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Saturday, May 31, 2008
This sucks balllzz.
My scanner ain't compatible with my Mac laptop, which means no importing hand-drawn images to Manga Studio. Darn. D;
Anyway, did anyone one else here the news about that tribe of south-american(?) natives who have been completely isolated from the modern world? Crazy stuff. They were trying to shoot the plane with bows and arrows as the photographer took pictures from inside it. [Did that sentence make sense? Nevermind, don't care.] In any case, my grandmother has decided that they are communists and that Fidel Castro is going to get them on his side. Silly grandma.
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Monday, April 14, 2008
*Knock Knock*
Everyone still here?
Well, I for one have to say that I hate Version Vibrant. I mean, it's pretty and everything, but I hate it. It's confusing and stupid.
Well, now that I've said that, I was wondering who I promised an animation of their "Mew Sugar" doing her attack. I really have no clue, it was almost a year ago and I finished it like three days ago because I was bored. Go me.
I think is was for uh... a user named Miamaloo or something? But you changed your sn and I'm not sure if it's you. Also, it sucks becasue I remember you changed your mew mew a bit a little while ago and I couldn't find the post that had the changes on it.
Anyway, I'm getting boring, so let me know if the animation was for you, because I really want to give it to whoever I promised it too. Sorry it took so daaaamn long. I'm just stupid. I'll post it some other time.
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Monday, January 14, 2008
New art.
 Mew Virginia For Blue Wingeddragon Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Hope she likes it. Hope you guys do, too.
Comments are love.
In other news, I'm beat from exams and homework, and the weeks only just started! Phew! x'D
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I believe there was a misunderstanding. It wasn't MY grandfather who had a heart attack. It was my best friend's, silly water fowl.
In any case, I am happy to announce that he's doing much better and he's back at home now. =]
I will send along your lovely comments to my friend. She'll be happy. =]
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
Attack of a deadly kind.
My best friend's grandfather, the nicest, hardest working guy ever (well, so's my grandpa, but hey), has had a massive heart attack. The doctor says he's lucky; most people with his type of heart attack would have been dead.
(10:11 PM) He is currently in the hospital being pumped with meds, but last I heard he was doing okay.
Please pray for him. If you're not the religious type, then please just keep him in your thoughts.
Thank you.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Chriskwanzica. =]
Hope all of you had lovely holidays. I did. =]
Friends and family and gifts and food. Mmmm, Christmas Belly..... (inside joke).
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
...years old.
I turned fifteen yesterday. I'm happy to say that my family loves me, and I love them.
And now, a list of presents I recieved but did not completely deserve.
Cookies from my friends.
A thoughtful card from my relatives in England, whom I have never met. It's nice to know they care. =)
A beautiful cake. My daddy said it was really nice when he got it, but the chocolate roses and the chocolate on the side of it melted off in the car. He fixed it, though, being the amazing chef he is. It was still the best cake ever. (yes, I consider the cake part of a birthday a gift.)
A fluffy, very soft little sheep from my little sister. No, it wasn't real, but that would've been freakin' awesome. I'm nonetheless delighted with my little sheep. =]
A thoughful, loving card from my youngest sister, Emma. She's not the best artist, but I can truthfully say that I loved her drawing. It was me, hanging on to three balloons (one in the shape of a heart), and flying up into the night sky over a city. I may scan it sometime if I get the chance.
She also gave me a box of Godiva chocolate-covered raspberries, which I was delighted about. She then gave me a bagel-bar sort of thing. It's kind of an inside joke; I gave her a doughnut for her last birthday because I hadn't have the time t get her anything else. She was very happy with the dougnut, though. =]
A scientific calculator and 40 buckaroos from my abuelos (Spanish for "grandparents"). I was actually quite happy with this gift, since I need one for math class. Granted, I don't like math, but I still love my new calculator. =P
A card from my grandpa (the other one) and my great grandmother (whom I am planning on visiting, seeing as she still remembers to send me cards). My great grandma gave me a twenty (thank you!) and my grandpa said his card was good for a shopping spree. =]
A new iPod nano. Yeah. I was shocked, too. This one I knew I didn't deserve, for sure. But hey, my dad loves me. It's very pretty. It's a like blueish-greenish, but more blueish, little iPod and I love it. It's soooo pretty. =]
A nice rug from my mom. I know that doesn't sound important, but it is. See, with a rug under them, my drums won't echo as much. It'll sound way better, and they won't slide away! Thanks, mom! =)
So, happy birthday to me, and happy birthday to anyone else who's birthday has just passed or is on the horizon.
Lots of love,
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Never again...
...will I attend an Avenged Sevenfold Concert.
I'll sum it up for you.
-Got to the club, it was awesome.
-Met this really nice guy, Steph chose to go explorin', I followed. We told him we'd be back on a few, and we ended up ditching him unintentionally. Now I want to die. My conscience is super huge.
-Then started the moshing. We (Steph and I) were on the outside. Not the immediate outside, but you know. So the meat-heads (as one old guy put it, but he was cool so it wasn't that weird that he was there), started pushing and shoving and moshing a bah.
Then people started getting hurt. I swear, I've never been so commanding before. I was screaming at people, "Hey, STOP PUSHIN!!!" and "Hey! Hey, watch out! There's someone on the ground behind you!". So yeah. Super Mo. Not that anyone listened, of course, but I've never drawn attention to myself that way. It was weird.
-I lost my shoe, but I found it again without having to get down on the ground, in which case I would've got kicked really hard. My friend was screaming, and she ended up getting punched in the throat, which made me want to kill somebody.
-The moshing stopped, and by the time Avenged came out, I thought I was going to die. I was leaning over the barricades on some kind of metal thing, have concious. I felt really sick. I was dehydrated and didn't have enough sugar. It happens sometimes, it just sucked that it had to happen there. Steph was yelling at one of the security guys to get me out. I swear, I thought I was flying. It was like SHWOOOOM and I was in the air, hanging from my arms.
The security guy got me some water a orange juice, and I felt better. Someone pulled Steph out of the crowd so she could sit with me. We got to sit away from the people, so it was okay. Still, the angle sucked, and I couldn't look happy cuz they might put me back on the crowd.
Anyway. That's what happened. Show was great though, and Shadows had the stupidest haircut ever. The Rev was great, cuz he just is. Syn was funny, I side I didn't know he had. Bt really, it wasn't as great as I though it would be. Still, I think I would do it all again just for the experience.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
I was bored.
[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. (Never have and I'm almost 15. Is that weird?)
[x] You have your own room.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[x] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman. (CD player, cha! xP)
[x] Your parents are still married.
[x] You love your family
[ ] There is a pool/spa/lakee in your backyard.
T 0 T A L: 5
[x] You dress the way you want to.
[ ] You hang out with friends more than once a week. (Unless you count hanging out during school, which isn't really fun anyway.)
[x] There is a computer/ laptop in your room. (Both B])
[x] You have never been beaten up
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to
[x] Your room is big enough for you
[x]People don't use you for something you have
[x] You have been to the movies.
T 0 T A L: 7
[ ] You have over 500 friends on myspace
[x] You have pictures on myspace
[ ] Your parents let you have a myspace (....shhhh....)
[x] You get allowance/loan. (60 bux a month for doing absoluteley nothing. I love my grandpa. x3)
[ ] You collect something normal.
[x] You look forward to going to college/university/tafe (kind of.)
[x] You don't wish you were someone else.
[x] You play/have played a sport. (fail.)
[x] You want to do something after school/college/university
T 0 T A L: 6
[x] Your family owns a car/truck/van.
[ ] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[x]You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life
[x] You have friends.
[x] You've never had a detention. (I know, I'm awesome.)
T O T A L: 4
[x] You know what is going on in the world. (mostly.)
[x] You are happy with your life (usually)
[x] You usually aren't sick.
[x] You know more than one language. (Hola! Como estas? I also can read/partially understand Italian. I can sort of read French, enough to get the meaning of something.)
[x] You have a screen name. (obviously.)
[x] You own/owned a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs
[ ] You don't have any enemies. (depends. sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.)
T O T A L: 8
Total over all: 30
times it by 3 = 90
101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F
I currently have an A in life. =]
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
New things!
A few updates on my life. =]
-I'm in highschool now.
-I'm getting better at drumming. Slowly but surely! =]
-I'm starting to understand math. ._.
-I probably have scoliosis. Basically means my back is all crooked and stuff. Of course it's mild, so you can't see it, only if you look super close. It's kinda wierd, but I think it's cool the one side of my ribcage sticks out more than the the other, rofl.
I keep telling my mom I don't have it so she'll quit ragging on me and stop trying to make me take dance lessons for my posture and back and stuff. I really do think I have it, and I'm fine with that. I'll do the excersizes, as long as
I don't have to dance, haha.
-I'm volunteering at an old people home. I take them to chapel so they can be religious-o-fied if they so desire (religious-o-fied (c) to me). I don't mind doing it, it's kind of nice. I just don't like dealing with the ornery ones or the ones who sit in their wheelchairs and go
"Babababaaa...." It's really sad. =[
-I have two new friends. =]
-Stephy and I are planning on learning a song or two. White Stripes, of course. =]
We may even play them at this little place called the Orange Door. Stephanie says a lot of young kids play there. I'll be really
nervous if we do it, but I think it'll be okay. =\
-I'm working on a pretty large-scale animation. Large scale in the sense that I'm surprised it's not largely trying my patience.
It's kind of fun. =]
-I'm finishing an animation request that's been way to long in the making. Sorry for making you wait so long. =[
I know who you are, but I can't remember your sn. DX
That's pretty much it. =]
~momo y.
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