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• 2004-10-27
• Shinigami
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Anime Fan Since
• I was born (was I born?)
Favorite Anime
• Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Bleach, Yakitate Japan, One Piece, Shaman King, HunterxHunter, FMA, Yugioh, ROD TV, Eyeshield 21, Tsubasa Chronicle, Beet, Detective Academy Q, MAR, Saiyuki, Mai Hime, Mai Otome, Cluster Edge, Black Cat, Jigoku Shoujo, Rozen Maiden,
• TO RULE THE WORLD! *laughs evilly*
• watching or reading anime/manga
• (do I really have any talent?)
Sunday, February 20, 2005
New layout, same old Saturday
As you can see, the new layout is up(along w/ new music), featuring Kagerou(or Kage Houshi)!! She's one of my favs in Flame of Recca. ^.^ I also updated the little friends list. If anyone has a button that they want me to put it up, then just PM me w/ the URL. I'm pretty sure I missed a few.....
[ADDED]There's a random thing flying around here...look! A flying badminton birdie! XD (For those who can't see it, meaning you don't have IE 6+((or was it 7+?)), I changed the cursor to a badminton birdie! ^.^; It adds randomess to the site. XD)
This Saturday was like every other Saturday except that I didn't have art class cause the teacher was busy today. Heh, I woke up this morning hearing loud rumbling noises outside. Yep, it was raining. Aaah, it was so hard for me to wake up this morning to go to chinese school. X.x;
It was just pouring and stopping all day(well most of the day anyways). Just when you think the rain has finally stopped, it suddenly pours on you as if someone dropped a bucket of water on you. Fortunately, I was under a roof while it rained. ^.^ Unfortunately, the roof belonged to my chinese class. -.-; *yawn* It was boring as always. -.-zzZZZ
Anime I want to try watching: Cowboy Bebop, Last Exile, NGE(too long a name to bother spelling >.>;), and I think that's all...
Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com
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