurt and stays out of the ring. well got to go .BYE
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Monday, March 28, 2005
More Pics
hey guys I am sssoooo happy because I got the Beyblade movie yesterday for Easter. But there is a part in it that I didn't like. There was this street full of people trying to get out and all of a sudden this big tsunami comes a lands on all the people and takes out a bunch of buildings. Well here are some more pictures.

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Sunday, March 20, 2005
hey guys I would like to again thank beyblader for helping me with my other site (not ano otaku one) but no one has been coming so please can you go to my other site and check it out. it is at
P.S. here are some funny pics to help you if you are feeling down today. they might be a little wrong but they funny.

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Saturday, March 19, 2005
hey guys I would like to again thank beyblader for helping me with my other site (not ano otaku one) but no one has been coming so please can you go to my other site and check it out. it is at
P.S. here are some funny pics to help you if you are feeling down today. they might be a little wrong but they funny.

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Thursday, March 17, 2005
hey guys I know the captions in these piv\ctures are a bit nasty but they are SOOO FUNNY! I will have more up soon.this one says TYSON:hey, tone down the licking!That tickels.
MAX:Mmmm!...right there...I love being uke.
REI:Maybe Kai is checking out my ass?...
KAI:I wonder if I look sexy?

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
hey guys I know the captions in these piv\ctures are a bit nasty but they are SOOO FUNNY! I will have more up soon.this one says TYSON:hey, tone down the licking!That tickels.
MAX:Mmmm!...right there...I love being uke.
REI:Maybe Kai is checking out my ass?...
KAI:I wonder if I look sexy?

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