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• 1981-08-24
Member Since
• 2003-10-17
• Grammar Apprentice
Real Name
• Mimmi
• Digging � a Trench. Having SomeGuy over.
Anime Fan Since
• the mid 80's
Favorite Anime
• Naruto, RahXephon, Haibane Renmei, PMK, Ouran HSHC, Death Note, Bleach, Yakitate Japan
• Less angsting - more energy!
• Tinkering
• Being incredibly silly
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
20:00 PM
Why is it that cute guys are either a) gay b) taken c) too young? The last one came from thinking Megan's brother looks hot and that, in turn, made me miss that magical Badness even more! ;___;
A couple nights ago I had the most awesome dream. My entry got second place in the Last Exile contest and it felt so awesome. Then I decided to read the winning entry, to get some pointers for any future attempts. In the first sentence there were 4 commas. A quick glance over the whole text made me tilt my head ever more in confusion over why it had won XD
(Maybe I should check when the due date was, again, so there's no unnecessary waiting >.>
Oh! Sara, would you be interested in reading it? Imagine the experience of reading my embellished writing in another language :P)
In another dream I was travelling to see Slick! Lemme tell ya, that was one surreal and interesting journey. It had a somewhat Asian feel to it with the colours, textures and the people in it. At one point it turned slightly movie-ish but it didn't take long for everything to get back to a more gentle pace. I specifically recall trying to take a picture of the most gorgeous lane of trees but my battery had died ._.
Once I got to Slick's house they told me he'd gone out for a little while but would be back soon. The trip had tired me out so I decked out on a sofa/set of stairs. A young couple started a conversation in Swedish and I made the very intelligent remark "I'm Swedish, too!" *hides in shame* My English is always really rusty in my dreams (not that it's stellar in reality) so that put me at ease, heh.
In the end I didn't get to see my hunk of Man Flesh, because the people working on the neighbouring apartments' balconies woke me up -.-
Last week we (Juliette and I) finally got around to playing Mario Kart: Double Dash on zeh Gamecube! I was slightly worried it wouldn't be suitable for us ...... and boy was I wrong XD!!!! It promotes competitiveness and being evil, how could that not work splendidly for us?! Yes. We're a bit sadistic in out gaming ventures like that ;p
It should be good to play with Eleine as well, even better if we could arrange a 4th controller and the guy-brothers *rubs hands together*
Ending note: "Champion of the bloggers,
They only bother you when you don't choose your words carefully." <--- Turns out I was a clue in the Scavenger Hunt over at OB, but I .... don't get it ^_^;;;;;
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