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Librarian!!! XD
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Princess of ALL Evil !!!'s stalker/murderer/master...(but you can call me Aira)
lots of high achievement awards (apparently i'm smart)
Anime Fan Since
since Robotech (maybe before)
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lots and lots and lots...Sailor Moon, Robotech, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Card Captor Sakura, Naruto, D.N.Angel, Kyo Kara Maou, Flame of Recca, Samurai Champloo, Excel Saga, Tokyo Mew Mew, Full Metal Panic (and Fumoffu), Bleach... *
* continued...Burn Up Excess (and all the Burn Up's), Chobits, Tsubasa, King of Bandit Jing, Ranma 1/2, Gravitation, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Midori Days, Chibi Vampire, Ouran High Host Club, Aishiteruze Baby, Death Note, Chrono Crusade, Fullmetal Alchemis
reading, watching anime/the x files/charmed/supernatural/futurama
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Heee...^_^...I feel very happy ^_________^. Today was a pupil free day...I was about 10 steps away from my house on the way to school when I heard this voice in my head saying "It's a pupil free day. It's a puuuupil fffrrreeeeee daaaaaay." Well no not really but I had a feeling it might have been. So I walked back inside, looked for the school's number for 5 mins (didn't want to wake my friends) (even though poor old Momo Love probably got dragged to Southbank or something). Called the school and felt happy I didn't look like and idiot walking to school, then have to walk home on finding it was a pupil free day...
Mum was listening on the phone...when she found out it really was a PFD she threw a tantrum...(literally). She was really upset...would have been one of the few days she got to be home alone...poor girl. So there she was being sad T-T and there I was being really happy ^-^. She was seriously considering sending me to my sisters house...So today has been a blissful day filled with reading a trip to the library (I saw Sally!!!-not that you know what I'm on about but hey...) and playing my DS and hogging the computer...But now it is nearly over and I still have homework and assignments that I should've done...oh was fun while it lasted. I'm still happy though!!! ^-^...
Now very important question...
M&M's or Skittels (I think thats how you spell it...o_O)????
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
What Will Your Role Be Come The Apocalypse?
 Finally after all these years God has granted you the apocolaypse! All your predictions about the destruction of humanity are finally true. When the end finally comes you will be laughing. For all these years you have been THE BELLRINGING MADMAN! Take this quiz!

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Are You A Future Psycopath?
Well you exhibit some of the signs. But you will only kill if pushed and it will most likely be accidental done in a fit of uncontrollable rage so watch it. Oh and i hope you are calm now i am actually quite happy with my life and dont fancy being killed over a quiz ~ Laughs nervously and walks off ~ Take this quiz!
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Are You Paranoid?
Be happy for you are not paranoid (or be sad if you actually wanted to be). You trust people and dont wonder about their motives. You may find it easy to make friends and find it easy to communicate with complete strangers. You are truly a people person and are very open and cheerful. Good for you though be careful that you are not too trusting that can be just as bad sometimes.Thanx for takign the quiz! Take this quiz!
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What Should You Be This Halloween?
 You belong to the undead elite. The supremely charming and sophisticated blood drinkers made famous by Count Dracula himself. Admired by many you make this holiday season look good! Fake fangs and lots of blood are a must should dress as a VAMPIRE! Take this quiz!

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Which proud princess are you? (Dazzling pics and detailed results!)
 You are an ice princess. You are cold and indifferent much of the time. You are completely impossible to get close to, even those who do never see the real you. You are fearless and immeasurably strong - not much can crack through your defences. Many people are stunned by your absolute cruelty and inability to feel anything. If something in your life turns out wrongly you will kill whomever you feel is responsible. If anyone can break through your icy exterior, they are to be feared because you will never display any emotion in any situation. You cannot bear to be bettered by anyone and this makes you exceptionally determined. You abuse your royal power using it to any advantage you can. After all no one can pin the blame on a member of the royal family now can they? Take this quiz!

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Which fluttering fairy are you? (gorgeous pics!)
 You are the fairy of Sring! You are romantic and optimistic, you are a loyal, loving friend, you love nothing more than to make other people happy! Please rate if you want to, it's just i spent ages making this quiz. Take this quiz!

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Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
 You are the Spirit of Innocence. Always with the sweet smile of a child, you know how to have good clean fun, you have a natural vunerability about you, which makes you able to make friends very well, as they are drawn instinctively by the urge to protect you. But even though you look as fragile as a child inside you are very strong with your easy look on life. When you get a partner (because there is no way you cant!) your life will be perfect. Take this quiz!

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Which astounding angel are you? (awe-inspiring pics!)
 Hang on a sec! You're not an angel! You're a goddess! Always the leader in your group of friends you are the one to go to in a crisis, your advice is valuable if you give it out, which is only if you feel people deserve it. Go you! Take this quiz!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Halloween Request

YAY!!! So cool!!! Go Momo Love!!! Thankyou ^_^...
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What type of anime girl are you? (awesome results!)
 You are the shy anime girl. You are quiet and keep mostly to yourself. You're probably a hidden genius though far too shy to ever admit it. You like being around loud people because they never leave you in an uncomfortable silence. You are quite content with watching your friends act like fools because you have excepted them as they are. You have learned first impressions are not always something to go by for many people would dislike you on first impression thinking you, instead of shy, simply didn't want to talk. But you are stong mentally. You are a magnificent encorager and the few people you have shown your strong side can only stare in awe as they watch you shine brighter then the brightest star.Style: Soft colors, nothing noticable. Gemstone: Dimond Element: Wind Weapon: White Magic Eyes: Pale Pink Expression: Soft Smile Song: Face Down -- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Quote: One day you'll see me for who I am and on that day I'll weep tears of joy. Take this quiz!

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Monday, October 15, 2007
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What's in your heart? (8 detailed answer + anime pics)
 Loneliness is in your heart. You don't like people, and that's just the way you like it, although sometimes you feel like you want to be accepted into society. You like to just sit alone and ponder your thoughts, maybe writing or drawing or something creative. It's you creative outlet, instead of socialising. You're probably quite an emotional person, and you've loved and lost. Not pleasant. Your Element: Ice Your stone: Blue Diamond Your Past: As I said, you've loved and lost and you haven't taken it well. Your crush probably left you standing in the centre of a laughing crowd, humiliated, so you'd much rather stay away from everyone now. Or maybe you have family troubles or something, it's hard to say, but there's something that's gone on, which makes you want to crawl under a rock and disappear. Your Future: Possible. I mean, it's possible that it might turn out better than what it is now. You could end up finding what you want, and living happily ever after, but chances of that happening are as slim as it not happening. But with some luck and good timing you might find a good friend, or more. What you want out of life: I'm really not sure. Acceptance? Healing? Understanding? I don't know. It's something that's hidden deep inside you, and (I think I'm right in saying this, but) you're not sure either. You're lost and alone, and just want something more. Please rate and message. Take this quiz!

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Friday, October 5, 2007
YAY!!! As of yesterday I have a DS (Lite)!!! I'm so happy!!! It's blue...but I have no games T_T. So mum who doesnt have a DS yet bought a game I really wanted that was it's her game but I'm playing it...So I don't care!!! It's called Lunar Knights and it's awesome!!! And I'm gonna get all the Final Fantasy games and RPG's in general, and some of the Mario games...and Children of Mana and Heroes of Mana *the sequel I think* and Nintendogs is on layby for Christmas...the Dalmation one...gee just a but presumtious...but so many games I want!!! Oh and there's Contact and others...And on a different subject alltogether I really ant Destroy All Humans 2...all the games on the DS look so CUTE...everyone's CHIBI!!! YAY!!! Forgive the rambling...but as you can probably tell I'm very happy!!! HAHA!!! YAYNESS!!! YAY!!!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
gah!!! stupid thing....if u want to read the text under the pic...yes there is actually text...highlight it...common sense...but for people like me...
What is your true element? (anime pics and detailed answers) |  | Water You are quiet and timid, most likely one of the smarter people in school. You don't have a lot of close friends, but the ones you have mean the world to you. People may avoid you at times, but you don't care. You like to be on your own, anyway. You know most likely better than others what goes on around you. You can see the good and bad in everything, and you don't overlook anything. You are a little bit of a perfectionist, you can't stand clutter. You like to finish anything you start 100 percent, not missing anything. Although you are very calm and self-controlled, you can be very fierce and intimidating when you need to be. | 
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Monday, September 24, 2007
more quizzes...i get very bored...and they're cool...all the pretty pictures...
i met someone scary yesterday...hes one of my brothers friends so hes 18, 19, 20ish..i dont know...but to the point...hes 195cm tall!!! he makes my brother look like a midget...scary nearly 2m tall...hes not really scary..seems like a wuss but nearly 2m tall!!! i wouldnt stand next to him...even though mum wanted me to...and my brother isnt short...hes like over 180cm...i dont know exactly its too depressing and makes me feel really really short...
What Anime Girl are U?(Girls Only)(Pretty Pix and Detailed Results)
 Purple:Personality Traits: Passionate, Act like Royalty, Stubborn, PerfectionistActivities: Shopping, Hanging with Friends and GuysFavourite Weather: Windy, Sunny with a spring breezeElement: Air/ HappinessUsual Mood: Overdramatic, Passionate and Stubborn Take this quiz!

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xoxo What makes U Beautiful? xoxo{with pics}
 What makes you beautiful is your down to earth attitude! Your calm and laid back! everyone likes listening to you and seek advice! your friends loves you really much they think ur the best friend in the world! Boys thinks your the best thing the world came to known! You love: friends and books!ur /season: New year and winter Take this quiz!

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What kind of lover are you? (Beautiful anime pictures)
 Your kind of love can make goddess' jealous. You're love is goddess worthy. Every day and second you're with your significant other, it feels like a dream. Both your souls are pure, at least, when you're together. You are kind to others besides your lover because you pity how their souls can be so tainted. Take this quiz!

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What Picture Represents Your Personality? 26 RESULTS
Favorite color, what does it say about you? ~with pics~
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