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sophomore in college
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being in college, heh
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Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha, Chobits, Tsubasa Resvoir Chronicle, Code Geass, Black Cat, Mushishi
My current goals are to find happiness in my life. It's not that I'm not happy at times, but I want happiness in all that I do.
violin, drawing, reading, acting, writing...
Music (I know 4 instruments), Languages (I know 2 1/2 languages), drawing..
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Monday, July 3, 2006
So yeah, i'm just going to spill my guts over my ex-boyfriend/my best friend (yes, he's my best friend), so if you don't want to hear it, don't read it. *chuckle* (for reference, let's call him "Drew," I don't want to give his name over the net)
So, Drew came over to my house the other night to watch movies. And, as usual, I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me, this is totally common for us. Another little game we play, is "are you nervous?" For those of you who don't know, in this "game" you put your hand on the other person's thigh and ask, "are you nervous?" and when the other person says, "no" you keep moving your hand closer and closer to, well, you can imagine where, and you keep asking "Are you nervous?" (It might me kind of confusing sounding..) but anyway, he did that to me (which is a joke for us) and i let him go all the way. Then, he offered to, well, "go down" on me if you know what I'm saying. He'd mentioned it before that he'd want me to be happy, and by doing this, it would make me happy (this was long before this situation) and i hesitated on letting him. I really wanted to, but I was afraid that our relationship would change. I mean, it probably wouldn't have changed for the worse, but still, i didn't know what would happen. Then he was beating himself up about how sorry he was for bringing it up, and how it was his fault for me hesitating. That's the thing with Drew, he just totally beats himself up over stuff, when it's not really a big deal. It pains me to see him like that, but there's nothing I could have done to help. Then (at 5:30 in the morning. heh heh) as he was leaving, we hugged (as is standard procedure for us, as we part ways, we hug) he held me the same way as he did when we were dating. And he looked at me so...lovingly, and I saw the same eyes that I had fallen in love with before. We were close to kissing several times, especially when we parted, I had hooked my thumbs in the pockets of my jeans (I just stand like that sometimes) and he pulled me by my pockets and was, literally, just a couple of inches away from my face and I turned away. I've just gotten over him, and I know (now) that there will always be a place in my heart for him. I kept telling him "I'm sorry" for turning away, and that "I don't know if I can" [kiss him i mean]. You see, we broke up because he wasn't sure how he felt, and as we were having this "tension" between us, he said "I don't know."
Now that I've explained that whole ordeal (which may or may not have been completely confusing), let me tell you what is on my mind. From how he acted that night (or morning lol) I know that there's still something there for me, and, knowing him, he won't want to get back together for fear of what happened last time. (I mean he might want to, but he'd be afraid that he wouldn't know how he felt...I guess he still doesn't) I don't know if I want to get back together with him because I'm going away for college (2 hours away from where we live, so still not that far), so i won't see him every day. And I don't know how i'd fare with having a boyfriend back home anyway...What should I do? I really want him to tell me how he feels (I already know, but I want confirmation) and I betcha he'd tell me, being the honest guy he is. Should we get back together? We both wanted to...and when I'm in his arms...*sigh* There's just no place I'd rather be, than with him. I'm so confused. My heart says just to go for it, but my head says that I'm going away for college, and it'd be hard...what should I do?
I have to go to work now, so I have to go..
~Minako |
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Thank Yoou!!
1,601 hits since I joined 2 and a half years ago! So I'd like to thank everyone who have visited my site-- the regulars, and the people who just stop in randomly (which i think is the majority, heh). Soo, THANK YOOU!! *gives hugs and cookies to everyone*
I'll try to put up something special for you guys ^_~
~Minako |
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Lyric game
Well, me and my livejournal buddies have now been into this game. The game goes like this: I give you 20 bits of lyrics from 20 different songs. You get 1 point for every song AND artist you can guess correctly--meaning, you get half a point for getting either the song or the artist right, 1 point total if you get both.
Here goes!
#1 “And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me, For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me”
#2 “Are you here to fetch me out? Cause I've never had this taste in my mouth”
#3 “I just couldn’t take the hurt again, what a feeling”
#4 “Well baby I surrender to the strawberry ice cream”
#5 “You must need it, wake up and read it”
#6 “One more kiss could be the best thing, but one more lie could be the worst”
#7 “Daddy always said that I wish I was black”
#8 “I don’t speak to nobody, I gave away my phone”
#9 “You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley, and they’ll tell you whose team they’d prefer to be on”
#10 “Cause everything’s so wrong and I don’t belong”
#11 “Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial”
#12 “With the French ambassador’s daughter in her dorm room at Mrs. Porter’s, and you?”
#13 “Won’t stop before I find a cure for this cancer”
#14 “I gave you everything and never asked for anything”
#15 “I hold on to my pillow tight and think of how you promised me forever”
#16 “I used to be your tootsie-wootsie, then you said ‘toodle-dedoo’”
#17 “Turning saints into the seas, swimming through sick lullabies”
#18 “But the lone highway is the only way”
#19 “You twist to fit the mold that I am in”
#20 “I didn’t see that, I only heard. But just to be sociable I’ll take your word”
I'll post the answers (and # of points each got) as soon as i get some comments on this
Live every day as if it's your last, because one day, you're gonna be right.
~Ray Charles |
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Well, it's been a while hasn't it? It's just that it feels like no one ever comments anymore, well, then again, i don't comment much either, so i guess this is a case of "treat others as you would treat yourself."
Well, since i'm a senior in High school, i'm graduating next Sunday. I'm excited, yet freaked out. My school was the one place i wanted to be while I was away on my foreign exchange (well, next to my house). I've just gotten back into my group of friends (they're very hard on letting people into our group, which is kind of weird since I was in it before i left). we only have one day of class tomorrow (tuesday) and on wednesday and thursday we have our final exams. I have Pre-calculus, chemistry and English Literature on Wednesday, and on thursday I have Physics and Theology (religion class). After that, i'm free until Sunday. I'm going to the college of my dreams (seriously, i've wanted to go there since I was a little girl), and i'm moving out on August 31st. There's a lot of stuff going on, but i welcome it. It gives me time to get away from my mother...yeah. we don't have to talk about her right now.
Well, take care everybody, and hopefully i'll be commenting on your sites soon.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Hello there
No, I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth. (It doesn't seem that anybody cared either)
Well, no great news to tell you. I've just wrapped up my last play in High School TT_TT It's kind of surreal. Now, 3rd quarter is ending too, so graduation is coming up fast. But I'm looking forward to getting out of my house, though I think pretty much every senior around the world feels that way. lol
The real reason i'm posting, is that I changed my theme from Fruits basket (or a desperate attempt at fruits basket) to the ever so wonderful musical, Wicked. I saw it once already with my school and I'm going to see it again this summer (it's sold out all the way through June!! At least here in the Chicago theater), and I'm excited!! ^^ I'm getting it as a birthday present for a friend of mine (hopefully he doesn't see this lol, I don't think he will), so I can't wait to see his face when he opens it!! *squee* Though, I must admit, the play is MUCH MUCH different than the book. They VERY loosely based it off of the book, may I say, that it's really nothing like it. Yeah, there are the parts that are the same, but it's much different. Still an awesome play, everybody should go and see it. =^_^=
Take Care
Comic brought to you by Mutts © Patrick McDonnel
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Valentine's Day Convert
Yes, I'm a Valentine's Day convert. I used to be SO Anti-v-day, it wasn't even funny. Even just earlier today, I was ranting and raving about how I hate Valentine's Day with a passion...but now that passion has changed.
When I pulled into my driveway, I saw my friend (a guy) waiting for me. He pulled out a bouquet of white tulips (my favorites) and asked me to be his valentine! (Well, we've been flirting/dating for a few months now) Later, we hung out in our RV (our house is messy, and we could be alone there anyway) and we just talked...and to make the story short, he kissed me (my first kiss no less) and asked me to be his girlfriend. OF COURSE I said yes, I've been in love with him for months! *squee* So now, it's official, I have a boyfriend! (My first one, at that..)
So this has been the best Valentine's Day ever!
Take Care everybody.
~Minako |
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
I close my eyes, and I see your face.
I could drown in your eyes, your smile…
Your embrace is like a drug,
I’m addicted, and I can’t get enough.
It’s the one place where I feel like belong,
With you.
I can’t stop thinking about you
I can’t wait to talk to you, see you, again.
As our time eventually ends,
So must some good things…
I’m so afraid.
I don’t want to ever let go of this!
You are my sole life-line,
Preventing me from plunging into the deep,
Dark places of my heart.
I’ll never let go,
As I promised you.
And as you promised,
Don’t ever let me go, ever!
Just hold me, and tell me everything is alright
Tell me that there aren’t any bad things,
No monsters hiding in my closet,
Waiting to pounce on me.
Tell me that there still is beauty in the world,
Tell me that there isn’t any fear, pain, or sadness.
Fill my head with lies,
And as you do, I will smile and love you so,
As I cry.
How do you like it? It's inspired by a friend of mine. ^^
~Minako |
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
nothing too special going on with me...
To see some super spiffy art, go here.
And i'll probably be changing my color scheme soon, so if it looks weird, forgive me ^^' |
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Hi there, sorry for the lack of posts, again, i just didn't have anything to say.
All i wanted to say today was that I uploaded a HEAPLOAD of art into my USB mass storage device (aka little piece of plastic with a LOT of memory for my computer) and i'm slowly starting to upload them onto my deviantart site. If you want to check them out, click the link. I tend to put my art on Deviantart simply because i don't have to resize it to fit theOtaku's size limits! XD i'm so lazy lol
Take care everybody
Will you let me romanticise
The beauty in London skies.
You know the sunlight always shines
Behind the clouds of London skies...
~"London Skies" by Jamie cullum (he's AWESOME! Go buy his CD...NOW!)
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