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Member Since
sophomore in college
Real Name
being in college, heh
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha, Chobits, Tsubasa Resvoir Chronicle, Code Geass, Black Cat, Mushishi
My current goals are to find happiness in my life. It's not that I'm not happy at times, but I want happiness in all that I do.
violin, drawing, reading, acting, writing...
Music (I know 4 instruments), Languages (I know 2 1/2 languages), drawing..
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
sorry for a second pointless post in a row, but I just joined the Street Team for Threadless which is a online T-shirt store where people like you and I can submit graphics for them and vote and the winners get to be t-shirts! And for us members, we can be on the Street Team! I earn points (which are worth a few dollars each) when I send in a picture of myself wearing the shirts AND when someone LIKE YOU goes to the website and buys a shirt, it gives me points to go towards a shirt!
So follow link and get me some points!!
FYI, I have 2 of their shirts, and one of them glows in the dark (part of the image does anyway). How cool is a glow-in-the-dark-shirt?? You should get one. *grins*
P.S: I signed up to be a tutor, and it's completely voluntary, i.e. no monies. But it's ok. It's only 2 hours a week, and it'll look good on my resume. |
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Monday, September 10, 2007
For those of you that live near Madison, WI, I will be at the first ever Geek.Kon!! It's a con for all things geek! PM me if you'll be there!
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Sunday, September 9, 2007
I'm alive...
Sorry that I haven't posted much lately. Been really busy with school and all... ^^;
So I'm...around. Been doodling on my tablet, see my art site at Deviantart here. I'm playing around with the more painterly style, rather than cel shading. I'm rather pleased with it...but it IS time-consuming...with which I should be working on my schriftliche Aufgabe von meine Deutsch Klasse (written assignment from my German class), oy.
Take Care!
image of the day comes from CLAMP's Chobits, is of Shinbo, the guy who's freaking out, when Sumomo (the little pink girl-mini a laptop.) breaks after Hideki, in the background, uses it.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Wow, I'm posting!
So anyway, vacationing to visit my family is over. (came home last sunday) NOW I just have to get ready to go back to school next wednesday, oy. @_@;
I've found a couple new anime that I like:
Code Geass
Kyo Kara Maoh (these were from Elvesatemyramen )
Ginban Kaleidoscope
Honey & Clover
Gun x Sword
Yeah. My dad had the anime channel, heh heh.
But yeah, sleepy time! And I have a new pic soon to be put up. I just gotta figure out a background for it. >,<;
Take Care
Song of the week: "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's |
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
So, i go home one week from tomorrow from my job here at a summer language camp. When you hang out with the other counselors and kids, you can almost "feel" it in the air. It's almost like a collective sigh of relief (I know I will *sigh* when I get out of here). This has been one crazy 6 weeks so far, and I can only imagine that it'll get only crazy here on in. I heard from one of our older counselors that this is the week that camper (as well as counselor) romances really take effect. I haven't really been seeing a lot of it, but it's very possible.
And I was griping about the credit kids (kids that come for 4 weeks and get high school credit for the language) a while ago, and there are a few that I still could gripe about, but I've gotten to know some of them, and they're really cool. One of them made me a new nametag, another made me a bracelet, and still another made me a new string for my new nametag! I think this whole drama bit is dying down, and it's better this way. I sure hope that this last week is a nice one, with minimal problems and whatnot. (and one of the girls in my cabin made me a bracelet too, heh)
Sometimes kids are endearing.
But yeah, i think i'm going to go and do a bible study because I neglected to do so yesterday because I was scrambling to get ready for my morning activity. Take care, and God Bless.
P.S: If you want a letter from me, please let me know NOW, so that I can write you one before I leave, on the 22nd. Thanks.
P.P.S: I've decided that the color green is amazing. |
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Yes, I'm still alive, but working at a summer camp with kids...Send some love with comments? |
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
To All The Guys Out There:
To Whom It May Concern:
This is a formal complaint directed towards all the men I've talked to that seems to think that all I have is a chest, and not a face. Yes, I am "well endowed" so to speak, but that does not mean that I do not have a personality. Don't act like you don't do it. I know, some of you are actually really nice, but just seem to "notice" that I have a chest. I can deal with a glance here and there. The point that bothers me is that you constantly just blatantly look and don't seem to understand that I don't notice. It's not as if I have a neon sign declaring, "OOH! I have a bigger chest! Ok guys, feel free to stare!!" Yes, I admit, some t-shirts that I have have logos and pictures that happen to fall along my chest, but I try to downplay the fact. It's not as if I'm wearing low-cut shirts to flaunt the fact. It's not as if I'm shoving it in your face. Honestly, I'm quite embarrassed of my chest. I try, in vain, to hide it, but yet you still persist in staring.
So please, guys, I love you, but understand that I have eyes too, and not only a chest.
Thank you.
Laura aka Minako |
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Thank you!
I'm just posting today because I've got (nearly) 1900 hits! Thanks! For the occasion, I drew an omake for you, and it can be seen here:
 Thanks For 1900 Hits!! Hosted By
Thanks a lot! X3 |
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I saw this wallpaper, and I HAD to use it! The colors are just so fun and summer-y. Good thing Kyo's my one of my favorite characters in Fruits Basket! :3
So yeah, I'm kind of brain-dead after spending like 24 hours on 4 mini-papers on the Aphrodite of Milos' (don't open the link if you're not up to seeing partial nudity coming from a statue). It sucks. but now I get to study Chemistry and Calculus. Fun stuff. Luckily, next semester I'm going to take a break from Chem since I'm failing it right now (at the advice of my chem professor and others). I think it'll be a good thing for my spirit to have a somewhat "easy" semester.
Yeah. I'm excited about the Kyo I'm going to go and study Electrochemistry now...
*fangirl outburst*KYOISTEHSMEXY*fangirl outburst*
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
New Theme?
So...I'm getting kind of tired of this theme, but I don't have the time to change it at the moment, but i'd like to start looking for ideas for a new layout.
I'm thinking that a Fruits Basket theme would be a good thing...What do you think? Any ideas? |
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