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Saturday, January 1, 2005

heheeh im so kawaiiii!!!!!!!
you are "super-deformed" or
"chibi". so full of energy. and so
full of bull. you know there's people who want
you dead?

What type of manga are you?
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lol huggies!!!!!!!!!

give minasuki123 more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

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wow. amazing
[giggles] Songs of Innocence, Introduction
You are 'regularly metric verse'. This can take
many forms, including heroic couplets, blank
verse, and other iambic pentameters, for
example. It has not been used much since the
nineteenth century; modern poets tend to prefer
rhyme without meter, or even poetry with
neither rhyme nor meter.

You appreciate the beautiful things in life--the
joy of music, the color of leaves falling, the
rhythm of a heartbeat. You see life itself as
a series of little poems. The result (or is it
the cause?) is that you are pensive and often
melancholy. You enjoy the company of other
people, but they find you unexcitable and
depressing. Your problem is that regularly
metric verse has been obsolete for a long time.

What obsolete skill are you?
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lol!!!!!im a sign

minasuki123 Highway
Bewilderment Avenue18
Confusion Lane67
Fame City157
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?

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im sorry kevin i had to put this.lol^^

Love Level: 47%

Name 1:
Name 2:

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im an ingredient how werid is that.lol

How to make a minasuki123

3 parts jealousy

3 parts ambition

5 parts
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Top it off with a sprinkle of sadness and enjoy!


Personality cocktail
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azome in cooll im cool.lol

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Cool!
You're pretty cool! People look at you and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' Congratulations. Use your position wisely and teach the dorks below you a thing or two. There's nothing like recruiting a cool person.
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

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[giggles] Innocent Beauty

Your Beauty lies
in Innocence. Pure, sweet and child-like. You most
likely look far younger than
you are and your smile would brighten up anyone's
day. Seen as naive and
sheltered, you can be ignorant at times, but for
the most part, it's simply your
reputation preceding you. You are most likely
rather aware of the realities of
life. You are extremely good natured and
trustworthy. By the same token, you are
a bit too trusting. Be careful, few are as honest
and open as you. You might
seem girlish still with a love of dresses, ponies,
and things most might deem
you "too old for". But this doesn't
bother you. You enjoy your youth and are
going to make it last. After all you are only as
old as you feel.

Some Things
That Represent You:

Light, Wind Animal: Kitten Color:
White, Pink, Pastels Song:
Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney
Expression: Innocent Smile

Diamond Mythological Creature: Unicorn
Moon Hair Color: White Eye Color:

Quote: "A
stranger is just a friend you haven't met

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
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[giggles] Adopt your own useless blob!
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