myO Still <3's You
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
For a couple of days (tha would be at least 5 days I think, I'll rest my eyes and my hands from drawing. I'm still busy finishing my all the inportant details of all my "current mangas in mind" such as character profile, background, plots, settings and all those related stuffs. And also, I'm trying to relearn most of my lost knowledge about web designing that i've learned way back in my highschool (that's 7 years ago i think.. my how time flies! ^^). Anyways, I'll be idle for about a week (less than or more than probably) so I guess to those who do read these journals of my unproductive life, I'll see ya soon! Mental Note to self: Never ever drink again even on your or your friend's birthday! Remember your alcohol intolerance.. just half a glass then, (~_~)zzzZZZ (I'm dead serious! i know, i'm a wuss when it comes to DRINKS!) Well, I guess I'll miserably spend the next week suffering my social trauma regarding alcohol T_T Oyasumi nasai, mina-san! (it's night time here btw ^^) Comments (2) | Permalink Thursday, December 14, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
Whooopie!!! Finally... I have a partner to help on a new joint Project. I had to have my other friend to hold that offer to make an *ahem* manga though... although i have no problem with making one since I sharpened my drawing skills by drawing nude anime girls (LoLz... don't ask why!). Anyways, me and my friend are trying to decide what the story would be since the proposed story he had in mind was ALMOST similar to the Breath Of Fire Game (even though he hasn't played a single one!)thus it involves dragons but his version is set on a modern-day setting. So we decided to make a plot and compare it. But since I already had made plots for about 20 Manga Projects I already had in mind even before I stepped into college, I'm gonna have a hard time to make even just a summary since I'm fond of making sequels! However, I'm still going to continue working on my current Project. I had a hard time deciding what kind of genre I should have to be set as my Current Project. Since I'm a sentimental guy (Anime drama makes me cry easily darn it! T_T), I was planning on a Comedrama (Comedy-drama genre). But then again, I said to myself, "Nah! The guys (my close friends --- since they are the first readers to my works)) won't like 'em since it's so senti and all! I guess I'll settle on an action-oriented fantasy genre!". So, that's wha-happened but I really don't regret it. I could work on two-three projects anytime but I'm too darn lazy. Even in my Current Project I'm too lazy to draw backgrounds! Hopefully, as soon as I come into terms with my beloved EGOs, I'll draw straight from the heart! ... although I can be heartless sometimes! Mwahahaha!!! >=) Comments (0) | Permalink Tuesday, December 12, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
Aaaaahhhhh... finally! It's almost muh "special day"! Finally, at last, it's the christmas break! I can't wait 'till me and some good 'ol friends meet up once more and hang out 'till dawn! Woohooo!!! Hmmm... speaking of "dawn", I've managed to finally make "Beta versions" of my Current Manga Project, Twilight Dawn (I know, the name isn't that flashy or anything T_T), and I've posted four pages (with the Cover included), I think, in my portfolio. Well, it has more texts as expected... but it's gonna be reduced soon since the first chapter is the introduction part. The next five to ten pages I think would involve "Action" (oh please don't get the wrong idea! >.<) scenes since my hands are itching to try and sketch some combat scenes. I've managed to resize the resolution to an average of 1000x1300 pixels per page (so that the texts can be read >.<) and I think it's really a pain in my box to store the backup files and the current "beta" files. Currently 1 gb of total Art files stored (Ummm... for a gamer, 1 gb is already BIG! Darn.. I need to buy a hard disk or two!) and I find it hard to decide to delete the back up files since, as they are called, they are back up in case I screw up and need to start all over again. And I did screw up a couple of times and it took almost a week to "remake" those screwed up Art. Recently, a friend asked me to make some *ahem* manga.. suggesting that he would make the story while I'm in charge of the Art. Sounds notbad of an idea but... another friend says to me just this morning, after seeing my progress in my Art (I dunno 'bout him, but I'm still no good at this! Y_Y), that he'll join me in creating a manga. I was planning if he could help me with my current project but I think this piece is a little too intricate for him so I had to have him hold that offer for a while. And as for the other guy who asked me to do some *ahem* manga, well, I'll think about it as well. I'm in no mood for those stuffs recently since I'm in agony of being so heartbroken after my.... (sigh)... never mind that! Okay, where was I? Sorry... I have a poor short term memory =P (and I'm not being a hypochondriac when I say I'm colorblind "occasionally" as well >.<) Okay, back to work... I just do hope I'll finish one measly chapter before the end of the year! (I doubt it!) Well, that's it for now! Ciao ^_~ Comments (0) | Permalink Monday, December 11, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
... I'm a bit pissed off lately. Not because of my losing streak in this game (DotA Allstars... hehe.. i begin to revert back on noob status on it), but because of my "special day" this wednesday. Darn... now what should I buy myself? Hmmmmm.... if only they sell Persocoms here, then I'll buy me a Chobits model hehe. But alas.. this is the real world. I'm not doing anything productive today. I'll just wither this day away studying and spend this melancholic feeling in my room... never to come out until insomna haunts me again.. and again.. and again... This time of the year, I feel so... sad... trying to reminisce the days when me and my "special someone" spent the holidays under the fireworks (sounds dramatic, eh?)... but... (sigh) I guess I'll just spend this season hoping that she watches over me from the sky, under the fireworks. I really missed her like... arrrghhh! Why wasn't I taken instead?! Darn... And I shall spend this day ranting and speaking my heart out on a piece of paper... scribbling in memory of her. Darn.. I hate being dramatic. And that concludes Day Four... for now. ^_^ have a nice day mina-san! Comments (0) | Permalink Sunday, December 10, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
Arrrrrggghhhh! My Exams are tomorrow! >.< I just hope I can continue inking the rest of my drafts. I managed to ink 4/17 pages and finally scanned them. Now all I have to do is to "re-arrange" the pics for a better output. Darn... I'll be idle with my "Project" for at least two-three days and I just hope I'll resume inking some more and finish at least ten pages. But only this time, It'll be purely english unlike that "manga" I just posted recently =P Still trying to reconcile with my karma. I wished I didn't learn how to curse! >.< This reminds me of Jigokou Shoujo (Hell Girl or Girl from Hell Anime) wherein the GIRL would say "when one person is cursed, two graves are dug" part. (Shivering....) I'm shaking all over just by thinking of it! T_T Well, to move on and trying to forget my karma part, I'm working on a wallpaper based from the character of my upcoming manga project. I'm no fashion designer, but I just do hope I don't screw the costume/outfits! Since my doll model broke two years ago, I had to rely on "visualizing" the pose, backgrounds, and everything using my head. If I'm thinking too much or had been tempted by the devil inside me to watch *ahem*... then that affects my art as well as the theme for that art. Since I'm no longer fond of drawing with a model or drawing something based on something in front of me as I draw, it takes a lot of brain cells to simulate a scene in a my head. Right now, too much pressure from school is taking its toll on me... and my brain is a bit overworked. I'm always thinking of so many stuffs (like visualizing scenes for my art once or twice in every half an hour or so) and added with insomnia, I'm depriving my mind with rest. Now I know why I don't have time to have a girlfriend! Hahaha! Anyways, that's all the update for now. Just another tiny glimpse of my complicated life and my complicated self... ciao for now =^.^= Comments (1) | Permalink Friday, December 8, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
After a day of rest and being happy-go-lucky, I started out inking the drafts so that they can be scanned and be further refined in photoshop. My handwriting sucks... bigtime... and most of my friends would say my bro writes better than me (my bro is just in 3rd grade >.<)... Well... I'm all tired after playing DotA (the popular warcraft III-frozen throne map-scenario game) with my friends. Darn... all that gloating a while ago has taken its toll on me. Now, I feel... tired and wanna go to sleep. But then, after a while of searching and watching some animes on youtube, I noticed a new BLEACH opening theme with a sneak peak on the upcoming 3rd OVA: Memories of Nobody! 9 days to go until it makes its debut on Japan. Hope I can watch it before the New Year though.. hehe ^^ T've been a BLEACH manga and anime fan after I started becoming hooked up with the "NEW" Animes although I must say BLEACH isn't new... but its episodes are still ongoing. With that said, I recovered and started to access the pc again and work like i haven't worked before! (hmmm... around 30 minutes. Hey that's new to my record! Usually it would take me about 3-12 hours... like i said, "never before" ^_^;) I would like to thank Tite Kubo for creating BLEACH! (Domo Arigatou Gozaimashita!) Now, I'm all fired up to finish inking my drafts! but then again... 5 more minutes (~.~)zzzZZZ Comments (0) | Permalink Wednesday, December 6, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
darn... i'm a bit lazy to this stuff again. Because I still don't have a permanent art style (still using at most 5 Art styles), my character designs are kinda in conflict with the more recent ones. So another unproductive day comes to pass... I only have 2 school days a week, so i'm kinda bored here sitting beside a pillow with my pc downloading some useless junk and mingling with some old classmates in highschool. I slept around 4am last night and woke up 12pm this noon.. talk about insomnia problems. Oh well, just updating this site. I've been very busy lately balancing my time for my school priorities and of course, for my own leisure priorities. Trying to be discreet about myself lately, but I'm in no mood to be laconic. Well, that's all. Just a little glimpse of my weird life. Ciao for now ^_~ Comments (0) | Permalink Monday, December 4, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
![]() Still down and confused about the pressures and stress in school. I've got plenty of time to spend for leisure time, but I'm darn annoyed on why I spend those times sleeping and some other useless stuffs. My productivity output has declined dramatically ever since something came up and obliterated the inspiration that had motivated me to draw. Now, the only drive I have to draw is the sight of someone's original art that's beauty to my "conditionally color-blind" eyes. Now about my Art Style, I still don't have a permanent Art style but I have my own style that I created. But the thing is, I use that style rarely since it's very hard for me to refine it (especially in PhotoShop). I'm used to drawing nude anime girls (Hey, it's for Art's sake! ^^)so, since the human body has no edges (just curves), I'm having hard time drawing MECHs (in vivid detail of course =P) and I'm getting used to drawing more backgrounds in my Sketches recently. But still, I sometimes feel I'm not getting good at this and just doze off instead, thus reducing my outputs (Artworks... don't get any wrong ideas hehe) per day. Currently trying to reconcile with my "other selves" and especially my KARMA. Disturb me if you dare! (hey don't worry! I won't bite =P) ![]() Comments (0) | Permalink Friday, December 1, 2006
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For a start, I'm MINASUKI, the name was derived from the japanese word 'Minatsuki' or 'Minazuki', which stands for 'the sixth month of the lunar calendar'... i think that's JUNE ^^ (is it? xD) Well, there are several versions for the name, though.. i would usually say that my name means 'i love everyone' because 'mina' stands for 'everybody or everyone' while 'suki' stands for 'like or love'. But actually, I came up with this name when I was in first year highschool without even knowing the meaning! =P I'll be using the name ITSUKI for a while after being mistaken for a girl for i dunno how many times now!!! =_=" -------------- Update: Finally Updated my site after months of inactivity. I was busy with school and I usually visit my devart account too often. Well, jsut drop by my devart account if you like (the link is on my wallpaper made by yours truly ^_^) Add me there if you happen to have a devart account as well if you like xD Please sign my Guestbook if ya happen to drop by. Since I'm a social creature, I'd love to meet new friends despite i'm a bit introverted ^_^ Currently working on my manga, [CoS]... so i'm sorry if i can't visit your sites often =_= Thanks for stoppin' by... Domo Arigatou! |
I just can't feel the sensation anymore! I must be insane since I longed for the heat to engulf me amidst the fiery blaze of this desert; I feel the hand of a cold and silent breeze in this enigmatic place instead. I dropped on my knees with scorched feet and sweat dripping from every part of me. Yet, I feel so cold and very close to the cold breath of void as I slowly feel numbed... and then I collapse on the ground. Now, I see pitch black. I linger for this feeling like Ice and water; I allow myself to be captivated by this illusion. Illusions can't only be seen, it can also be felt. But why do I allow myself to be a willing captive of my own illusion? No.. I can't answer that for I am insane... In this reality I've faced, insanity is a virtue because one cannot survive without it. I have lost my feeling but I shall never lose the desire to break the bonds of emptiness. Now, finally.. the blaze made me feel the rage I've felt for so long before I've faced this current situation I'm in right now. As I writhed in engulfing flares I've wished for, my vision opened.. gazing in awe towards the white, violent sun. Once again, I've lost my vision.. of hope and truth. Illusions may be lies, but not in this predicament for I have felt the pain of what I thought was never real. It's ironic.. no, stupid.. to long for something that can kill me in able to stay alive. As I stagger for my last resort... as I stagger for my last breath... I held the desert's sands in the palm of my hand as I lay motionless soonafter, ready to awake... from this cold and blazing slumber, I call.. Melancholy ![]() Comments (0) | Permalink Pages (3): [ First ][ Previous ] 1 2 3 |