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Member Since
sophomore in college
Real Name
being in college, heh
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha, Chobits, Tsubasa Resvoir Chronicle, Code Geass, Black Cat, Mushishi
My current goals are to find happiness in my life. It's not that I'm not happy at times, but I want happiness in all that I do.
violin, drawing, reading, acting, writing...
Music (I know 4 instruments), Languages (I know 2 1/2 languages), drawing..
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
This made me smile. ^^

Mutts is copyright to the genious, Patrick McDonnell. |
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Music is Food for the Soul
So, I went home this past weekend (and it was really fun, except for the fact that I got sick on friday, but after that, i was fine), and I brought something very special back with me from my house, my violin. You see, there's a story behind my violin, but I won't bore you with the details. If you wanna know, ask me. I'll be happy to tell you. But anyway, back to the point. You see, lately, I've been itching to play my violin. No, not literally, but at work, we listen to classical music, and when there's a song I know, that I've played, my fingers long to play along. I've longed for the slight weight on my shoulder, the feel of the strings beneath my fingers, the sound of a ringing A note...So, I finally came around and brought my violin with me. I thought it would be difficult to be able to practice around here, because 1.)We're not allowed to practice in our rooms, we have to check out a key for the music room in the basement of the building next door and 2.) TIME. Yesterday, however, I happened to have some extra time (because i was smart and managed my time wisely today), so I waited for the room to be open, and I went down into the basement...
As I opened my case, I was expecting a bad sounding violin, (you see, the strings don't stay tuned all the time..humidity, pressure, time...) but it wasn't as bad as I thought. With a little tuning, I finally was able to just play music. The first song I played, was a song I played for a competition, and is four pages long. I just tried the first few lines, and my fingers, being out of practice, forgot where the notes were on the strings. So, I pulled out some relatively simple music to get warmed up. After finally getting the hang of things, I tried playing the four page song again. Surprisingly, I remembered all four pages (with some minor parts that I didn't remember well). I thought that was a good place to stop for today. I played for a good 30-40 minutes (which was normal for me before) and it was a good practice session, especially since I haven't played for about five months now (my longest break ever!). And my fingers were starting to cramp up, and my back was getting sore, heh.
After I packed up and turned in the key, I walked back to my dorm feeling refreshed or relaxed... as if I've just had a great work-out. I never realized how much playing music meant to me. I never really cared about it like I do now. It's not just about getting the right notes, and winning competitions anymore. Now, it's just music. Beautiful, pure music, flowing from my finger tips. *sigh*
I don't know where I'd be without music in my life.
Sorry for the novel, I just felt that I should share my joy in my music with you all. :)
~the Violinist in me
The best essentiallly there to provide you something to face the world with.
~Bruce Springsteen |
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Monday, October 9, 2006
Thanks for the comments guys. And Arduous, I'm glad I'm not the only one who cries at the end of animes! ^^
Yeah, my best friend (and ex-boyfriend) came to visit me this weekend. I was so happy to have him here, and show him the town. I haven't explored much of it myself (I really don't like going out by myself. There have been some robbings and muggings lately), but it was nice to go with him. ^^
And another thing about him that I want to get off of my chest. I still have feelings for him. He knows about it, he made me spill my guts out to him about it, and I did. Though I made him promise not to say anything (because i know what he'll say). He'd say that "he doesn't know how he feels" and yadda yadda yadda. (That's why we broke up. We'd been dating for about a month and a half) HOWEVER, I have CLEAR evidence that he still does. 1.) He likes to make me happy. i.e. by tickling me and poking me (I squeak when poked..*sigh* it's true). 2.) for most of yesterday, we cuddled and watched movies (well, 2 movies). 3.) He just looks at me "that way." The same way he looked at me when we were dating, in that loving way... I mean, it's really clear, and other people have said so, but I think he's afraid. Before he dated me, he dated another one of my friends (I know, it's not that good that I dated him too, but she was ok with it) for 2 years and it was a NASTY break-up. I think he might be still scarred from it, and is afraid to love. I want to ask him how he feels now, but he'll just say "I don't know" and get a look of pain in his eyes as he tries to figure it out...
*sigh* Boys, I tell ya.
But anyway, enough of "the boy" as my friends have called him. *heh*
That's about it for me...Take care now, and I'll see you around! ^^
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Kakashi-senpai!
Likes: "Romance" novels *wink wink*
Dislikes: Bad things..I don't know
Owner: Minako
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi! |
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Ouran High School Host Club Ending!
*CONTAINS SPOILERS* If you want to sheild your virgin eyes to the last episode of Ouran, don't read this. Though I'm just making an opinion about it, but I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum ^^;
I just saw the last episode of my current Anime obsession (note the layout lol) Ouran High School Host Club. I am VERY VERY sad to see it go, and I can only hope that they will make another season. (Kind of the way with Fruits Basket, no?)
Honestly, this episode made me cry. And I don't mean just tearing up and thinking Oh, that's so touching! I mean I literally started bawling. I just hit close to home with me. (*SPOILER AHEAD*)When Tamaki was leaving, I felt a heartache that I would feel if my best BEST friend in the world ever left me. (*END SPOILER WARNING*) I just don't want him to ever stop being my friend, and I don't know what I'd do without him...
*ANOTHER SPOILER* And I loved the "dark Honey" side, when they were about to beat up that MASSIVE load of men. And all he says is, "Takashi."*END SPOILER* AH! I loved it!
Ok, now I have PLENTY of ideas for my doujinshi I'm thinking about drawing for OHC. I just want start sketching right away! heh heh.
Though right now, I'm feeling incredibly drained from crying, and I have a midterm tomorrow to study for, so I think I'll go to bed NOW and wake up extra early tomorrow and review a bit.
I really want to hit up your sites, but I'm just not up to it right now. *sigh* I LOVE OURAN! *sniff*
Take care, loves.
Comments (3) |
Sunday, October 1, 2006
"ACHTUNG! | Minako may actually be a spider-human hybrid |
Heh heh. ACHTUNG! (what's funny, i study German, AND I might get a degree in it! *Cracks up*) |
Comments (2) |
Monday, September 11, 2006
I'm not dead!
No, i'm not dead. I'm alive and kicking at college. Yes, i started college last week tuesday (although i moved in a week ago last thursday, on the 31st of August). It's been hectic. I was finishing up my math homework for tomorrow, and i didn't know how to do a bunch of it, and we're graded for completion. (i.e. it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, as long as it's done) and since I didn't finish some problems because i didn't understand them, i fear i will get down-graded. *shrug* I'll make it up.
Yeah, and i haven't been able to sleep lately either. It's mostly because of the full moon. yeah, i know, it must be pretty weird, but i can't sleep if there's a full moon. My father's like that too. But it's not a full moon anymore, so i don't know why i can't sleep anymore. I think it's because i can't stop thinking about a boy i used to date, my best friend. It's just..i don't know.
But yeah, thought i should let you guys know that i'm not dead...and if you wanna see some more recent art than the stuff i have on here (which is pretty old, mind you), go here. I have a drawing of Hikaru and Kaoru from Ouran High School Host Club (*points to the background*). I have another Hikaru x Haruhi pic in the works. Right now, i'm really excited about a photograph i have on there. :D
But yeah, i'll see you later.
P.S: My trusty ipod decided to die. *cries* I've had it for 2 years and now it decided to wonk out on me. *sniff* |
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Thoughts in an Airport
[ mood | *shrug* ]
[ music | "Broken" by Jack Johnson ]
Date: 8/19/2006 Saturday
Time/Place: 6:09 PM, Shanghai Pudong Airport
I’ve always felt that I am destined for great things. Lately, I’ve wanted to write something epic. Sometimes, it’s in music, art, or science; all things that others have said that I’m good at. I’m not at all sure why I think that I’m meant to be something great. All my life, my teachers and classmates have all said that I was a good student. So much so that some teachers have nominated me for prestigious awards and an entrance into our school’s division of NHS. They also wrote me letters of recommendation that helped me get into a prestigious university. My parents have always pushed me to do my best, and to excel at all the things I did in school: get good grades, play violin well, be in extra-curricular activities, etc. They expected no less than the best I could give, and I believe I gave it to them. Others have said that I am a “good kid.” Now that I’ve grown (at least somewhat) they’ve started to see me differently. They see me as an equal, not just he kid that my parents dragged along. Everyone sees me as a good student, a hard worker, and a girl with big dreams. Does this mean that I’m meant for great things? Because they so?
Perhaps it’s true that I will do great things in my life. Who knows? I could cure cancer for all I know. Though, if I WON’T do great things in my life, I’ll have felt that I let everyone down; my family, my teachers, schoolmates, friends, mentors…as well as myself. I’ve always taken myself very seriously. I’ve pushed myself to the breaking point in trying to achieve my goals, as well as others’ expectations of me. I can also have a short fuse sometimes, and, at times, I can be very impatient with other people. (I guess being an only child in an upper-middle-class family has its short-comings, eh?) I guess that’s why I push myself, to override my flaws. I’ve always had this pressure to do great things with my life. That’s why if I don’t do great things in the future, I’ll feel that all this “self discipline” I’ve put myself through will be a waste. I’ll probably think, “I wasn’t able to do what I was ‘meant’ to do. I wasn’t pushing myself hard enough.”
So, will I be destined for great things? Everyone has told me so. So much so that it has been engrained into my mind. I guess the only answer to my question, that I can see, is that only time will tell. Ask me again in 50 years whether or not I’ve done something with my life. Hopefully, I’ll be able to answer it.
P.S: How do you like the new layout?
I didn't know what I was lookin for so I
didn't know what I'd find
I didn't know what I was missin I guess
you'd been just a little too kind
and if I find just what I need
put a little peace in my mind
maybe you been lookin' too
or maybe you don't even need to try...
~"Broken" by Jack Johnson |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
WOW! A post from Minako! *gasp*
[mood | meh. ]
[music | Avril Lavigne ]
Well, here I am with a little update.
If you haven't noticed, I changed my theme to Ouran High School Host Club, just because it rocks my socks off! The DVD should be out now, so I'm going to try to find it (even though I've been downloading it since episode 13, and episode 18 comes out today). And i have a question, regarding my theme:
How do you make the inner part of the page see-through so that you can see the wallpaper through it? Any help is appreciated!
And this friday, I'm off for an adventure. What kind of an adventure you ask? Well, I'm headed off to China to visit my dear old dad, who's working there for 2 years. I'll be there for 2 weeks, and I'll have my laptop with me, so no worries concerning me falling behind on updates. (though I don't update as much as I'd like to..)
I really love the theOtaku community, including myO and OB. I've never seen such a variety of people here. Yes, there are the newbies, with their internet speak: "OMG inuyasha rox!! lol rotflmao!" But there are also the lovely people that I've been watching for a while, who have such lovely structured posts and really make you like them a lot. I've met some of the people on myO in person, some I've known for years, and some I've only just started to become friends with. I really do neglect the lovely community here, with lack of posts, and lack of activity on OB. I check up on them every day, to see if anyone has pm'd me, really. I really do want to become and active member on here that people will recognize when they see my username, like they do with Sara, Elvesatemyramen, Gasara, and so forth. From now on, I strive to become a better Otaku. (that sounds reaaally weird, huh?)
And I had an entry for the July contest, all I had to do was to add the few finishing touches, but i didn't have it done it time. -_-; I'll try to post it anyway. I post art more often here. So feel free to check it out! ^^
Well, take care everybody, and long live
"Live every day as if it's your last, 'cus one day you're gonna be right."
~Ray Charles. |
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Whoah. long day.
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | none ]
Yeah, I've had a long day, well, at least a long afternoon. So, I tried to call a travel doctor so that I can get the necessary shots for my trip for China, but they can't because they don't take insurance, so I have to try to call my family doctor to get to the travel doctor my dad used so that I can get my Hepatitis A shot, I'm NOT looking forward to this shot because I have a serious phobia of needles. *bites nails* (WOW that's a long sentence! Grammar nazi's, forgive me.) *shudder*
So, I was frustrated at that when I went to work. When I got there, I was outside with the small dogs (we separate the large and small dogs at work) and the canopy we have was literally flying around, so I took them inside. While inside, a dog ATTACKED my co-worker. I wasn't inside the enclosure with the large dogs, but if I hadn't have yelled "HEY!" as loud as I could, God knows what would have happened to my co-worker. He ended up with a puncture wound on his arm (or should I say, "in" his arm?). That shook him up BAD. He was feeling physically nauseous because he was so freaked. (he's about 16 or so) My knees were shaking too, and luckily, when all the dogs were accounted for (i.e. had gone home), I was supposed to clean the back room where we keep the dogs over lunch and my lovely co-worker, Jamie, helped me and made it go that much faster. She's so nice! Then, i forgot to take down the canopy that I mentioned before, but we were short handed anyway, so I left it. I then got a call from my boss as soon as I pull into my house, and she made me go back and take it down. Does she realize that my car guzzles gas? Does she realize how POINTLESS it is for me to drive 15 mins there and back just to be there for 10 minutes to take down that friggin canopy??? AND that's not the worst of it! The dog that attacked my co-worker, probably WON'T get kicked out of day care. Frankly, I don't trust him anymore (the dog that is), and there always was something that I didn't like about him. I'm SO glad that this is my last week of working there.
Sorry for ranting, and sounding upset. It's just that my workplace is so screwed up. I'm just waiting for the day that there is that horrible fight, or the day that one of my co-workers gets seriously hurt by a dog, not just a scratch, which is normal. I swear to God, I will never work for them again. They treat us workers like s*** and it's getting really old. If something isn't done (we have this loong list of chores to do before the day is done), they yell at us for it... I could go into it, but I REALLY don't want to...
I can give you guys more details of the attack if you're really interested, I don't mind talking about it. But it's just that my own mother was attacked by a dog which disfigured her face permanently BY ONE OF THE OWNERS OF THE DAY CARE'S OWN DOG, so it kind of hits close to home..
Question: Does anybody know how to do pixel art? I want to make my own set of emoticons for myO and my LJ (sorry, only close friends can see that ^_~)
I feel these four walls closing in
Face up against the glass
I'm looking out, mmm
Is this my life I'm wondering
It happened so fast
How do I turn this thing around
Is this the bed I chose to make
There's greener pastures I'm thinking about, mmm
Wide open spaces far away
All I want is the wind in my hair
To face the fear but not feel scared
Wild horses I wanna be like you
Throwing caution to the wind, I'll run free too
Wish I could recklessly love like I'm longing to
I wanna run with the wild horses
Run with the wild horses, oh
Yeah, oh oh, ye-yeah
I see the girl I wanna be
Riding bareback, carefree
Along the shore
If only that someone was me
Jumping head first, head-long
Without a thought
To act and damn the consequence
How I wish it could be that easy
But fear surrounds me like a fence
I wanna break free
All I want is the wind in my hair
To face the fear, but not feel scared
I wanna run too
Oooh oh oh oh
Recklessly abandoning myself before you
I wanna open up my heart
Tell him how I feel
Whoah ooohh ooh ooh ye-yeah yeah oohh
I wanna run with the wild horses, ooooh
~"Wild Horses" by Natasha Bedingfield |
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
I must admit, I'm in love..
With Ouran High School Host Club!! Thanks to ElvesAteMyRamen's raving about this anime, i looked it up, and i'm hooked! :D It's great! I love Haruhi, she's awesome. OH! and the twins too! I love them! It's especially great when they're with the "clients," oh man! *grabs stomach from laughing so hard* So yeah, you should go and check it out. I won't say how i found it online, but pm me and I'll let you know.
Thanks, Elves, for the advice with my boy situation (see last post, it's probably confusing, but I'd appreciate it if you gave me some help on the matter).
~Minako |
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