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Member Since
sophomore in college
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being in college, heh
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha, Chobits, Tsubasa Resvoir Chronicle, Code Geass, Black Cat, Mushishi
My current goals are to find happiness in my life. It's not that I'm not happy at times, but I want happiness in all that I do.
violin, drawing, reading, acting, writing...
Music (I know 4 instruments), Languages (I know 2 1/2 languages), drawing..
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Of Laughter and Tears
So, this last week was crazy, but I won't go into all the details.
However, it can be summed up in two words: emotional roller coaster.
Its climax was after I had watched the two last episodes of Grey's Anatomy. If you don't watch the show, I'll give you a quick overview of what happened: the main Character, Meredith, drowned. It showed how it effected the other characters, and I started thinking about morbid things which actually lead me to tears at one point. I started to think about what would happen if something happened to my mother. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do, which terrified me. I was afraid of how I would handle it (not well by how I reacted to these thoughts), and how I would take care of the house and the dogs, and how I would contact my dad...and other arrangements. It's just that my mother is all I have back home, family-wise. My dad is overseas at work, the rest of my family is back in Finland, so I'd be all alone here. My friend suggested that I could go and live with my dad, but I don't want to do that, as much as I love him. I felt so stupid calling my mom, bawling, about this whole ordeal. I mean, honestly, no one knows what will happen in the future, but God knows. And that not-knowing was kind of scary. But I just have to trust in God that everything will be alright. He's gotten me this far, and I know He's not going to leave me anytime soon, lol.
I also know what it means to live for God now. I'm not saying that I'm good at it or anything, but I've found that no matter what my problems are, they're pointless. Everything is for God's glory, not my own. =)
Well, take care, and God Bless. I leave you with a verse that I really found to be helpful this weekend.
Hebrews 11:1-3
What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. God gave His approval to people in days of old because of their faith. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.
P.S: Train from Black Cat is teh smexy. X3
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
YAY!! *happy*
YAY! My computer's back from the shop!!! I'm so happy! I missed it a lot...I know this post is kind of random, so to make up for it, I'm going to post a pic from one of my favorite anime's, Outlaw Star.
Take care!!
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
So, has devoted itself to righting the wrong done to them by AnimeFF and the infamous Jeff. I don't know what to think of all this, but from the evidence, it seems like Jeff is incredibly guilty.
Well, there's a new campaign to sell 100 of theOtaku's How to Draw Anime books, and I'm kind of broke at the moment. If you don't want one, but still want to donate, you can give it to somebody, Adam said it himself. So, if any of you are like that, you could very humbly give it to me, because I could really use it! LOL Just kidding. I mean, it's ok if I don't have one, but if someone is feeling generous, go ahead and ask me. ^-^
but yeah. Not much going on. Just studying a lot, though it feels like it's not getting me anywhere. I'm still struggling in Chemistry, but I'm getting help from my professor tomorrow. He's a really nice guy, and I'll look forward to ask him for questions. Can you believe that he just graduated from the doctoral program last December?? WOW! Talk about fresh outta college! But this guy, compared to my prof last semester, doesn't put me to sleep. I actually look forward to my chemistry lectures, except for the homework that follows it. XP
But yeah, that's about it. It feels like I have no life anymore, like I'm just holed up in a library, studying all the time. heh heh, just kidding. I get out sometimes. Heck, I even went to a John Mayer concert for Valentine's Day. It was pretty freakin' awesome! Best concert I've ever been to, by far! :D
Well, take care now!
No featured quote or pic...kinda out of it at the moment lol |
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Well'p, I adjusted the colors on the background image and the text for this table. Does it look better?
And I'm kind of worried about school now. I've been put on academic probation, meaning, I'm almost flunking out of college. Though I'm getting my act together now, with 2 tutors for math (one by myself and one with my discussion), I'm tempted to get one for Chemistry, (I talked to the professor today, and he was really helpful.) and I had a job interview today and another one tomorrow, on top of working at my job that I currently have! Jeesh! At least my job interview today was yummy! I had an interview to be a cookie decorator, and I decorated 2 cookies (after like 2 hours of practicing lines, zig-zags, filling-in, and what not), and I got to take them home. One was a flower (I ate that one) and one was a bear. I may post pictures of them, because the owner of the shop said she'd send them to me. *shrug* Tomorrow however, I have an interview at a lab. And being a Genetics major, it would look REALLY good if I got to work at a research lab, even if it is only cleaning cages. Hey, you have to start somewhere, right? SO, if I get the lab job, I'm going to quit my current food-service job, and take that one. The cookie decorator job is far away (a half an hour bus ride, nearly a whole hour on the way back, which included a transfer), and not as many hours, and not as good pay. And speaking of work and school, I'm thinking of taking my shift tomorrow off, so that I can catch up on some chemistry homework that's due on Friday, as well as some due Sunday (it's online), so that I won't have to do it when I go home this weekend. :D
Aah, the wonders of going home after being away at college. Last semester, I went home a lot more than I am now. Frankly, I don't have time to go home that often now with all the school work, and my job and all. However, I may not have to work every other weekend anymore, if I land this lab job. *crosses fingers* I really hope I do. I've been turned down from every lab I've applied to, and pretty much any other job, so now me having 2 job opportunities on top of a job I already have is pretty darn sweet. I'm just trying to manage my time better, so that my grades don't end up being as bad as they were last semester.
Well, just pray for me, think of me, whatever you wanna do, but I need it.
Take Care now!
I ain't got money,
I ain't got fame,
I ain't got much to show.
But you can't buy me,
You can't own me--cuz baby, I got soul.
~Monique, from a webcomic called Sinfest. A definite must-read in my book. |
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Monday, January 22, 2007
GAH! I have a new FLCL layout! *melodramatic gasp!* I haven't seen very many of them, so I decided on that one. (thanks Arduous for the tip!)
And another question, is the text hard to see? if it is, I'll change it.
So yeah, I'm back at my good ol' college again. I must say, that it's nice being back, however, I'd gotten used to being at home for a solid month. *sigh* I'm not that far away from home, so I can visit sometimes, and my friends can visit me! *grins* The only bad thing about being back is that I can't download anime as much as I'd like because of the bandwidth limit here in my dorm. XP oh well. I have all of my Naruto DVD's to watch as well as all of Black Cat, so I think I'll be ok as far as my anime fix goes.
But yeah, I also wanted to through it out there that I love to write and receive letters. So if you'd like to write with me, let me know (via a pm, please) and I'd love to write with you. :D
But yeah, that's pretty much it. Take Care now!
Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods
~Japanese Proverb |
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Let's Go Tractor Tipping!!
mood: tired
music: "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood
Sorry for the leave of absence for a month! Just not a lot to say... (and BTW, in my last post, the song is called "Timo Tahtoo" by Antti Kleemola)
Subject line is a line from Cars. GREAT movie!
I saw that movie last weekend, and what a weekend it was! It was much much fun visiting my friend at her school and hanging out with her friends. They're really fun (and one is especially good looking ^_~ )
I also got new glasses! They're just like my old thick-rimmed black ones, but these are turtle-shell ones. =) [Not real turtle shell, of course. heh]
It's really weird because I have this last week left of vacation, and then school starts up again. I miss all of my friends there, as well as all the Campus Crusade stuff, but it was nice to not have to worry about classes and all. I have to go back RIGHT when I get used to break! *heh heh* And this semester, I'm going to get off of my butt when it comes to my schoolwork, because I totally slacked off last semester and I can't afford to do that again. Maybe buying a PS2 from ebay wouldn't be the best idea right now! heh heh.
And lately, I've really been developing my storyline for a possible webcomic. It's kinda complex, but I'm still working out the kinks in the characters and the storyline. I have a HUGE backstory (a possible prelude?) and I still have to get the final look of the main MALE character down. It revolves around a female character mostly, but there's a guy in her forecast. heh. Maybe over the summer I can kick it off the ground more. I'll try to get some pages in, and I'll show you all first, of course, but pages take hours and hours of precious time, which I won't have as much of anymore. Like I said, maybe this summer, so keep an eye out for it. ;)
I also need some possible name suggestions. Just a rough outline of the story: It revolves around an elven girl (yes, it's a fantasy story) whose had a rough past, who tries to start a new life, but she ends up trying to find her father (who left when she was a baby...though not willingly...long story) with the help of the male character that I mentioned as well as a rag-tag team of friends. =) Any ideas?
But yeah, that's about it for me. I know it's not much, but I thought I should probably post something.
Poll of..well...this post:
What theme should I go with next?
A. Naruto
B. Inuyasha
C. Black Cat (but ElvesAteMyRamen already has that)
D. Fullmetal Alchemist
E. FLCL (GREAT anime! I really want the manga!! ;_; ) |
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
April Showers Bring May Flowers
It was a dark, rainy night in April when we broke up. We had just gotten through a very heartfelt and emotional conversation, about his feelings. The barista told us that the coffeeshop was closing, and gave us the leftover scones for free. It was in the foyer, between the door to the outside world and the door to the inside of the coffee shop, was when he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.
"I think we should break up," he said, solemnly.
"I knew it," I replied.
And I did. He had told me two weeks before about his feelings, and I pretty much knew that it was over, however reluctant I was to admit it. It wasn't the fact that we had just broken up that hit me. I mean, yeah, it was painful, but it was what he said after that short, quick death of our romantic ties. We looked up at the raining black skies and I said, "I hate the rain."
"We need it," he replied
To this very day, I wonder whether he meant the ground needed it (we had been having a dry spell), or us (meaning him and me). Then today, I was listening to some Finnish rock music (from where I am from), and a part of the song said (translated of course) "...the rain cleans away the tears." Which is true. The "rain" which we all must experience sometime or other, and the tears we cry with it, will be washed away when it's all over. So even though the rain is pouring down on you, and the tears are flowing, when the sunshine comes, the rain and the tears will be dried up.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Ok, here's the post I promised *heh*
Current Mood: okay...i guess
Current Music: "Praise you in this storm" by Casting Crown (on yahoo music)
Hi all!
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving vacations went well, mine went relatively well (except for some minor mom drama, but it's ok now). If you hadn't noticed, I had a Chemistry midterm today. I don't feel particularly strongly that it went badly or well, but I have a slightly bad feeling about it. *shrug* We'll see tomorrow what I got.
I also realized that I've acquired a fairly clear head about things that had clouded my vision before. For instance, boys. I know, my guy friends out there will be rolling their eyes at me. Well, roll away, but this is a big issue for me. Before, for example, if a guy would even smile at me, I would go all giddy and be like "maybe he likes me, or thinks I'm cute!" Now, I realize that maybe he just likes to smile. And often times I'll smile at people, and they smile back. See? No biggie. If a guy would show any kind of attention to me, I would just assume things. Now, my eyes aren't clouded by my heart being on my sleeve. I mean, yeah, who wouldn't like a cute guy smiling at you? seriously! But I realize that it's only a smile, it doesn't mean anything more. This is a very big improvement for me, i should think. I mean, if I'm interested in a guy, and he's interested in me, I'll take it. but it's just that I'm not letting my heart get the best of me. :)
Well, take care hun, and I pray that God blesses you all in everything you do. :)
~Minako ^^
Today's featured attraction is a webcomic that I've come to like a lot. It's drawn by this girl, Aido, and she used to have a comic called "Strings of Fate" which was AMAZING, but she decided not to draw it anymore. Which is understandable, but I wish I could share it with you, because it was so cool. But anywho, she's back with another comic, which is just as cool. Even though she doesn't update regularly, it's still worth a read.
Here's Aido's latest comic, Fallen. |
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Monday, November 27, 2006
Hey all,
Sorry about the lack of updates. College kinda gets to ya, doesn't it? Well, can't talk long, but I'll try to write a nice long post about stuff that's been going on.
Well'p, i have a chemistry midterm to study for, so I'll catch you on the flipside.
P.S: Here's what I think of chemistry midterms:
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Friday, November 17, 2006
YAY! Way to go for 1702 hits! It's been creeping slowly up to 1700, but thanks guys!
I really do apologize for not posting more often! It's just that I've been going through some stuff right now...yeah.
I luuurve you guys!!

Calvin and Hobbes © to whoever draws it, I honestly don't know, but it certainly isn't me. |
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