Birthday • 1992-12-14 Gender •
Female Location • Florida Member Since • 2005-02-14 Occupation • Student; mouse potato. Real Name • Monique.
Achievements • I gots me a boyfran! ;D Anyway. Um... I've recently learned to draw anthro stuff. Which is good. Anime Fan Since • Jan, 2005. Thanks a lot, KF. >=\ Favorite Anime • Tokyo Mew Mew Goals • Improve my music skills; decide on a career Hobbies • Wasting my time. Talents • I can draw and play the drums a bit. Minto
Friday, December 23, 2005
General Crap! Happy Christmas!
Hi everyone! long time no smell! lol, so, just general news. went to Epcot on wednesday. So, wats up with u guys?? happy christmas! ^-^ and just so everyone knows, the avatar i have now is an avatar of my mewmew, mew honey. i kno in my drawing, i said she was my sis's, but now she is mine! muahahaha!!!! lol, anyhoo... c ya!
ps... to all u people who get snow days, f u!!! sorry, we floridian kidz r a bit jealous over here - -'
o, and i hope you guys like this new zakuro vid!