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Student; mouse potato.
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I gots me a boyfran! ;D Anyway. Um... I've recently learned to draw anthro stuff. Which is good.
Anime Fan Since
Jan, 2005. Thanks a lot, KF. >=\
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Tokyo Mew Mew
Improve my music skills; decide on a career
Wasting my time.
I can draw and play the drums a bit.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I'm in high school now. 8D
Yeah, biotch.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Goodness gracious!
Minto got a new (and much improved) haircut! When she finds the time, she will take a picture of her lovely new hair and post a link to it, along with a picture of her old, boring hair. =]
Minto's alter-ego, Momo Y.
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Friday, August 17, 2007
-hee hee...-
I know something you don't know...
It regards Gerard. And a certain girl from a certain band. And a picture taken by my friend's camera.
And some kissing.
I don't know all the details, and if I knew any more than I do now, I would tell you. Sorry Gerard lovers, he appears to like someone else at the moment. =P
I have the picture! She's the bass player from the band Mindless Self Indulgence. I maybe should've asked before posting this, but since it's on photobucket, everyone's gonna see it anyway.
~momo y.
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Okay. Here we go.
I went on vacation without much notice for about 5 days, so I couldn't finish telling about Projekt. I'll sum it up, since there was a complaint about "too much reading" in my last post.
-We (Steph and I) saw Adam Lazara of Taking Back Sunday for a few seconds. I was... hmm... about 4 feet away, I think. I quickly left when people started coming towards him, lawl.
-We saw Matt Cortez nd followed him, watching him walk backstage. He's the temporary bassist for My Chem.
-We missed our chance at meating Ray Toro because we didn't realize that he was doing an interview about 30 yards from us. Tha's okay, though. =P
-We spent most of the day trying to find a way to get backstage or atleast get seats. We had lawn, which is basically the big grassy area in the back. Very far away.
-We watched My Chem play. It was f*cking awesome.
But what really surprised me was that Gerard was... well... um... *ahem*... very good looking. See, I normally think he's quite funny looking and odd, but... Idk, he looked pretty hawt. My first response was, "...the hell?"
But after the intitial shock of Gerard looking quite dashing, I accepted the fact that Gerard can, on occasion, be very handsome.
-Bob (MCR's Drummer, a.k.a., my inspiration) went insane on the drums and I almost died in amazement.
It was great. I'm eternally greatful to Nick, and for once I'm glad he likes me, but I kinda wish he didn't worship the ground I walked on. =[
It was probably the best show ever. I don't mind that we didn't get to meet them, because I know we will someday.
EDIT. Regarding a certain comment, Mikey should be back very soon. In fact, I think he might be playing shows again now.
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
Projekt Revolution
Aight, listen up, foo's, cuz I'ma tell you 'bout the advenchahs o' Mo and Stephy on teh day deh wint tuh Projekt Revolution.
Yeah, Biotch.
Okay, so... we got there (Sound Advice Amphitheater) at twelve something. It was hot as stink (awesome expression, I know). Steph, Nick (kid who likes way too much and who payed for my ticket (and refuses to let me pay him back)), and I had to wait for Adam, Nick's friend, so show up at the gate, so we were already sweating by the time we actually got inside the gates. And guess who was there to take our tickets? My 7th grade math teacher. Wtf? xD Anyway, she was nice and smiley like always. I guess that's her summer job; being part of the staff for events and stuff.
Anyway, I get in there only to realize that I don't have my precious 60 bucks, that would have fed us plenty, even if everything is way overpriced. Four bucks for a bottle of water? C'mon, man. Anyway, I had left my money at home, so that kind of sucked. Stephanie gave me this "I hate you so much right now" look: she hadn't eaten anything and was planning on eating at the show. Sometime during all of this, Nick mentioned that every time he came to the Amphitheater, it rained. This will all come into play later.
We went all the way around the main stage, which is gi-huge-ic, and went to the backstage gait. May I remind you, this is all outdoors. Anyway, there was a little trailor-thing that I wouldn't mind living on; it looked like a room with one wall knocked out. It was full or Zune mp3 players, and if you came in there, you got a free wristband that said "Zune" on it, so that was pretty cool. Then there was this tent-type-of-thing, and then I saw it. The autographed My Chemical Romance guitar. If you entered the contest, you had the chance of winning it and some other signed merch. You weren't aloud to touch it, but taking pictures was okay.
Mmm, but let me tell you of the coolness that is the weather. It started pouring out of nowhere, and the lady at the booth thing was shouting for someone to give her the guitar, so I grabbed it by the neck and handed it to her. Yes, Mo got the touch le guitar. Cuz I'm cool that way. ;P
Anyway, we ran inside the Zune thing, since it had a roof, and Steph stood there cursing Nick for saying that it rained every time he went there.
So we walked around for a long time, and watched some band on the side stage called, um... Idk, started with an "s". Oh, right, "Saosin". They were okay. The lead guitarist had this neon-orange guitar, which was really cool. xP
Anyway, there's lots of other crap to tell, but I can't right now, so I'll continue tomorrow.
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Friday, August 3, 2007
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Friendship You are Friendship. Friends are those who can be counted upon in times of need. Friends are those who share in your joys and your sorrows. Friendship unites us with others beyond family and brings happiness and comfort to our lives. "Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." | Peace | | Love | | Courage | | Charity | | Faith | | Which Positive Quality Are You? |
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
Okay, I can only be on for a few seconds, I can't go on Mibba, sadly, or INO, or GSB... the list goes on.
I wanted to shout out to one of my favorite guitarists, Mr. Ray Toro of My Chemical Romance. Happy Birthday, Ray! =]
Lots of Love-
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Happy Lucky Day, everyone!!!
Won't come around for a hundred more years. =P
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
I've been in a generous mood the past 2 weeks or so, and have promised some fan-mew drawings. Here is the list, for those of you that care. =]
Mew Lime for AnimeKitty23 : Currently being (badly) photoshopped.
Mew Red Pepper for zakurokouga1 : Finished.  Mew Red Pepper Hosted By
Mew Sushi for Rayochiga : Sketch finished.
Mew Miyuki for MyuKitsune : Finished and uploaded in the fan-character section. Mew Miyuki Hosted By
Mew Sugar attack animation for Mamamialoo : Should be finished by Tuesday.
That's all. =]
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
GUESS WHO'S BAAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME!!! WOOH!!!
And now I will make a list of the wonderful things I did in California.
-Stayed at my rich aunt/uncle's house. Had fantastical time.
Home theater was the shiz.
Cousin's wonderful Mercedez Benz was hawesome. SO MANY BUTTONS. 0.0
-Saw all my baby cousins!! =D
-Saw my two other cousin (the rich ones).
-Had a great time with all family members living in California.
-I found out my life is a sitcom! See, my Granfather had some afair with this lady a long time ago and they had a kid. My family has just found this out - much to the (I'm sure) dismay of my (embarassingly) playa' grandpa - that I have another (step) uncle. =P
-I went to my uncles AWESOME guitar-amp-drum-music-odd instruments-whatevah stoer. Kick arse it is.
-I swam at the freezing California beach. DUring this cold but fun adventure, I boogie-boarded with baby sharks. Tis awesome, I know. They were SOOOO CUUUUTE X3333
I <3 baby sharkiedoodles. =P
-I saw... DUN DUN DUNNNN............ KEAUNA REEVES!!!!!!!!! (i have NO IDEA if i spelled that right). FYI, he's the guy from the Matrix and another movie called Speed and a whole bunck of other things. I didn't want to bother him, as he seemed to be enjoying his Yummy Yogurt(TM). XD
Yes, I saw Matrix Guy at Yummy Yogurt. It's this great little place where they have like every flavor of frozen yogurt. 'Tis delicious.
Now I will tell you the not-so-great things I did in California.
-Went to my aunt's second funeral thing. I didn't cry this time, though, so s'all good. It was a pretty day nonetheless. (ohh, big word).
-Didn't get to ride in my fantastically rich uncle's proche. (this is a different uncle, not the sitcom one).
Anyway, how are your lives? =]
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