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Wednesday, November 26, 2003
"You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault ..."
I really wish I could talk to you more, Mitch *pines*
And a huge Thank You to Karmi for talking to me, I've been craving to talk to someone these past couple of … years ? *lol*
*snaps out of it*
I decided to go for a ride on the bus today, hoping to find some new shoes and possibly catch up with my younger sister. As I was sitting on the bus I listened to Alanis Morissette and thought about Mitch simultaneously. It was difficult not to belt out in the above written lyrics :D
When I was window-shopping I saw these gorgeous pair of shoes, that I just had to have. So I went in and tried them on, but when I put in my insole they didn't fit *sob* luckily I got assistance from the shopkeeper who pointed out that I could take out the sole already in the shoe and try them again.
So I thanked her by buying the shoes : P They were expensive, but I plan on using them for a while, so it's worth it :)
I also caught up with my sister and updated her of the happenings of last week. She felt guilty for not keeping in touch more (rightly so) and wondered if we were worried that she's turn into a copy of my oldest sister.
When I informed her that this was indeed the case, she promised that she'd make sure this won't be a repetition of past known behavior. Hopefully she can back her words up with some action. This may sound harsh, but the whole thing is just one big deja-vu to me.
Then I caught the bus home and now I'm home, waiting for the parents to come home and make me dinner : )
I got a couple of Disney "classics" when I was out shopping for a satellite dish yesterday *grins*
( Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty, and Pinochio… And I also got Monsters Inc, while I was in the swing )
Hopefully I'll get better audio and visual with the digital satellite stuff, cause winter usually disturbs my viewing pleasure *grr*
I'm halfway finished with the translation of my winter-tale, if it can be called that. I tried to find a place on the internet where one could put in the text and have someone translate it for you. But they CHARGE you for it ! The scoundrels *shakes fist at profit hungry intellectuals*
So maybe it'll be done by the end of the week. Nothing fancy, just a recap on how I came to have 3 accidents in a 6 month period… Not recommendable :P
I sometimes feel like going into the liquor store and buy alcohol. Not because I drink, just because I can *lol*
The same with cigarettes. I detest the smell (and I would probably loathe the taste), but it would be an ironic sort of thing to do.
Simply because I can…
I find it highly amusing. But that's me.
- Mimmi
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Before I forget to remember :D
Thank you Solo and Charma for the kind words, you truly made my … morning *lol*
If anyone feels like recommending my hand to be worthy of Mitch to Mitch himself, feel free to do so :)
And I promise I’ll try to get around listening to those Tool songs ^_^
So what did I do yesterday ?
Well, I went to the library *shock horror faint* and searched for this book I read every year or so. So far I’ve only read it in Swedish, but I figured that it’d be good to read the original version (English) so I asked if it was possible to get my hands on it.
It took the librarian a couple of tries, but he found 2 copies of it. However I don’t know if I’ll be able to lend any of them, since they might not be a part of the "lending community". And even if I do end up borrowing it, there’s no guarantee that I’ll come round to actually reading it. *lol* It’s been 1 year since I last read anything, mainly because my mind tends to spin whenever I concentrate too hard on a piece of text.
Whoops, I forgot to say what book it is.
"Tale of Time City" by Diana Wynne Jones (I think that’s the correct spelling of her name). Apparently she’s written more books, but this is the only one that’s caught my attention. It’ll be interesting to see (if I do get the chance) how it does in English.
I also went to see the Doctor. My dad drove me and I figured I had the route down by now (I've been there 3 times).
I completely missed where we were supposed to get off the highway and within seconds my dad was sighing like a dead man’s last breath. His blown-out-of-proportion reaction only made my confusion worse, so I had no idea where we were in the end.
After a while dad finally stopped the car and I got, knowing I could find the place if I had some peace and quiet replace his obnoxious behavior.
15 minutes too late I arrived at the reception, and he still had one patient before me. That’s the last time I ever ask my dad to drive me anywhere. I’d much rather take the bus.
I was told nothing new. It’ll still take me a YEAR and a half to get anywhere near as "healthy" as I was before I got sick. It could probably be done faster, but that would mean a shock for the body and might results in a backlash of major implications. So I take things one step at a time. He also recommended that I go to some sunny country for a couple of months, because apparently my need for sunlight is "exceptionally high". Boy, do I feel special ~_^
I am getting better though. Just not as fast as I’d like to. *shrug*
Tv series I miss to watch:
“The Pretender” – in the beginning I got hooked on it because it reminded me of McGyver (what was his first name again ? … ANGUS !) that ran in the 80’s, I think. Genius guy solves problems with his.. geniusness *lol*
Although Pretender is probably more serious than McGyver. Jarod is after all continuously hunted and is trying to make a mends for things he unknowingly helped develop at The Centre.
McGyver was a bit more playfull and harmless. But good fun to watch :)
Michael Weisz (spelling?) played Jarod marvelously in the series and Broots, Miss Parker and Sydney were marvelous as "supporting" actors. But I have no idea what happened in the movie they made. The "spirit/soul" of Jarod (and pretty much everyone else, besides Broots) was gone and the acting felt forced.
"Homicide – life on the street" – Daniel Baldwin was in the first season or so, if my memory doesn’t fail me. I missed those episodes, unfortunately, and didn’t start to follow it properly until after his characters death.
I loved the details of the series, such as the notice board. Where they put all the murdered names in black and if they were ever solved they were written in red (or was it the other way around ?).
There were many names that implicated "failure" and thereby mirrored reality, in the way that there are so many cases that don’t get solved. Closure is a rare thing. And even if the responsible person is caught, the dead are still dead.
It was never a happy show, nor was it really pitch-black. It felt real and the actors were astounding. I have no idea of how it actually plays out on a real Homicide department, but this felt close to what I’d imagines it to be.
Question ?
"It’s been said that the wider a woman’s hips are, the more likely she is to give birth to boys."
uhm... *lol* I won't have to give that much further thought. I don't plan on bearing a child anytime soon *g*
Take care all you wonderful people !
- Mimmi
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Monday, November 24, 2003
I wrote an entire post yesterday and just as I was about to put it up, my printer intercepted it and crashed the internet connection... So I figured I'd leave it till today and see if I can remember what I wanted to say :) Ah, yes. There were two books that I wanted people to read, or at least contemplate to read.
* "Pope Joan" by Donna Woolfolk Cross
A woman for a Pope ? According to the author of the book, this might've happened for real. But I think it should be read as a fictional piece, since life can't be depicted by an outer form of media :P
* "Momo" by Michael Ende
Beware of the little men in grey suits !
This book is so sweet and warm, even when the creepy greyness breathes down your neck. I like how Momo is nothing more than an ordinary girl, but who becomes so much more in the eyes of those around her. It proves that everyone has some extaordinary quality, even if we ourselves are blind to it :)
Hopefully they'll never make this into a movie.....
Ran around just now and signed guestbooks. For some reason my mind blogs up and I can't think of anything worthwhile reading. But it's the thought that counts I guess :)
So many guestbooks to sign, so little time. *dramatic sigh*
A couple of years back I wrote an essay about Winter and I though I'd lost it in the black holes of this house. But yesterday I found it. Unfortunately it was in Swedish, so I'll have to translate it *sigh*
Along with that essay I also found a heap of "poems"... I remember writing a lot, but not that much, so now I have more stuff to go through than I originally intended :)
I'll be seeing a doctor this afternoon and hopefully he'll be able to tell me why I've been feeling funny lately. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's just a virus or some twisted cold, insted of a repetition of last years downfall.
"I'm positive that things will turn out for the best !"
- a line from a book, can't remember which one. I just remember not wanting to read it :P
....Must get more sleep....
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Friday, November 21, 2003
For some reason I find that word funny. not funny as in "rolling on the floor, laughing my head off", but more of a "tilting my head and feeling my lips curve into a smile".... ah, you get the picture :)
It annoys me that Disney movies are only available for a short period of time and never go down in price.
Brilliant marketing of their merchandise, but frustrating if you suddenly feel the urge to purchase "Cinderella" and can only get a hold of "Cinderella - 2"....
And why do they have to do sequals to the classic Disney movies ? It feels... what's the word... sell-out ? there's a more fancy word, but I can't rememeber it...
Lately I've felt like starting a thread at OB with the title "To all those who suffer and are in pain" or something. There seems to be so many that are down and I just want to show that someone cares. I can't offer any solutions or make the darkness go away, it'd be silly of me to think that....
Chances are it'd be taken down or offend people. And that would be the opposite of what I'd want to accomplish. So it's better left undone/unsaid.
Chocolate chip cookies to you all !
- Mimmi
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Thursday, November 20, 2003
So yeah. These last 2-3 days I’ve cried more than I ever have, or intended to. It’s the scariest thing in my mind, to let go and just allow feelings to come out. Usually I just shove them in some dark corner and think they’ll erase themselves over time. They never do :P
But enough about that. Seeing as I’ve not done anything but above mentioned activity, I’ll post some random facts of life. My life, that is :)
* Have you broken any bones ? Yes, my left arm. I was about 7-8 years old and playing football with the guys on lunch break. It was only a hairline fracture, but I got a cast on and a lollypop :P
* Been anywhere in the world ? Vienna (social visit), London (twice, mainly sightseeing) and Iceland (with my class of 97, in…1997 *g*) And I’ve taken the ferry to Denmark, but that doesn’t count (in my opinion)
* Any phobias ? Not too fond of heights, creepy-crawly things and biking on ice (long story, I might tell it one day)
* Favorite food ? Spaghetti and mincemeat sauce
(doesn’t sound very appetizing in English… "Köttfärsås" in Swedish.)
* Last book you read ? "The Chocolate War" & "Beyond the Chocolate War", two books I really recommend ! They’re written by Robert Cormier.
* Favorite joke? "How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker got for Christmas ? "
"He felt his presence !"
* If you were invisible for one day, what would you do? I would run around and shamelessly hug people :D
Take care and be well !
- Mimmi
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
I went, even though I shouldn’t have. I was floored, and still I went.
Sat there and felt the bubble breaking. Letting all the tears fall.
I knew that I was weak. And yet I went.
Sat there and felt the broken pieces pierce through my skin. Crying to strangers.
So I ended up there. Where I wasn’t supposed to be.
Sitting on a chair dying to scream at them to "LEAVE ME ALONE !!!". Choking on my voice that bled of pain.
I came even though I knew I couldn’t. Showed up when I knew I was supposed to hide.
Stayed there until they sent me home. My body twisted into a crumbling shell.
Moved through the streets I shouldn’t have walked on. But I did anyway.
Choking on my tears and screams. Wanted to throw up...throw up all the organs inside me, everything living inside me.
I came home even though I should never have gone. Returned to where I should’ve stayed.
Shaking of anguish and of pain that has been revived. Pleading for everything to go away.
I went to where I knew I couldn’t go. And still I put my shoes on and walked.
Now I’m empty. Full of tears and of screaming that is drowned.
I tore myself apart, even though I didn’t have to. But I did all the same.
Holding onto the possibility of turning numb. Feeling so sickly weak and lonely…
- Mimmi
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Monday, November 17, 2003
I've listened to this song before, but today it took on a whole new meaning. I dedicate it to my sister and anyone who ever comes across me....
"Your Winter"
Grey ceiling on the earth
Well it's lasted for a while
Take my thoughts for what they're worth
I've been acting like a child
Your opinion, and what is that?
It's just a different point of view
What else, What else can I do?
I said I'm sorry, yeah I'm sorry....
I said I'm sorry, but what for?
If I hurt you then I hate myself
I don't want to hate myself, don't wanna hurt you
Why do you choose your pain?
If you only knew how much I love you, love you
I won't be your winter
And I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
We can be forgiven
And I will be here
Old picture on the shelf
It's been there for a while
A frozen image of ourselves
We were acting like a child
Innocent and in a trance
A dance that lasted for a while
You read my eyes just like your diary,
Remember, please remember
Well, I'm not a beggar, but what's more
Is if I hurt you, then I hate myself, I don't wanna hate myself, don't wanna hurt you
Why do you choose that pain?
If you only knew how much I love you
I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
We can be forgiven
And I will be here
Chocolate Kisses and Hugs to everyone
- Mimmi
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That should brighten up someone's day. -->
Got my period today... was kind of hoping it wouldn't come back. I so desperately want to go back on the pill, it would make so many things automatically go away... Stupid doctor for thinking I would feel better if I got off it. If aynthing it made things worse. Now my hormones are out of control and I have to wait until things settle down and stabilizes before I can even think about taking it.
I had been on the same pill for over *counts* 7 years, probably longer. What made him think that now, all those years later, it would make me gain weight and feeling pissy ? That happens the first few months, not 7 YEARS later !!!
I should tear his license to shreads and take over. If he had been more professional I wouldn't still be sick 1 year from when this all started....
I've been sick for 1 Year. It hit me yesterday and I guess that's where my post came from. I deleted it, but I think I'll put it back up. Be more honest or whatever.
" Feeling Insecure...why can't I accept I have no talent? Regretfull...why do I keep parading my incapacity to create? Questioning...why do I keep doing this ? Dejected...so sick of this repeating circle of downward spiraling mess Rejected... nothing. silence. what am I expected to think/feel? Ambivalent...Take the leap, pay the price? Stay behind, alone but safe?
Maybe I just need some sleep...."
Supposedly I won't be getting anywhere near how ok I felt before anything happened, for another year or so... if I'm lucky. And even then I have to struggle with things non-physical-related, so to speak. Namely the Panic/Anxiety/Stress Attacks. I got those thanks to the incompetence of everyone that was supposed to help me....
From the bottom of my Misery, I hate you.
When kids die, the parents sometimes leave their rooms the way it was at the time their kids passed away, to keep the memory of them alive. But the rooms are always tidy and organized.... what if the kid was a messy person ? do they leave it just like that, keeping true to the memory ? Or do they clean it up, thinking it will be easier to be in that room if it has some sort of romantic feeling of loss of what once was a piece of your soul ?
I know that this is an image I've gotten from movies. I can't decide whether or not that's a sweet intention on the parents part, or just painfully sad. Their child won't be more alive by preserving the place they once dwelled.. it's a situation I can't picture myself in. But it would be painful to see a room that was once inhabited by life and no longer is. To constantly be reminded of what's been ripped from you.
And yet, I'd want to remember everything, keep the smells of that person in a space that was theirs.... But you don't need an entire room to keep the memory alive. That should come of itself and not need support from things beyond your heart.
"If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber’d here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
If you pardon, we will mend.
And, as I’m an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to ’scape the serpent’s tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call:
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends. "
- Puck, from A Midsommer-Night's Dream
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
He'll get my support
He will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
He will hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact He'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
He will understand me
I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and with every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear
Of those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it
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" I would like it to be noted that I am an ass..."
Or something along those lines. It's from "Much ado about nothing".
It seemed fitting.
Met Mitch on AIM this morning and spoke to him. I managed to make a fool of myself. Or what do you say to this:
Mimmi - "Hello"
Mitch - "Hello"
Mimmi - "…*dumbstruck*…"
Mitch - " ? "
I swear I could've died right there on the spot. I've been wanting to talk to him and that's the very first thing comes out *dies laughing at herself* Luckily I managed to get a hold of myself and blurt something more substantial out, but only barely. I'm not used to communicating with people "live" and so the result mirrors that. Sad.
And to top it all of he inspired me to write a poem. I will keep well away from you, Mitch. You are baaaad for me ;P
" When we meet, perchance one day
It shall be noted, we came this way
Along this path, we did not take
Agreed we did, our road to forsake
So it was, we decided it best
To stay here a while, and lay to rest
By call of sweet caress, we succumbed and gave in
Reaching for the eachothers arms, clutching skin to skin
At this very place, where love admitted defeat
We lingered for timeless hours, soothing our lovers heat
Memories of time well spent, will find its shelter here
Where we stripped away our pain, and washed away the fear
And if my mind should wander, to where this journey started
I will confess to be happy, that we from that road parted
Will you come to look for me, give me love so tender ?
Be sure to find me waiting, ready to surrender. "
I'm going to try and add people to my friend list. It'll be very random… people whos Otaku's I visit and people I wish to get to know better. Ok, so that's not exactly random…
I should also try to propose to Mitch… but I'd rather be the elusive lover or alluring ex… or something :P To be blunt : I am lazy. And possessive, so sharing would be an issue… I know I'm not to take this seriously, that it's all just for good fun. But if I am to make an effort, I'd like something out of it, I guess…not just doing it for the sake of doing it.
I'm a lost case. In a basket. Standing on the nurses table in the asylum. Slowly rotting since no one really wants me. End up in the bin. Buried at the dump. Feeding roses.
- Mimmi
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