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Sunday, October 1, 2006
updated/detailed list.
i took off some of the things that aren't really important, like my manga and the animation for my friend. (it wasn't very good, and she didn't know about it anyway.)
i finished the video for my youtube.com friend, so that good.
o yeah, and mew mew crystal tokyo isn't gonna happen. i just dont have the patience.
i also dropped the 'all mews' drawing.
*** = priority. less stars if its less important or if i promised it a longer time ago.
Mew Carrot henshin animation**** (my dad deleted the kick-butt one i had finished, so ill have to do it over)
Mew Berry/Lettuce/Mint request** (not even started >.>...)
Mew Cherri henshin animation* (almost finished)
MintoXKisshu doujinshi (fancomic)* (wow. i've only finished the first page >.>'...)
Re-submit Minto Aizawa drawing (it got deleted)*
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
blech. power was out all night yesterday. then my laptop died, then my dvd player, then my mp3 player, and blah blah blah. basically, i was boared to death. but i read a book to keep myself from going insane. then again i had to hold up a flash light to read it! ARGH! I HATE HAVING L.W. UTILITIES AS A POWER COMPANY. its sucks, because they take for ever to actually DO anything about the power. atleast it back on now.
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Monday, September 11, 2006
updated list.
Updated list.
Boy, im getting lack of sleep from all of this stuff. well, i finished 2 things, and added one, so i guess ill finish at some point.
*** = priority. less stars if its less important or if i promised it a longer time ago.
Mew Carrot henshin animation****
Mew Berry/Lettuce/Mint request**
Mew Mew Crystal Tokyo*******
Mew Cherri henshin animation*
All Mews drawing (all the fanmews ive ever made up, just to get it off my chest)
MintoXKisshu doujinshi (fancomic)*
Re-submit Minto Aizawa drawing (it got deleted)*
Dream Catcher (original manga by moi)*
Video for my friend on youtube.com*
Eltia character animation (for my friend; Eltia is the name of the book she's writing)*
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Here you go, mewmelon!

okay, here you go mew melon! Ribbon... Melon Blade Eclipse! XD
Credit to bases goes to azha @ http://www.chronomorphosis.com/azha/
I am no longer taking animation requests except for henshins like this one : 
EDIT! im still doing cherry's request, since she asked BEFORE i put this post up.
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Friday, September 8, 2006
For the Future of My Sanity, I Better Get My Butt in Gear... -_-; (continued)
okay, in responce to comments on my last post:
Raimy - yes, it IS a lot Xd
Cherryshock - sure, pm me w/ the details
MewMewlover55 - thanx
igneousspiritfeonx - thanx for teh luck. yeah, i should be able to post chapter one by the end of this month. XP
yeah, i guess u could call it a one-shot doujin =]
~momo y.
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For the Future of My Sanity, I Better Get My Butt in Gear... -_-;
ive got A LOT to do. (shoots herself *>.o)
ok, i thought id put up a list of things i need to do. *** = priority. less stars if its less important or if i promised it a longer time ago.
Mew Melon attack animation*
Mew Carrot henshin animation****
Mew Berry/Lettuce/Mint request**
Mew Mew Crystal Tokyo*******
All Mews drawing (all the fanmews ive ever made up, just to get it off my chest)
MintoXKisshu doujinshi (fancomic)*
Re-submit Minto Aizawa drawing (it got deleted)*
Dream Catcher (original manga by moi)*
Video for my friend on youtube.com*
Angelic henshin animation (for friend on deviantart.com)
Eltia character animation (for my friend; Eltia is the name of the book she's writing)*
Guess that's it. if there's any questions, ill answer them in my next post, so keep checking back ^-^
~momo yoshiko (pen-name for my manga, if it ever gets published)
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
hey guys. im thinking about making an original animated series. see, this guy, Ryanide, he inspired me. If you check out these two URL's, you'll know why. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/35965328/?qo=2&q=by%3Aryanide+sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps
Don't you see?! He's AMAZING! I love the anthroness of it all! (anthro, im pretty sure, means animals that pozes human qualities, such as mentality, speach, body structure, etc.)
So, umm... do you think i should talk about my idea, or wait for the next post?
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Well, school has started for the mew crew. In other words, today was my first day back to school. I was glad because I got to see Zakuro-san (yay!), Ichigo, Berry, and Ringo, but now I won't have as much time to devote to my art! Sometimes I regret being in a gifted class. I mean, sure, I'd be bored in a regular class, but I wouldn't get as much homework, lol. Why'd I have to be smart?! *dies*
Anyway, sorry for anyone who requested anything, I'll be busy for a while, so I apologize in advance!
~Minto Aizawa
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Greetings from planet zoopabloopabloo. *peace.*
So, um... i meat a person on youtube who wants to make her own tokyo mew mew series called '***', and i get to be the artist. i fell special. ha, anyway, were obviously putting copyrights for Ikumi-san and Rieko-san. it might cras and burn, but thats ok. we'll do an episode soon, if we can even get started, lol.
Ummm... so, guess no one besides Kaida-chan is interested in doing a fandub. that ok. ill just do small clips with kaida and anira(my friend), then. anyhoo, Ja Ne.
*** = currently debating on new title.
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
July 4th!!!!
Happy 4th, everybody! So, what are u all going to do? M im going to go see firewirks later, then set off some tiny ones in my front yard. Anyway, Im working on changing my site and getting some fandubs up. i was hoping on getting one up 2day, but ive been busy running arrends with my family. (excluding my mom... (yay! i dont like my mom... shes a big meanie head! she is evil lazy dumb-dumb of doom! sometimes shes ok, tho. SOMETIMES.)
anyway, were having a lil family BBQ or whatever. im hoping to c my friends l8er, but i probly wont. o well...
anyway, ill have fandub clips up soon, and im currently working on an Epsiode one fandub for Tokyo Mew Mew. well, that is, i would be if i had some cooperating team mates. i guess ill have to settle for my friend, my sisters who suck at showing emotion, and my friends brothers. if anyone here nows how to get audio clips of their voices on the net, and tell me where to find the audie clips (must be downloadable, otherwise, i cant use them!!). i will have more info on the auditions/parts open SOON!!! this post is getting too long, lol, and i have 2 go.
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