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Saturday, February 26, 2005

i dont hold grudges that easily!!
[giggles] HASH(0x8d6e690)
The Witch.

What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
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im the one and only moon goddess!!!!!!!!!!>
[giggles] moon goddess
Goddess of the Moon. You are usually somewhat sad
or solemn, but no one knows why. You love the
luminous glow of the moon.

What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures**
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yay, i get wings!!!>< hahahha
[giggles] angel1
You're an Angel! You're super cute not to mention
Opstimistic! You love anything having to do
with Bunnies/Kitties/anything cute. You're very
fun to be around, Even if you get mad, Everyone
still thinks it's cute! Lucky you!

What Kind of Girl are you? (anime pics)
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hehe!!! im a preety horse!!!
[giggles] The Mustang
The Mustang
Th spirit of the Mustang, the everlasting symbol of
love and of generousity protects you from being
used by others who would take advantage of you.
You are the kind of person willing to lend your
strengths to those who are true to you so that
they may better themselves and get back on
their own feet. Your quote: "He who learns
but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but
does not learn is in great danger"

What is your Inner Spirit Totem Animal?
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yay. im a bad dude!!! hehe.well sortof

what kind of power do you have
by dawni08

You are You have dark energy!!
You are You have dark energy!!
You are dark and mysteriuos.Deep down inside you are a good person.You had hard life that has seemed to suck the trust and love right out fo you.Try to open up.

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Friday, February 25, 2005

hehe!!! my hair color
[giggles] happy
you represent the begining of life. you are bright
and cheerful and love being who you are!

What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^)
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well im not that!!!
[giggles] Rain
Your element is Rain: Sad, lonely, distant and
unique. You are quite distant from emotion and
people, but you have been made this way by one
thing or another. You are truly unique yet fail
to see it, and are quite creative be it in art,
music, writing, ect.. You used to let people in
now you don't even bother to try having been
hurt so many times in the past. Your attitude
is that you don't need anyone but yourself,
people are just trouble waiting to happen. But
you really do want to trust someone no matter
if you see it or not, deep down your waiting
for someone to come and set you free. This kind
of depression can turn dangerous, don't let
them get to you. Not everyone in the world will
hurt you, humans are humans and are not
perfect. So most likely sooner or later you'll
meet someone who feels like you do and perhaps
your shell will eventually disappear.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
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me confused
[giggles] Morpheus

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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how do these quiz people know me!!!eeekkk
[giggles] http://www.anime-system.narod.ru/Galleries/angel/angel17.jpg
In your eyes, people see kindness... You're just
so... so... so... Sweet! You're kind and love
to give others in need, a helping hand. You're
pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards
those you know, and those who know you best.
Your sanctuary would just be any place that is
warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You
love to show signs of affection to your lover
but a small simple talk does the trick as well
;) Sadly, your kindness can be used to your
disadvantage. People can use you, and take
advantage over your sweet and sensitive
mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind
and generous, people look up to you and adore
you ^-^ No one would dare hurt you because they
can't bear the thought of your sweet smile
turning into a frown :)

What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!)
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   my b-day is in spring!!!!!!!!
[giggles] plainsight
You are a spring. You are very mellow most of the
time except for the caffine season (which is
year round) but you are also a very nice
person. When people tick you off though God
better save them. lol You are a fairly
socialable person because people know you won't
get mad too easy or seem to. But you are a very
nice peron over all. ^-^

What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

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