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It is not too necessary to mention ^^
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Of course, a lazy student..
Real Name
Please just call me Arisa..
School top rank and piano+electone school competition..
Anime Fan Since
4th grade..
Favorite Anime
Aria, Kyou Kara Maou!, D.N.Angel, Saiyuki, Hunter x Hunter, Ouran Koukou Host Club, etc.. I can't memorize them all..
Still searchin' for it..
Play my piano, draw, sing, eat, breathe, etc.. I like all except study..
Dunno for myself.. But maybe it's drawing and singing.. ^^
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I've succedded to finish checking on ur sites all! Yeah! Umm, but are there a few left? Sorry.. Btw, long time no talkin' and I have HUGE things to say..
I've had a haircut! It is really short, but I like it a lot! The cost is cheap too! I'm so happy! In your hometown, how does it cost to cut your hair? I want to know ^^
I'm watching America's Next Top Model! I like it very much! The models are so cool! Do you watch it too? I'm searching for the video of final 2 runway cycle 7 to be downloaded, but I seem couldn't find where to.. Check it out, it's really great!
And, I would like to say sorry for Erie and Lutaru, I haven't finished the promised pic!! Ahhh really sorry for that!! *sob* *sob*
Nothing to say again, so.. Thanks for reading this useless post, and I really hope you'll have a nice day! Bye!
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Friday, May 11, 2007
My poll is closed!
Ahaha.. At last one another vote made me decided that 'Ouran Koukou Host Club' is my new current theme for a few weeks! Thanks for all people who gave their votes for this poll.. *bows and bows down again until meet the ground* Thanks my friends! Love you all!
Well, I'll try my best to update my site with the little time I've got! ^^ If you feel like my site is weird or not too good, please let me know so I can repair it, thanks!
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For the tag things, I've been tagged by and these are 6 facts about me:
2. I like ANIMALS, but I really can't touch them, somehow I'm scared and I nearly clueless to cure this sickness..
3. I love CAKES, especially the ones with chocolate.. Yummy!
4. I love my families and friends both in the real world and the Otaku ^^ *hug you guys*
5. I want myself to be BRAVE, at least like my mom said that I MUST become like my BIG SIS..
6. I'm thinkin' what about if I'm single for the entire my life..
People I'll tag: Lee Shanma, KuroYUKIrou, angle of music. I'm confused because some of my friends have been tagged by another people ^^"
Today, my homeroom teacher give my entire class our report PAPER, the book one will be given after we finish our hell final exam ^^ And guess what? I've succedded to keep my grade in shape! I'm still on the 2nd rank! I can't beat the first one, he is a very tough guy to beat! Erie and Lee also got good ranks! Lee got the 5th and Erie the 7th! Yippee!! ^^
Actually, I'm thinkin' what about if I insert my true photo with Erie and Lee here.. But somehow I feel not like it.. So what do you think? Argghh!! I'm confused!!
Well, sorry for the long post, it's been a quite long time since my last post, and I have many things to say.. For the last, I've taken a quiz from Erie's site and the result really reflects my other personality..
I've taken a quiz from Erie's site! Isn't it really my other personality?
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
 People see nothing in your eyes. You seem to either be indifferent about everything or are trying to cover up a lot of pain. Your eyes have a cold stare that can make people shiver. Try to show a little more caring, because your hard exterior most likely drives people away. ...stop looking at me like that...stoppit!((Image copyrighted to )) Take this quiz!

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Sunday, May 6, 2007
I've just taken a holiday!
Pheww, I'm so tired.. I've just back from a holiday spot in my hometown, and I immediately opened MyO after that.. ^^ Sorry, have I told you before that I won't open MyO too often? I don't have much time for it.. Sorry!!
Well, here is a news: when I stayed in a resort that time, I realized something IMPORTANT in my lifetime..
I FINALLY CAN SWIM!! OMG, finally, I could never swim before, and in my Dad's birthday, I could do it! Yippee!! Btw, my Dad's bday was on May 5th ^^ I was so happy! Can you give me some tips so I can swim better?? I also took a lot of my photos in that resort, the view was just sooo great until I felt like a model.. Me and my sis took around a hundred photos there! We were crazy that time.. ^^ But they're pretty good, really!
Umm, one another thing, I've been tagged by, and I haven't thought about myself and the 6 people I'll tag, so maybe on the next post.. Sorry.. Well, I STILL don't have the time to update my site, and I promise the next time will do! And my big scary sis has already haunting me for this computer, so I think I must go now.. See ya later!
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
XD Thanks guys!
How are you guys? Hope you're fine as I am.. ^^ Just wanna tell you:
I really thank those who give their vote for my poll(again)! And for the others, I still wait for your vote ^^ Thanks again!
And FINALLY I make a new pic.. I don't know why, but I'm really in a mood of it ^^ Well haven't submit it though.. It is a pic of an angel ^^ It is quite an old pic, but I decided to continue colouring it.. Well, just wait for it then!
I made an account in a chatting site with the nickname "Noa"! What do you think of it? I've tried using "Arisa", but maybe it has been used by another person.. *sob*
Ahh.. My holiday week is going to be over soon :( It's so bad.. Well, really sorry for my long post, and hope I can comment (not too late the next time I'm on) on your next posts and pic! Catch ya later! *hugs you all ^^*
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Please vote!
As I said before, I want to beg for your vote to help me decide my next theme.. I'm very confused of it! Well, I REALLY BEG YOU.. Hope you can understand guys ^^
Get your own Poll!
Thank you, if you choose others, please tell me ^^ Maybe I'll choose the highest result, so I'll need your help very much! Thank you for your consideration and participation if you do ^^ I really owe you bunch!
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I'm back!
Long time no see ^^ I somehow realized that I was too lazy to open my comp.. And that makes me didn't open MyO.. Really sorry for my friends those I haven't visited yet.. Gomenasai!! Also sorry for the long post and the poll..
Well, yesterday my dad unintentionally bought a home theater! I didn't know why suddenly he bought it though.. But I really love it ^^ and we together (with my mom too) tried to put it up in my parents' bedroom.. Wow, it was so tough to deal with the cables.. But it's okay, I'm really happy ^^
Btw, I've added several songs in my playlist and they're not J-pop, the 1st and the 2nd.. Have you heard them somewhere? They're quite new though ^^
The latest news: I went to Lee's house with Erie-chan! We made our own Art project (Lee works with me and Erie with someone else, 'cause we have to do it in pairs..) and it quite succeded ^^
Ehmm.. I've taken quizes, they're the ones I saw in Erie's site ^^ Here is the result: (somehow they turned out really "me")
Your Birthdate: March 12

You're a dynamic, charismatic person who's possibly headed for fame.
You tend to charm strangers easily. And you usually can get what you want from them.
Verbally talented, you tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing.
You are affectionate and loving, but it's hard for you to commit to any one relationship.
Your strength: Your charm
Your weakness: Your extreme manipulation tactics
Your power color: Indigo
Your power symbol: Four leaf clover
Your power month: December

what kimono represents you best?
 the irridescent kimono fits you best. you love all the colors. you don't have a particular favorite color if someone would make you choose you might have some trouble. you're probably extroverted. Take this quiz!
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what would you look like as an anime fairy?
 you are a dark fairy. not evil but dark you have friends. you are considered dark because of your interest in particular colors and maybe a particular interest you have, but don't worry your friends still love you. Take this quiz!

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That's it for today, and I'll continue on visiting everyone ^^ Bye!
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
Long time no see..
A week full of projects, HW, and exams (AGAIN).. And finally, I can open MyO (again)! When I visit all of my friends, I was kinda confused to give comments and the others.. WHY? That's because there are too many posts and pics that I haven't comment! And when I wanna comment, I realized that the post was posted a pretty long time ago, and I'm the latest one! Feel kinda late and being left.. ^^" So, sorry for those posts I didn't comment..
The other news, I'm so happy! I borrowed many new mangas! I won from those scary people which also want to borrow those books! Pheww.. I also bought a new manga.. Its title is 'Omake no Kobayashi kun' vol. 12.. Do you know it? It's very great to read! But it haven't turned to anime though..
In addition, finally I can make a playlist! Those are the list of my favorite songs, and number 3 is the only English song ^^ Well, check on it, they're pretty great!
(Again) Confused what to say, so see you (maybe) a week again!
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Happy Easter you guys!!
Wow, at last it's Easter! Happy Easter for those who celebrate it and those who don't too! I'm so happy ^^ First I decided to make a pic of Easter, but somehow I can't make it, no idea.. Sorry..
There's a geography test for me tomorrow!! OMG I'm lazy!! I don't have any spirit to study!!! Please God give me spirit!!
Yah, btw thanks for all who have commented my pics and my posts! ^^ I'm so happy!
Well, have a nice day!! ^^
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Just for a little time!!
Hi, we meet again ^^ Btw, I just want to tell you all my sorry.. I can't visit all of you today.. I haven't check my post, and comments, and also pm.. Hope you don't mind.. I'm terribly sorry!!! That's because my comp (again) can't open otaku.. And after finally it opened, my sis has already haunting me becoz she wants to use this comp too.. Sorry.. Btw, gotta go!! See ya!!
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