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Student; mouse potato.
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I gots me a boyfran! ;D Anyway. Um... I've recently learned to draw anthro stuff. Which is good.
Anime Fan Since
Jan, 2005. Thanks a lot, KF. >=\
Favorite Anime
Tokyo Mew Mew
Improve my music skills; decide on a career
Wasting my time.
I can draw and play the drums a bit.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/09/07:
Lol, nice. XP
Result Posted on 03/19/07:
Oh, brilliant. (goes into a corner and attempts to die.)
Result Posted on 03/22/06:
um...this was unexpected... zakuro-oneesama will not be very happy about this. nope.
Result Posted on 03/21/06:
...i luv u kishu!!!!
together we'll have many adventures in alaska after a get u a coat to cover that midrif. ull catch a cold! that wood be bad!!!!
Result Posted on 03/21/06:
long, but worth it.
Result Posted on 03/09/06:
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
^^ this was a nice result! im glad i am christmas, its such a beautiful holiday
the pic is a bit.. funky, but its pretty! ^^ merry xmas 2 evrybody!!
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
well, a pretty random quiz actually... title was "random!!!!! wooo!!! Mwuahaha!!! anime pics"
here's the disription:You are the Angel of Love.
 You are the Angel of Love.
You're duties are to bring love to those who have none, bring peace to love thats disturbed and basically, all lone management! You're a happy-go-lucky person, that lives life to the full! You're loveable, cuddly, kind and motherly in eveything you do, and a great friend to have around!
Your element: Air
Your colour: Pink
Your most Like: Nature. Caring, carefree, lopving and protective.
Your least like: Wisdom. Serious, quiet, down to earth.
RANDOM!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!anime pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
^^ yay! another neko quiz! the art on this result isnt as nice as the other onw, but i like it! ^^
 You're a mixture of an ordanary neko and a wild neko! You have the ears, tail, fangs and claws and have a laid back, adventuress carefree neko attitude. However once you get angry you show you feirce, wild neko side, no one had better get on your nerves or they'll be sorry. ^_^ Go you!
What kind of Neko girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
hm. ok! this seams like a nice result! ^^ yay, my favorite color, purple! im such a nice kitty! ^^ lol
 You're a nice kitty! Beautiful and calm. You always have good advice for people and is care-free. You dont look at things negative that much. You enjoy the outdoors and loves to be with friends. You are very trustworthy so people can tell you almost everything. Even though you can be calm you are never afraid to yell at a person's face if they make someone you care for cry!
What kind of Kitty are you? Anime pics brought to you by Quizilla
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