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• comicminako
• 1988-04-18
• I'm right here, duh
Member Since
• 2003-12-19
• sophomore in college
Real Name
• Laura
• being in college, heh
Anime Fan Since
• 1996
Favorite Anime
• Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha, Chobits, Tsubasa Resvoir Chronicle, Code Geass, Black Cat, Mushishi
• My current goals are to find happiness in my life. It's not that I'm not happy at times, but I want happiness in all that I do.
• violin, drawing, reading, acting, writing...
• Music (I know 4 instruments), Languages (I know 2 1/2 languages), drawing..
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
I'm ok.
As you can see by my subject line, I'm ok. Why am I ok? Well, let me tell you. You can probably guess by my last angst-ridden post that I have been angsty lately. Mind you, it's fun to be angsty sometimes, but not all the time, like me. However, I have found a way out of said angst and into a lovely feeling. If you've been a reader of my posts, you'll remember that I wondered why people could die for their faith, martyrs. Now I know. I won't go into that, but if you are curious, email me or pm me and I will gladly tell you.
Nothing much breathtakingly exciting. I'm smack dab in the middle of "koeviiko" i.e. (direct translation,) "test week." That means I have finals. T_T I have one test per day and it's 3 hours long. We can leave early, but we have to go back for a test preparation for the test you have the next day. For example, I have a Math test on Monday. After lunch, I go to the test prepartion for my test in German the next day. Get it? Good.
That's pretty much it. Oh! If you haven't noticed, I put up some art, so if you want to see and see it then.
Take Care now!
If you're a bunny cotemplating suicide, this is the book for you.
Quote from the cover of a book filled with pictures drawn of bunnies commiting suicide. (It's not bloody, gory, but strangely amusing.) I saw this in the book shop today and was very tempted to buy it, but I won't. Perhaps "Santa Claus" will bring it. (It's a saying to kind of hint at a Christmas present we want here in Finland...At least in my family.) |
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Alas, I post!
Hello My friends!
It's been a long time, neh? I haven't been in a posting mood, SORRY! *begs for mercy*
Well, in recent news, I received a package from my parents in the states. It was fun! They sent some magazines, candy, pens and bandanas (don't ask me why!) and my dad put in a little stuffed dog. It was nice.
I have finals starting next week Friday too. They go from Friday of next week all the way to the next Friday. (The last Friday, I have off! YESS!)
Nothing much amazingly exciting. I'll probably post again this weekend.
In ending, Sara's post from (was it) yesterday(?) inspired me to write this little rant...
Have you ever thought what it would feel like to be utterly and completely lost? To be battling yourself and finally lose? You feel like you're drowning in your own pain, darkness, and even guilt. You've regretted somethings and wished you'd cared more about others. You can't find anyway out of this blackhole inside yourself. You've reached the bottom of the bottomless pit. You're lost. You long for someone to reach in, someone to understand. However, when someone asks, you push them away, afraid of letting them know of your pain. You want to break free but there's a little part of you that wants you to stay that way. A whisper that wants you to be lost forever. Sometimes you figure out where you are, but your still lost inside. And you don't know what to do about it.
Take Care my friends. Sayonara.
~Minako |
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Friday, September 17, 2004
A HUGE Apology!!
Alas, I am back from a long leave of absence from myO. I am very sorry but I 1.) Haven't had a chance to go online, and 2.) I haven't felt like posting/commenting (except for the few exceptions..)
I'm sorry to anyone who...erm...cares! Heh.
I also am about to rant about the book Jesus Freaks If the thought of Christianity offends you, skip to the next paragraph. Yes, I've been reading this book, and it's about martyrs (i.e. people who died for their faith.). The thing that gets me is: These people are happy to die. They say they're filled with a "joy" that they are going to heaven, even though they have faced years and years of torture, years and years of jail time, AND years of public humiliation. And these people are happy??? It puzzles me.
End of Chistian talk...
Nothing else much exciting around here. My dad MIGHT come here for Christmas (didn't I say that?)! I don't want to get my hopes up too high, in case he doesn't come, but it would be pretty gosh-darned awesome if he did. I miss him! ^.^*
I also have art to upload...I'm also very lazy to do that too, so in case I don't tell you, look at the bottom of the page to see when I've updated.
Ok then, that's about it for me.
~Minako ^_^
"The bandit told the missionary, 'I'm going to kill you. Aren't you afraid?'
Jack Vinson replied simply, 'Kill me, if you wish. I will go straight to God.'"
Quote from Jesus Freaks by dcTalk (christian band) and The Voice of the Martyrs (an organization that helps countries that oppress Christianity.) Copyright dcTalk and The Voice of the Martyrs. (Don't sue me.) |
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Go to to read today's post. I REALLY don't feel like writing it all again! *laughs*
Take Care now!
Mommy said that God and Grandma were coming over.
Quote from an improvisational (sp?) excersize we did at theater practice. Heh heh. |
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Alas, Tis I, Minako, with a post.
*crickets chirp*
Ok Ok, I get the point...Noone really checks this...*sniffle* Heh heh.
Well, nothing much new. I went shopping with Natalia and I found some pretty neato stuff at a thrift shop. I found a violin player statue made out of metal and bolts and/or lugnuts. It's pretty cool, and it was only 5�! I also bought a present for Sara at said thrift store, but she'll find out what it is in the mail! ^_~
Tomorrow I'm working at a horse competition. I'm assuming it's jumping...I found out I'm working there today...^_^; But it'll be nice to be around horses, other than my US neighbor's wild ponies. Yeah. It reminds me of my mom, she used to be into horses. She actually made it into the Olympics, but she stayed home because of me. (I was VERY VERY small, or in a nutshell, an infant.) (BUT she took care of the horses...) She's told me stories about her adventures with horses, and it makes me proud to say she's my mom. *happy sparkle moment*
That's pretty much it for my dull life.
Only in your dreams you can go to a world, all your own and fly on the highest cloud...
Quote from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, from the character, Dumbledore.
Sayonara and Take Care!
~Minako |
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
*Insert cool quote here*
Hello my friends!
I hope everyone is having a good day because ...well...Just because.
My little "adventure" was fun. (I went to the candy store during lunch..) I ate all the candy that day, so it was worth it...I guess...*laughs*
I seem to be settling into life here. Yes, it's still REALLY stressful sometimes, but I feel better for some reason. Maybe it's because I have a "rythm" (as my family likes to call it) or maybe it's because I have friends, OR I'm actually starting to understand my homework. *shrugs* I don't know. Hey, I'm not getting AS homesick as I used to, so it's ok.
Nothing else drastically exciting. Although, I JUST laerned that my cousin Santeri's name day is on my grandpa's birthday which is on September 11th. (If you understood that.) However, I'm going to visit my family in Jyv�skyl� next weekend (not this weekend, the next one, the 10th through the 12th), to the people with free internet...AND. A. SCANNER. So expect some art in 2 weeks, ok? *mischevious grin*
Other than that, nothing else much happening. I found out that I'm babysitting my 7 year old cousin on Saturday, the two younger ones are going to my grandma's. Meh. *shrugs*
I should cousins are complaining that they can't sleep with the keyboard tapping. Grr. *twitch twitch*
Take Care now!
~Minako-chan (if you want to call me that.) |
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Monday, August 30, 2004
*Screams like a schoolgirl*
Why am I screaming like a schoolgirl? Why, let me count the ways...I received the package that my dear Miss Sara mentioned in her comment on my last post. I have four words to describe said package:
Oh. My. Frickin'. God.
Why is it so Frickin' awesome? Well, enclosed was *dun dah dah DAAH* A BEAST BOY "ACTION FIGURE!!!" (including Robin) If you don't know, I am a HUUGE fan of Teen Titans, and I even had a (very bad) fanmanga on it. I've been laughing ever since I got it at 4 pm here(or at 8am CST). It wasn't that it was a joke, it's just that Sara remembered my obsession with BB. *bows* Thank you. (Your letter was maahvelous too. ^_^)
Be expecting something fun in the mail! *looks around suscpicously*
Alas, tomorrow I have an adventure planned! Me and our foreign exchange student from Argentina, Natalia, are going to eat our lunches very fast tomorrow. Why you ask? Well, we are going to get candy from a local store. Yes, it may not be the biggest adventure of my life (being here in Finland covers that area) but I think it will be fun. I can't wait.
I also remembered that I love Tennis. I actually got to play today (the courts were dry! Yess!), and I got hot and sticky (I hate being hot and sticky) but I loved playing! Although, I haven't played in a year, so I didn't do so well...My right arm feels sort of tired now too, but I'm happy.
This has been a really happy post for a change! I hope you are as happy as I am! Tee hee.
*runs off and plays with Beast Boy action figure*
To commemorate my package, I will, yet again, have a quote from Teen Titans. This is when Starfire (the ditzy alien) is in the bathroom for too long and BB has to go!
BB: Star! You've been in there [the bathroom] for twenty minutes, and I'm not paper trained! *whimpers like a puppy*
Star: One Moment please!
BB: *whines and spots a potted tree [a shrub?]* A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-OOOOOH-PEEEEEE! *flushing sound* |
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Hark! What (something) yonder window break! It's Minako-chan!
Alas, here I am, posting! (After I visited everyone's sites!)
I apologize for not posting before...I just really didn't feel like it. I thought I'd save you the pain of boring posts.
It's been raining here...a lot. Not fun. Especially when your grandma tells you to ride your bike over to her house while it's raining. Thus, I showed up SOPPING. WET. at her house. They did drive me home so I could change into dry clothes. T_T You probably didn't want to hear the horrible profanity whilst I was riding in the rain! ^_^; (AKA: I was cursing horribly and loudly.)
Anywho, I am in dire need of Manga! I'm deprived! There is Ranma 1/2, but it's like # 10. I'm not gonna start a manga at #10. (I HAVE started one at #2, Gravitation)
That's about it...Christmas is coming! *wink-wink-nudge-nudge*
Trigun #2 (the fat one)
Chobits #3
CCS #5
Heh heh, take care my friends!
If I need you more than it love?
If I miss you when you're not it love?
...Or is it just me, Yearning for comfort?
From the webcomic, Your Wings are Mine. Copyright Aoi Hayashi (I think that's her last name!).
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
What makes a friend on myO?
Alas, I've been thinking lately about my (very short) list of dear friends on myO. Then I started thinking...
What makes these friends so dear to me?
Is it because we just so happen to see each other at school? Is it because we come from the same country? (If you don't know who that last question was about, you get no cookie.) Is it because they comment in my comment box when I post? Is it because they are really cool people?
This got me thinking about how good of a friend I am. I don't comment in comment boxes much. There are some people I really want to become better friends with. I also am really jealous of their art, so I want them to teach me how to draw better! heh heh.
Thus, I have come to a conclusion. I will become a better friend on myO. I will do this with a few steps.
1.) I shall comment in your comment box if you've updated today. (or anyday I just so happen to be on...)
2.) I MAY start pm'ing people or emailing people.
I just got to thinking...That's all.
WARNING: I MAY not get to each of your sites everyday, because I get really tired after school and other projects...
Onto my next topic...I found a Anime/Manga club here in Pori! I nearly fell out of my chair! I'm probably going to investigate it more, but I also found a youth theater here. If you don't know, I was in our school play and musical last year (along with Sara...). I may get busy with violin because I have my violin lesson itself, orchestra, and theory (scales, majors, minors, on.). I'll at least do some research into said theater. The theater is even called, "Burglar Theater" (direct translation from, "Rosvoteatteri."). That amuses me.
This has become really long, so I'll talk about my first violin lesson tomorrow.
~Minako-chan (if you wish to call me that...)
P.S: I'm glad everyone likes my avatar, but I can't see it. *hmph* |
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
No, I'm not dead yet.
First off, I'd just like to thank everyone for their support. It IS tough, but I guess the first week of school always is, right? You all don't know how much it means that someone cares about me and is worried about me when I feel so alone. Thank you. *bows*
Enough of this depressing rubbish.
Today, along with my aunt, her husband, her almost 8 month daughter, and my aunt's (and my dad's) cousin, we happened to find a 1� store. It's like a dollar store, but it's only $1.23 to the �, but that's not the point. I found CCS (Card Captor Sakura) letter paper! There were four kinds and I bought each of them! So if you want me to write you with CCS paper, pm me your snail mail address and I'll pm mine. I want some new penpals anyway. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
No other rants for today. It's not a school day, so I guess that that's the reason why. heh heh.
Take Care!
She wants to go home,
But nobody's home,
That's where she lies,
Broken inside,
With no place to go,
No place to go,
To dry her eyes,
Broken inside...
~"Nobody's home" by Avril Lavigne.
Makes you think, huh? |
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