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myOtaku.com: Mina

Sunday, August 24, 2003

   The best Pirate I've ever seen....
Excuse me, the best Pirate movie I've ever see. I'm talking of course about Pirates of the Carribean, Curse of the Black Pearl. A bit too late, but I've finally seen the movie. Captain Jack Sparrow, a man I respect. More people should be like him....well, atleast I wanna be like him. ^-O
I loved every part of it and the music totally rocked!! Must see again.

Well, it's Sunday, dreaded end of the weekend. (try saying that line 10 times fast)
Not doing much except hanging around my computer, my best friend, my confidant, my...ok I'll get a life.
I've finally figured out how to work Photoshop, so that's where I'll be from now. heh.

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