Time: 9 pm
Listening to: cant help falling in love by A*teens
ok hi everyone i have nothing to say so why am i posting???! ah oh well. so my new school im dealing with lots of preps..*they get on my nerves* a few stalkers, and guys who keep talking about me and how they want me* ew just pervs* school dance is coming up and i have no one to go with so im gonna stay home with the comptuer..about my last post..i only had one comment! one! one??!!
ah oh well i was thinking about deleting my accoutant anyways. but one! i expected a few, blah oh well. well heres a quiz i took and right now i need to go watch naruto.(p.s jenna call me ASAP! i really need your freakin help on aiko city! really i do! i know i freakin change my number but i mail it to you so hurry up gurl im getting impatient!}
You wish for....a way out
You're tired of having to deal with one day after
another, always the same rutine, never anything
You wish for a way out, a way to escape this place
you call hell.
How you got here, you don't even remember, you've
been here so long.
So long....you're almost afraid to leave.
You've been here so long, what if things have
changed sense then?
Don't be afraid of the unknown.
Sooner or later, someone will take you away from
this place.
But until then, you'll just have to tough it out.
Tough shit, huh?
What are you wishing for?*girls only* (WITH PICS!!!) brought to you by Quizilla