somegirl (08/24/05)
i love scryed!!!! lol^^ it's so cool! ryu is my fave character though^^ well please come by soon and do look at the wallpapers because some of the are scryed!^^ bye now!
ItachiSan (08/23/05)
Hey, I like the site, the bg is awsome and so is your avi. Anyway, shall I get straight to the point? Thanks for signing my Gb, I appreciate it. I'll add you if you want. Well, that's about it for me. Umm....PM me if you need anything. Tata! ^_~
ShippouLuver (08/22/05)
HIIIIIIIIII! I am not a member of HOLY but howdy dudy. I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!! HEHEHE!!! Love the background its freaking hilarious!
wiseangel101 (08/22/05)
Hi i love your site too!!Thanks for signing my gb and also i'm adding you as a friend.I love your bg!!Well if you need any thing just pm me.Well i guess this laterz!^.^
Darkantonio (08/22/05)
Hey, thanks for signing my gb, I appreciate it. Im gonna add you as a friend too, well see ya around.
Yoh Asakura Fan (08/22/05)
Hey! Thanks for signing my guestbook. You have a really neat site! I like it alot! Im gonna add you as a friend, kay? Anyways, Ill see you around!
msyugioh123 (08/22/05)
hello cool background and cloro's
heruchigu (08/22/05)
thanks for signing my gb! sorry it took so long to get back to you ^^;; i like your theme, and your site ^^ scryed is s really awesoem show, i like Ryuho ^^
chihiro7 (08/21/05)
Cool site thanks for signing my GB. I'll add ya as a friend, PM me anytime, unless there is a time diff...
sdkc99 (08/18/05)
u were my frist friend here thanks for every thing ^_^