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Thursday, January 22, 2004
" As Box and Naked Mining Guy climb higher they start to notice a change "
" What has Box so excited ? "
It's a double-whammy picture day ! ^_^
(ok, so I thought the first picture didn't stand too good on its own.... it does serve a purpose though, which you will see further down the ladder--- line ~_^ )
Any guesses on what has Box so excited ?
[I wrote some more stuff regarding communication, only a bit more personal.
Reading this is entirely optional.This isn't aimed at anyone.
It is simply an extract from my brain]
Past Communication
I was silent during the first three years of my life.
There was no need to talk, my mom could read me perfectly and to everyone else I was the token sweet child.
Meaning they had no interest in communicating with me, mainly wanting me around because I was less of a hassle than others. ( ie, you could bowl me over and get away with it )
Even though my own communication was limited, I absolutely loved every aspect of it.
I would absorb everything, but never apply my knowledge.
Because there was no need for it.
And so it went on, for many years.
I did try to reach out to my classmates a bit more, around the age of 10-11, but by then the information I had gathered was outdated.
Making my communicational attempts blow up in my face.
For a while I wavered between trying harder and finding new ways to bond with people.
But in the end it was easier to fall back on old routines and habits.
Things changed slightly when I entered my teens.
I guess all that intake was dying for an outlet, so I started to write.
Or at least write more.
( I can't begin to tell you how many notes I've put on my door in my youth, when I was upset and unable to speak )
What I wrote back then was incredibly angsty and ironically enough, people loved it.
I'm sure I meant for my creativity to function as some sort of passage an attempt to leave behind the pain that lingered.
But people encouraged me to stay in that darkness so much, that I decided the attention was worth more than closure and possible happiness.
So even if I communicated, I felt more silenced than ever during those 3 years of school.
Things were pouring out of me, but no one listened and at some point I decided to stay in the image they wanted me to portray.
It felt better to be wanted for anything, than to be pushed away for not heeding to their wants and needs.
The turning point came when I was 17.
It was fairly undramatic, at least if you consider how disastrous it could've been.
After that I've been slowly, and initially painstakingly, (re)discovered communication and how to work it in my favour.
( For someone who hasn't communicated at all to experiencing an overwhelming desire to tell the world they saw a hedgehog it feels like having your sanity ripped out repeatedly. )
Present communication
In some ways I find myself changed, in that I now have more of an identity and aren't as afraid to claim my right to be heard.
I now believe that what I have to say matters (to some extent), even if someone is patting me on the head or completely ignoring what I say I feel free to throw my glove and say
[insert phrase here]
So nowadays it's funny when I come across people who are all about themselves, whereas before it would seriously hurt me and make me feel used.
It is truly amusing and a wonderful opportunity to further analyze communication ( as well as psychology, but I won't go there today ~_^ ) in all its shapes and forms.
I'm not going to try and tell them to snap out of it, nor to ask them to acknowledge others as much as themselves.
It's up to each person how they choose to communicate with me (or others) and it's equally my choice to return the favour
Or not .
I'm sure what I've written in this post and in the previous one is incredibly rambly =^_^=
And like I said, it's not aimed at anyone - just so that we're perfectly clear ~_^
I'm sure what I wrote applies to myself as well :p
" It's Box in a box ! "
My Ego and I would like to thank all you wonderful people for supplying such an abundance of goody Badness ~_^
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi (basking in her Badness )
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
" Naked Mining Guy and Box decide to continue the climb together "
Box and Naked Mining guy make a great team, no ? ^_^
If ya'll don't stop feeding my ego, I will post even more individual "Naked Mining Guy" and "Box" pictures......
I've always been fascinated by how people interact, what happens when they do and the implications of sharing yourself with others.
There are so many ways to communicate, and yet it is difficult to be heard sometimes to find your own voice.
In reaching out to others (or choosing not to, for that matter) lies danger of misconception, but also the excitement of finding new worlds within others.
It's like a rainbow you can choose to see it as half a circle of colors, only looking at what is visible to your eyes.
Or go beyond the horizon and accept that it's much more than that. Research its origin, delve into the stories surrounding it and come a little bit closer to what is a beautiful (in)sight.
How and what do you communicate ?
Physical communication body language can often contradict what we say in words.
It can also be used to highlight / emphasize other ways of communication reaching out with a hand, accompanied with caring words / stressing a point and so forth so it can be used both passively, as well as actively, in ways of communication.
Silent communication often collaborates with body language is still communication in some sense.
By not responding to conversation or situations, you still transmit something, in the sense that others fill in the voids and interpret the silence as having a certain meaning.
In the silence there can be words screaming so loud that it's painful to hear.
Spoken communication different languages, both geographically and socially could be thought as being the richest element of communication.
The tone of your voice, accompanied with body language makes for an intricate sharing of thoughts.
It is by no means perfect though communication rarely is - for speaking the same language does not equal understanding what the other person is saying.
The melody and motions vary from each human and, depending how well the relationship is developed between 2 (or more) people talking, it is easy to insert your own "logics" into the conversation thereby disrupting direct communication resulting in severe lack of exchanging thoughts and ideas.
Written communication words on various objects is on one hand completely severed from emotions embedded in the spoken word, yet bursting with the feelings it carries across to both the author and reader.
As with any form of communication, it is subject to individual perception/interpretation maybe more so, considering it is a somewhat sterile art of communication but that is also what it relies on, what it strives for.
To spawn, challenge and further thoughts / ideals / perceptions and thereby creating a foundation for further exchange / communication.
Not to mention how you can communicate with sound, visuals and so on.
But I won't go into that now, I just wanted to put down some of the thoughts I have on this intriguing subject ^_^;
If you want to share your own thoughts about this, then there are plenty of ways to do so ~_^
(haha, yes funny :p )
Bass Baby
Kenji/Kaisuke shared some good stuff of him playing the bass, last night.
At first I thought he wanted to send something..... incriminating ~_^
But it was perfectly legal and interesting to hear/see. He plays well and has nice hands *nods*
And he also has a wife to give him foot rubs, so Congrats to him/her for that ^_^
Shifty Facts
* Hehe, I borrowed "Tale of Time City" in Swedish and I've yet to start reading it >__>
I wonder if this will be a repetition of the last one reading it two days after its due-date and returning it a week later ^_^;
* The weather has been weird snow in the morning, followed by brilliant sunshine from noon to early evening. It gives me an excuse not to leave the house too early to do stuff ^_^
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi (high on the sunshine reflecting on her Pants collection)
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
" Box finds someone sleeping on the ladder "
Lea gets cookies (and scolding ~_^ ) for anticipating the plot development ~_-
Stay tuned for more "Naked Mining Guy and Box Adventures"....
Err, the title sort of gives it away, doesn't it ^_^;
*laughs at herself*
(feel free to join me ~_^ )
I had planned to take a walk today, I really had but the snow started to fall (I'll forget to mention that the flakes were minimal and very far in between).
And anyway, Des had me running from one computer to another, in a vain attempt to speed up downloading goodness ~_^
So I say that I've had my daily exercise and eat chocolate instead >__>
Sara shot me to heaven ~_^
When I browsed through the MyO's this morning (ok, technically it's still morning *cough*) I noticed something very odd about Sara's....
It looked really spammy and made no sense, there was pornographic material ... for a moment I was really freaked out O_o
Then I read my name and it all became crystal clear >__>
Seriously though, I felt very honoured - Yes, yes I did *wink*
Obviously I'm still trying to find my place in this world, which makes it even more special to hear that people give me the time of day and allow me to develop further ^_^
Loud Mentionings
Thanks to Heaven's Cloud and Anatema and Shinji and everyone else for that matter
for grazing (>__>;) my Guestbook ^_^
My coolness is your coolness, but stay out of my casa ~_^
NightBeck My game is Male pants, though considering the Badness of certain Female pants.... hmm... ~_^
AJeh - My collection of Pants and I, welcome you ^_^
If you wish to donate another pair, leave your socks after the beep.
Soon to come
I'm sketching on an idea of sorts, an idea that will hopefully spawn some good discussion at OB. I've told a few people about it and got some positive reaction, so the only thing left to do is to wrap it up neatly and hope that it pans out well.
It'll take a few more days before it comes out into the open, I just wanted to assume the part of the Tease today ~_^
And I also had a thought, bound to end up here... soon.... It's about something I think about, on an almost daily basis - something that relates to everyday life, really.
Until then Here's a little something to distract you:
" Naked Mining Guy does the one leg distraction move "
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi (bewaring the powers of Shy)
Comments (5) |
Monday, January 19, 2004
" Box thinks he sees something up ahead "
What could it be ?? O_o
Whatever will happen next ?? >__>
Will the suspense kill me ?? ~_^
Dagger is Badness ! She rocks and we all know it ^_^
*high five to Arcadia and Dagger*
Good thing of Today:
Azure ^_^
An historical Moment
In yesterdays crazy OB chat, I stole Shy's pants *poses*
I was sooo nervous as I went in for the theft, shaking and giggling like a little schoolgirl =^_^=
Shy temporarily banned me for my actions, which oddly enough felt very honouring >__>
As he lifted the ban, he said :
*unbans Mimmi but now she owes Shy a favor, a favor that may not be called upon for years, but when it finally is called upon the effects of it will be felt for a thousand generations*
*nervous giggle*
That was a joke.... right ?
And even if it wasn't a joke, it will still be worth it.... right ?
*swallows hard*
Today was Monday
When I woke up around 9 am this morning I didn't feel like throwing down breakfast, so I went online instead.
Got on aim and generally browsed the net before I knew it, it was 11.30 am and I still hadn't had breakfast.
I think that was one of the reasons the day got thwarted in the wrong direction, cause I rely a lot on breakfast -_-
After "breakfast" I decided to try and fix my computer, which shuts down everytime I go to Angelfire ~_^
This took several hours of my time, making me forget all about that walk I intended to take.
I doubt that what I did fixed anything, so it felt like I had wasted a whole day resulting in loss of appetite *groans* and I was really hungry, but I just didn't feel like eating.
Dad came home around that time (4.30 pm), so I forced him to cook something for me.
So now I'm trying to let things go and relax the computer is working fine, I just can't visit Angelfire *shrugs*
La Familia
So yeah, my older sister is coming home this week.
Technically it's a visit, but she'll be staying a couple of months ( I think ) so it feels more like a "home coming" than anything else ^_^
My younger sister will also be visiting this weekend, so I'm sure things will be quite lively around the house O.o
Even the oldest sister is talking about coming home for a day or two, though that probably won't be until February or something, but it still feels like everyone's invading the house all at once ^_^;
And here I've been complaining that no one ever comes to visit that's what I get for opening my big mouth >__>
It's all good anyway, there'll be a lot of movies to watch, we might catch up on some video games and generally goof around ^_^
Oh, about "La Familia" =^_^=
That's us females in my family - my sisters and mom ^_^
Dad's not allowed membership, cause he hasn't got enough Badness ~_^
It's just something we started saying a couple of years ago, and it stuck despite being separated by continents (physical and mental ones) we still huddle up and look out for eachother.
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi
Comments (4) |
Sunday, January 18, 2004
" Today Box feels he should start his climb toward the heavens "
We got Action, people !
Box is on the move ^_^
( Oh, Lea Box got down from the clouds using the ladder >__>
just kidding, Box got down of his own free will >__>
...*rolls eyes* I must stop this - Box has his mysterious ways ~_^ )
Zidane is the latest victim--- person, to be relieved of his pants.
Congratulations ^_^
James, in addition to the previous pair, is one more pair of pants down ^__^
Here's a Shout Out to my Bad Buddy, Arcadia !
Badness, Girl Badness ^_^
*high five and pose*
General Stuff
Those quiz results were something, ey ? ^_^
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy my Animal Companion *wink*
Speaking of which
Me and Azure are still working at the surprise, time difference is really a nuisance -_-
But we'll get there then you will be able to marvel at our collaboration ^__^
The new banner at OB is looking quite nifty though James' interpretation of it will be punished ~_^
Speaking of which Here follows a picture of James in Speedos !
(This is how I from now on will picture him, anyway ^___^ )
Random Sayings
" It's always gratifying to look at the past and feel that you live in the present.
I'm sure the future will feel that way too. "
- Mimmi
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi
Comments (5) |
Saturday, January 17, 2004
" Box lays in grass and contemplates whether or not to climb the ladder "
This feels like one of them soaps you watch when you're home sick. >__>
Yesterday my computer started to act up on me, shutting down programs in the middle of working on stuff, completely shutting down for no reason - and so on and so forth.
I tried earlier this morning to visit angelfire, but I kept getting shut down, so I copied all the important stuff on a cd and was about to re-boot from scratch...
Now for some reason, the computer works fine - I can access the sites I need to access.
Sure, Photostudio still crashes on me whenever I'm seconds away from saving an image I've doodled on for half an hour - but I can live with that *shrugs*
Speaking on Photostudio/Photoshop
Azure gave me a fantastic idea when I spoke to him last.
You see, I've had this image that I've wanted to do something with - but I could never come up with the perfect thing to tweak it with.
I took that idea and worked/finished it pretty quickly (still taking an eternity after I'd done it, to see if it could be made better >__> )
This morning I got another idea for it - but it'll be a while before you all get to see it ^_^
I don't know if I want to use both ideas, making it animated - which would require the further assistance of someone else - and I want to keep it as simple as possible.
Ah well....
Family matters
My older sister (the one living on Curacao) got on the plane yesterday and is probably in Amsterdam right about now.
She's decided to stay there a couple of days, to visit friends - so I'm expecting her sometime next week... maybe.
I'm not sure I got it right, but dad mentioned something about an airline strike.
That could possibly make it difficult for her to get from Amsterdam and here.
But I'll not worry my ditzy head about that ^_^
I "borrowed" most of them from Moletta ( thank you ^_^ ) - the last one was from Mitch's place though >__>
I found it really funny that I would be "Goddess of Death" when I feel more alive then ever ~_^
Though I quite like what the rest of it say ^_^;
![Sun](http://images.quizilla.com/S/spiritdaemon/1067253612_cturesSun2.jpg) You are the Sun...
Vain, Dignified, Generous
The sun being an orb, or circle, is one of the oldest symbols known that represents life in many cultures. While the sun is not a true planet it is considered so in astrology forecasts. The sun represents your ego and your conscious will as well as your physical life energies. It is your every day consciousness (awareness) through which other levels of consciousness can interact. The Sun is the heart of the horoscope and where it is found then it is there that you will want to shine.
What planet do you represent? (Anime Pictures Girls) Please Rate!!! brought to you by Quizilla
*laughs uncontrollably*
usually I'd strike the "Vain" part, but considering what I did only a couple of days ago >___>
![free](http://images.quizilla.com/A/ArtisticLoser/1062220442_Free.jpg) FREEDOM... your soul wants to be unbound...
What is your soul looking for?? (images) brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, but my body says something entirely different >__>
![Wind Goddess](http://images.quizilla.com/J/joeywheelerlover/1060270897_indGoddess.jpg) Goddess of Wind. You are shy and creative. You are only comfortable when or where there is a breeze.
What Goddess Are You? (Girls) (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Shy yes
Creative yes
Most comfortable where there's a breeze Kilts !! >__>
![You Are Beauty](http://images.quizilla.com/A/Aingael/1051896315_uresbeauty.jpg) You are Beauty.
You are beautiful, whether it be on the inside, the outside, or both. People are drawn to you as strongly as you are drawn to the beauty in the world around you.
What Emotion Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I'd beg to differ and then again, I'd not >__>
I did several tries this one was the first (or second) I got and it sort of feels ok.
You know - I feel sexy, but to everyone else I'm sweet/silly.
But that's fine by me ^_^
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that People and Objects are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi
Comments (3) |
Friday, January 16, 2004
" Box finds a ladder to the sky "
What dastardly thoughts are flying through Box's mind ? ~_^
Stay tuned to find out >__>
School Anecdotes
The Iceland Chronicles part II
Remember how I said in my last post that we were disappointed that scheduled excursions didn't happen and got rearranged ?
Before we went on the trip we actually complained that it was too boxed into "doings and goings" ^_^;
We felt restricted from the list of activities, which was included in a pamphlet our teacher made
he was seriously *searches for word* uptight and anal ? >__>
Ah well
Iceland has some really intriguing landscapes it's pretty bare, the nature is raw and primal.
But all in a very "pretty" way.
(just as Princess Mononoke was a "new kind of pretty", so was Iceland ^_^ ).
I had a camera with me, unfortunately I wasn't very used to it but it made for interesting pictures :
This was some sort of sculpture, standing outside the Keflavik Airport
The Youth Hostel we stayed at.
The arrow points to my room ^_^
One massive waterfall !
Each picture came out differently (color, light etc) and these were the ones I liked most =^_^=
There's not too much vegetation on Iceland it feels like being on Mars, rocky landscapes and an eerie silence resting everywhere.
This is a Geysir
or at least it was seconds after/before I took the picture -_-'
For some reason we went to this place where they were smoking fish >_<
But beyond, was this amazing cliff area the view was stunning !
Random picture of the landscape ^_^
Reykjavik was and I don't mean to insult the Icelanders here ugly
it might have been the dull weather of early spring, but the town just felt lifeless
sad and dreary.
Though we never got to experience the nightlife
save for those two boys who snuck out one night ^_^ .
You see
We never got a curfew, a set time that we had to be in bed >__> so two guys decided to take advantage of this slip and had a night on the town.
The entire class got a bashing about this the following morning *lol*
A curfew was immediately set and our night time pleasures withdrawn ~_^
Reykjavik, right
The town had some good points, it was easy to get around and find your way. It had some very photogenic spots of buildings and such.
The people we interacted with were friendly enough and we got really well taken care of, I think *shrugs*
I honestly want to go back some day and try my hand at capturing that special feel Iceland gives off ^_^
The End Iceland lives on !
This one goes out to Pex, for I truly admire the fact that he works at Taco Bell *bows*
" This is the last time I eat at Taco Bell "
The Joys of Pants ~_^
Yesterday I had the great pleasure of relieving PT of his pants ^_^
I wanted to make it really special for him, but since my cold had taken quite a toll on me it only turned out semi-
special >__>
The Pant Raid Prevails !
*does some triumphant posing and prancing about*
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi
Comments (3) |
Thursday, January 15, 2004
" It looks like Naked Mining Guy is taking a nap "
Thank You Azure for helping me with the color de-coding !
I will be the Girly to your Manly :p
Stupidity seldom pays off -_-
I bought a new wintercoat about 1 year ago, at the peek of my weight gain, so now that I've lost all that sickness and then some it no longer fits me.
This in itself is a wonderful thing, there's nothing that beats the feeling of clothes hanging loosely around your body ^_^
However yesterday when I had decided to go for a walk, I looked at myself in the mirror.
The reflection did not respond well with how I felt gorgeous so I briefly glanced at the thermometer and registered " +1 Celsius "
Surely that was warm enough to wear my jeans jacket ? The sun was shining and there was hardly any wind
Said and done me and my jeans jacket took a 20 minute walk in +1 Celsius.
All the while I had this silly smirk/grin playing on my face, I simply couldn't help but feel great !
No one needs to tell me that this was incredibly superficial and stupid but the high of feeling
curvy, healthy, happy
outshone my intelligence >_>
My sillyness made my health (which was barely recovered after the dreadful weekend) decline rapidly within a few hours I was completely out of it -_-
Those talking to me probably noticed this =^_^=
Not the best of conditions for this mornings Dr's Visit >_>
Like I've said in previous posts, I've been sick for over a year now. Been to 5 different "normal" Doctors (conventional medicine) and in the end my mom had enough (and quite frankly so had I ), so she decided to try out this Homeopath that she'd heard good things about.
The only problem was that he practiced in a town that takes 2 hours by bus to get to >_<
However, we'd run out of options and if we had let it go on much longer well, let's not go there, shall we
My first visit was back in June and now, 6 or so months later, I'm slowly getting back to my former (and further) glory ^_^
But it's still 4 hours on a bus, 2 hours waiting in 2 towns ~_^
So when you're not feeling well, is sleep deprived, the alarm clock goes off at 06.45 am, you know you won't be home until 14.30 pm you really start regretting wearing that jeans jacket :p
In order to take the edge off of my gloomy situation, I succumbed to another spree of sillyness.
What you see are the promotional pictures for "Return of the King" that are plastered all over noticeboards ^_^
Behold Frodo and Co
Yes - you may all laugh at me ~_^
School Anecdote Postponed
The School Anecdote Iceland Chronicles part 2, will be postponed until tomorrow due to my weak state ^_^;
I'll include some pictures, so I hope you can keep you pants on till then (hahaha) ^_^
But before I leave, I'd like to include something I did write today. It's very unedited and non-revised, so excuse the randomness ^_^;
Painfree Awareness
I used to be lost not knowing who I was.
Maybe I've not "found" myself.
But I feel that " I am ".
This is infinitely much more than the nothingness and disoriented, me that I was.
I like to be happy and enjoy living it frustrates me when adversities get in the way of that.
Before, I would look for it invite it, want it more than anything.
This situation is still new to me and so sometimes I feel ashamed/guilty/silly/deceitful for feeling like this.
But I also know that I feel better now, compared to back then.
Meaning that the person I am now is truer to myself.
It's incredibly difficult to word these emotions, because they are so intricate, sophisticated and complicated and at the same time very basic, simple.
The very essential core of Mimmi
So, yeah it's very muddled and weird and silly. ^_^;
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi
Comments (1) |
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
" Naked Mining Guy begins to wonder if this was such a good idea "
Haha, this truly depicts how I've not decided in what pace to take this little story ~_^
Pants in all their beautiful shapes and fabrics
It appears that I got ahead of myself when I put down Solo's name on the list of "achievements" ^_^;
I had been planning the heist for a couple of days and then I go and blow my own cover *lol*
Ah well, we rectified that little error last night *wink*
And I'm confident Shin's pants are in good company, with the goodness that is Arcadia ^_^
I've not decided for definite what I will do with my collection I've been thinking about displaying them somehow, for they are quite stunning to behold.
But I also feel that they should be put to some use so I would not want to isolate them in a sterile environment, priceless jewels as they be.
In the end I shall probably snuggle into a pair (alternating each time, of course) and pose/prance around with them hopefully this will delight their previous owner[s] ^_^
There are a few more pants I'd like to get my hands on, after that I might go "exclusive" and be more choosy when I go in for the grab and run >_>
School Anecdote
( The Iceland Chronicles ^_^ )
Ok, this story didn't take place in school however it did involve my class, so I'm letting it pass ^_^;
April 1997, I went with my class to Iceland class trip O.o
It was our (homeroom) teachers' idea and it sort of ended up being our "final destination" ~_^
We did a lot of crazy things to raise money for that trip putting up an "Environmental Musical" was one of those cringe worthy moments of fund raising stunts we pulled >_<
Seeing as our teacher had chemistry/biology classes, the trip was supposed to be more tutorial then recreational which it to an extent was, but it didn't stop us from having fun in between ^_^
Before we went up there, we got in contact with an Icelandic school and pen-palled with students of our age. I think that we were supposed to start some exchange with that school, somehow, or something *cant remember*
My pen-pal was Jσhan (he's the one on the far right)
This picture was taken at the hostel my class stayed at.
I sat in the bunk bed above ^_^
Ah, the hostel
we had been told that the rooms had so-and-so many beds and divided into groups accordingly but as we arrived it turns out that the information was completely wrong and we now had to "re-group".
My class was divided into 3 "girl groups", you could say, so it meant that one of the groups had to split up causing much disturbance.
Having spent almost an entire day (24 hours) on busses and planes, dragging heavy luggage around and then being on the receiving end of the complete lack of understanding from the people in charge of us, did not make things easier -_-
Eventually we settled in and went to meet our Icelandic counterparts :p
The teacher had printed t-shirts that were supposed to "commemorate" the occasion and we had to give our t-shirt to whomever it was we pen-palled with.
Never in my life have things been as awkward as that moment was *lol*
We also watched a play (that was supposed to be in Swedish, we were told) in Icelandic no one got a word of what was said, but the actors were really into what they were doing, so we applauded their efforts anyway ^_^;
It turns out that we had arrived in the middle of their term-month, so we couldn't hang out with them as much as we had hoped but that first day was pretty fun, taking pictures of each other, exchanging addresses with people we realized we had something in common with and so forth ^_^
Jσhan, my pen-pal, had to take the way past our hostel so the poor guy was greeted every morning with us girls knocking the windows down and waving frantically at him -^_^-
Every guy has their day, huh ? *wink*
I'll not delve too deeply into the excursions we did I could save that for tomorrow but on the very last day, a couple of girlfriends from my class and myself, sat up with my pen-pal and two other Icelanders - generally hanging out until we had to leave for the plane (around 3 o'clock in the morning >_< ).
There were plenty of hugging and a few last pictures taken making for a nice ending to our classtrip
Unless you count the scolding our teacher gave us on the bus, for not cleaning up our rooms You see, our rooms were in quite the messy state when we arrived (something we complained loudly about) and we wanted to make sure it was clean when we left.
But when we asked for tools to tidy up, they (the hostel staff) wouldn't let us ~_^
We explained this to our teacher, who was far too upset to take anything in
which might have had something to do with the notes we had written, about how we were displeased about certain aspects of this trip (the planning was off and things were constantly changed/pulled back).
That had probably ticked him off >__>
End of Part I The Icelandic Journey
Well, I've got 2 Marx Brothers movies to watch, the Swedish translation of "Tale of Time City" to read and a nice walk to take.
I also want to check up on that recommendation I got from Azure "Kiln Peopl" by David Brin ^_^
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that Objects and People are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi
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Tuesday, January 13, 2004
"Naked Mining Guy finds a very tall ladder "
Can you feeeeel the suspense people ? ~_^
There are about 20 pictures in this series I've still not decided whether or not to have the one daily picture, or maybe put up two on occasion.
As much as I would love to have you all hanging by the edge of your seats, I don't wish to draw it out too much I am a very impatient person myself, so ^_^
Which Neglected Mario Character Are You?
Thankyou Shin for pointing this fun quiz out !
I got the same as PT ....
>__> <__<
School Anecdote
Field trips, as I'm sure most of you know, can be very dull. Or so seems to be the case when it involves learning about different types of rock and vegetation.
However, when my class did this field trip we were joined by one of our parallel classes.
A boy named Tommy particularly lifted the spirits of us all he was very much the "class clown", cracking jokes and poking fun at anything and anyone ^_^
At one point he was walking around with his pants hanging loosely around his hips apparently making fun of those following the hip-hop trend going on.
But his pants weren't the only thing he had slid down his boxers also seemed to have made their way downward ~_^
One of the teachers (the math teacher I spoke of in the first sub anecdote) promptly educated Tommy, that this was no proper behaviour upon which the teacher got mooned XD
However, the pants eventually got back up and the field trip continued.
After nearly dying from the stench of rotting cabbage, boring lectures and walking about in the middle of nowhere interesting things got very lively
As we made our way back to the bus, I could hear someone behind me call my name.
I turned around and what did my eyes meet ?
Tommy flashing me
Now what do you do in this situation ?
Point and laugh ? Ogle the
scenery ? Flash the person back ? >__>
I opted for a quick glance, turned around and kept walking =^_^=
I mean, it was pretty hard *cough* to miss what was displayed anyway
Let's end that story now, seeing as it could only get worse >__>
The End
Handing over Shin's Pants Ceremony
*walks gracefully down red carpet*
*trips and falls down, landing in front of Arcadias feet*
*brushes herself off and proceeds with the ceremony*
*gives Arcadia the pants stolen from Shin*
[whispers] Keep them secret
Keep them safe [/whispers]
*ceremony ends with cookie eating and snowball/pillow fight*
Random Moments
Here follows two Random Moments from chatting to different people, where I've been sillier than usual ^_^
OtakuMimmi: *looks as Final Flash's avi* that is one funny... actually, what is it ? *lol*
Desbreko145: I have no idea, lol.
OtakuMimmi: bear/racoon/panda.... looks like a mix of things *blinks*
Desbreko145: Yeah.
OtakuMimmi: it reminds me of the style "Rex the Runt" was made in
OtakuMimmi: dunno if you've seen that
Desbreko145: *shakes head*
Desbreko145: Never heard of it.
OtakuMimmi: *tries to remember name of another cartoon character that resembles avi*...... not that it's important, I just like to remember what I forget ~_^
Desbreko145: heh
Desbreko145: Yeah.
OtakuMimmi: *tries to move on* ..... *is stuck*.... do you know a lot of cartoons, or do you know more about gaming characters ?
Desbreko145: Mainly gaming characters...
OtakuMimmi: bweh... I'm tempted to call my sister and ask her... just to get peace of mind *listens to music instead*
there, I am cured >___ >
Desbreko145: lol
OtakuMimmi: *gasps*.. they're showing Animaniacs on a channel I
OtakuMimmi:: 've completely ignored
Desbreko145: lol
OtakuMimmi: I swear the enter button is out to get me ~_^
Desbreko145: I wish we still got Animaniacs on Fox.
OtakuMimmi: Hello Nurse !
Desbreko145: heheh
OtakuMimmi: the warner brothers... and the warner sister *randomly remembers off moments*
OtakuMimmi: the little guy looks like a kangaroo or something and he has a little white/black dog, and his boss looks like a frog.... *is still not able to let go of that wretched cartoon*
*seeks councelling for it* I need help :p
Desbreko145: o_O
Desbreko145: Pretty soon I'll be able to write a Daily Otaku article about you, lol.
OtakuMimmi: :-X
a few moments later
OtakuMimmi: *throws herself at his feet and confesses*..... I.... calleed... my sister.... >____>
Desbreko145: LOL
The End
OtakuMimmi: : *lol* I looked at the "who's online" thingy at OB... and noticed that someone was looking at my picture thread... now, I knew from looking at the post count that peole have been viewing it... it just felt weird seeing somone actually do it O.o ....
AzureWolf17: LOL
AzureWolf17: Haha, need I say it? Silly person. <_<
OtakuMimmi: : but seriously ^_^ imagine going to that page on a random note and seeing somone "looking at you" *LOL*
AzureWolf17: Yes, but isn't that common for you? ^_^
AzureWolf17: Should be used to it by now.
OtakuMimmi: : hehe, true *nods*
OtakuMimmi: : or wait... how did you mean that ?
OtakuMimmi: : my sillyness is common or...
OtakuMimmi: : people looking at me ~_^
The End 2
Take Care Everyone !
Remember that People and Objects are only as much fun as you make of them ^_^
- Mimmi
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