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Wednesday, February 1, 2006

   Erm, sorry for not visiting

Sorry I haven't been visiting, I've been more into my deviant and home work, cuz I'm lazy, This will be quick, and if you still wanna know bout my life, go to my deviantand look on my journal! Thanx


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Monday, January 16, 2006

   Not so good...

Ok, so today was... not even ok, I woke up to find my hamster dead, after I had tried soo hard to get her to live again... she had to die... -sigh- Then I had to babysit, which is kinda good, because my mini me is as soft as me, and we cried together... I'm such a loser, I always cry, even when I'm happy, I think it has something to do with my meds, cause I never used to get this emotional, I'd normally be happy she was in heaven, and yeah... well I'm kinda upset because I keep getting these great things, but... they're tooken away from me so quickly, it really sucks...

(Sorry, no comic today, I'll post one when I feel better...)

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Sunday, January 15, 2006


Sorry I didn't post earlier, but I've been sooo preoccupied with soo many things.

If you read my deviant art, you already know, I thought my hamster was dead, but today I found out, she's alive, and well I'm trying to nurse her back to health. It's really... hard.

Anyways, how is everybody?

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Saturday, January 14, 2006


Listening to: Techonologic, Daft Punk
Reading: nothing

Well, I had to dislocate my finger today, in all three joints, it hurt sooo bad! And it still hurts real bad -whines- Anyways, I went swimming and creamed some boys at basketball, just normal cool stuff! ^-^

My new hamster won't stop biting me, it hurts! I'm complaining a lot... Heh, I'm a loser But oh well it's all good! ^-^

So how is everyone?

Also here's comic #6! w00t!
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Friday, January 13, 2006


OMG, I just finished listening to a parody of Nookie, it was sooooooo funny. Anyways, I'm so insane me and my bro need more meds, Heh, we were shoving seawed strips in eachother faces,Man that was bad, I almost broke my nose! But it was soooooo funny.

Anyways, I haven't been up to much lately, and I'm watching the Manshow, beacause, um I dunno... It's kinda interesting I guess! ^-^, xD!

So how's everybody been?

(also here's comic #5)
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Thursday, January 12, 2006

   So bored

I've been bored (once again) and I've been drawing a ton. I really need to load up my pics on otaku, but I'm lazy, and I don't wanna wreck some of my paper and work... -sigh- Oh well. I'm getting this awesome digital camera, I'm soooo excitted!!! Yay!

I should probaly finish watching my boxed set, cause I haven't, and it's weird, I don't have enough time for YuYu Hakusho....heh, stupid homework -dies-

This morning I was really super depressed and I can't figure out why, it's weird, but only not? I guess, anyways, If I made you mad this morning, sorries!

Here's comic #4!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

   Comic #3

So, today I was bored and stuff, showed off my art and such, anyways, I've been kinda bored lately. I have nothing to do since school started, weird huh? Well then again I'm majorly weird, and I need a lot of meds, heh.

Yasha has been upset lately, I don't think I should've told her something... I feel really bad, and I have no idea what to do... was it wrong to tell her the truth
? Or should I just lie to my best friend? -sigh- Such a conflict, I really need some help!!!!!!!!

Anyways, here's the third comic (The other two are in my last posts)
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006


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   Comic #2

Ok, so here I sit eating M&ms, and bored out of my mind... -sigh- I'm not babysitting my minime anymore, and that makes me sad, cuz I'm gonna miss her soooo much -cries- Somebody..hold me... Just kidding

Anyways, I ran out of drawing ideas, any tips?

Also, here's the second comic!
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So how was your day?


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Monday, January 9, 2006

   #1 comic

Well,I had my first day of school after that huge break, and I'm soooo tired!!! I lost my box of pocky for my project, and I'm pretty much screwed, Auggggg Oh well... I'll figure out something... -sigh-

Anyways, I'm kinda mad at one of my friends, but that's ok, I won't mention a name cuz they'd be mad.... -sigh- my life pretty much sucks, oh well...

I've been working on a ton of art lately, and I've gotten so much done, I'm gonna hafta finish my damn project at one point... I'm sooo lazy, I'm gonna fail school, and that's gonna suck majorly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found all these awesome comics, and this is the first of the funny naruto one!

#1 Naruto's dream!
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