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Member Since
sophomore in college
Real Name
being in college, heh
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha, Chobits, Tsubasa Resvoir Chronicle, Code Geass, Black Cat, Mushishi
My current goals are to find happiness in my life. It's not that I'm not happy at times, but I want happiness in all that I do.
violin, drawing, reading, acting, writing...
Music (I know 4 instruments), Languages (I know 2 1/2 languages), drawing..
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
YAY for new art!!
Yes, YES I FINALLY uploaded new art onto myO!! I usually post onto my Deviant Art site because of myO's size restrictions, but now that I have a shiny new tablet (which I got for my birthday) I'm probably going to be showing more art on myO now. :) It feels like forever since I've uploaded on to myOtaku, but feel free to look at my Deviant Art site to see some more recent stuff (and even that isn't updated as often... ^^' )
so here it is:
 Estrea's Debut! Hosted By
~Minako |
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to meeee,
Happy birthday to me...
I'm 19 years old today. :) |
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Virgina Tech.
Please keep the students and faculty at Virgina Tech in your thoughts and/or prayers.
If you don't know, there were two shootings today at Virgina Technical College. They're not sure if they're related, but 32 people have been confirmed dead, with 15 or more in the hospital for wounds mainly caused by jumping out of a second story window because the suspect had chained them into the room.
For more info, here's a link to the CNN page about it. here
That's all from me.
~Minako |
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Happy Belated Easter!
To start off, I hope everyone had a good Easter, and remembered the victory that was won by our Lord and Savior Jesus in His resurrection. It was good to remember it by going to the sunrise service with Michelle. Though being in that church always brings back unpleasant memories, I just focused on the message, however the Good Friday service was particularly nerve-wracking. I don't know why I panicked, but I just remember the crap that my class there put me through, and I don't enjoy re-living it. However, I realize that it was all just childish crap. It's in the past, and even though those people inadvertently scarred me, in a way. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the services, they were great, but just the school kind of...yeah.
After that I went to Starbucks to redeem a free coupon I got when they screwed up my order the last time, and I gots myself some coffee AND a free toasted bagel! It totally made my day that I got a free breakfast from there, that and picking up my mom from the bus that took her from the airport from China. She brought me back some early birthday presents from my relatives in Finland, as well as a photo album from my great-grandma's funeral last October. My dad also sent me his old hockey jersey from his Shanghai team, the team formerly known as the "red guard," but now they're the "paper tigers" which means foreigners in Chinese since the team is made up of people from all over the globe that live there. But anyway, I could have made the earlier bus (7:30) but my mom came around 6:30ish. I decided to take the 10:00 bus, just so that I could see her a little bit before I came back to good ol' Mad-town, though I didn't tell her that.
But now...I'm kind of missing my dad. I think it might be because my mom said that he'll be coming after Midsummer's Eve (around June 21-22) but I'll be working in Minnesota then at the camp. He could come to the "International Day" that they have, where all the language camps come together to celebrate peace, but they discourage family and friends visiting. Maybe I could ask for some time off for when he comes? I don't know. It's still not clear when he's going to be visiting, but I sure hope I'll be able to see him.
Sorry for the long post, just a lot happened in the past few days I guess. Take Care and God Bless.
~Minako |
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I cannot wait until Spring Break. I want to go home and sleep....and study for my math exam and do half of my research paper on manga, heh.
Speaking of sleep, I should probably get some.
I tweaked some of the text colors and background images for my table. What do you think? I still think the text is a little hard to see, but it contrasts well to the background (in the table, at least). Feel free to leave suggestions! I'm still rather new at this whole themed-layout thing. Maybe I'm better at just plain color-coordinating, rather than extravagant layouts ala ElvesAte MyRamen. Practice makes perfect, right?
Take Care,
It's hard to say, What it is I see in you
Wonder if I'll always, Be with you
But words can't say, And I can't do
Enough to prove, It's all for you
"It's All For You" by Sister Hazel. Do you remember them?? |
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
So, here I am, with a post. heh.
How'd you like the comic I posted? It's pretty funny, and Sinfest is one of my favorite comics, so you should check it out.
So today I only had one class (I know I'm getting jealous glares from people now ^^; ), and I actually went to it. For those of you who don't know, this is actually really good for me because I skip class a lot, and especially this one, heh. but anyway, I'm writing about what I did today because it really was a good day for me. I got to hang out with one of my friends from high school whom I haven't really gotten to know until college (weird, huh?). And after that, my other really good friend from high school (who's a senior now, actually) called me (though she promised she would) and we talked for a good long time. *sigh* It feels so good to just have good conversations with cool people, dosn't it?
But yeah. That's about it....Kind of pointless, but *shrug*. No picture because I already posted the comic.
Take Care!
~Minako, aka Laura
EDIT: Changed background. I think it works better. |
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
So, here I am, at the library doing research for my paper, and I sit in a tucked-away corner of the library cafe (yes, one of the libraries on campus has a cafe in it). There are a few chairs and a sofa facing away from me. Lo and behold there's a couple that sits down on the sofa. I think, "Oh, ok then." BUT the chick is all making lovey dovey faces at her boyfriend and they're kissing and what not. They remind me of middle school relationships (if you can even call that a "relationship" back in middle school) It makes me sick. I mean, it's all fine and dandy that they have each other. I'm happy for them, really. But I really don't want to see it.
Sorry for the ranting, but I have to get it out before I scream, heh.
Fruits Basket is one of my all time favorite anime/manga. I love how Shigure and Ayame are all over Tohru! Her face is priceless, heh.
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