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Friday, September 30, 2005

   This matches me so much n.n

You're a child angel!
Because of your size everyone thinks you can't do
anything, but that's not true.

What kind of angel are you? *for girls only* (cute anime pics ^.~)
brought to you by Quizilla

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You are a fighter for saving everything that's
You are sad when you see crime and killings and you
want to help the victims.

What do you fight for? *for girls only* (cute anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

   Hey people O.o

Hello people, I still need a URL to post pictures on my Site!

Anyways, how've you all been? n.n?

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

   Hooray! I mean.. dang..

Yea I'm bored.. yet again, well you people are always so boring! Do something of interest? Also could someone e-mail me the thigny for adding pictures to your site? Or give me a link to load the pics onto the site? please I need a program or a link or something!

Anyways, I had to babysit, yet again, this time only for 3 hours, which isn't a lot, so It was good, anyways I've missed hearing from you people, I get on everryday.. but no one ever ever pms me! Please, I'm begging for contact with you people!!

~Dai Hoshiko... ~

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Sunday, September 25, 2005


I'm kinda sleepy.. Last night I had to baby sit.. and well I put the boy in his room with a video, and put on some soft Slayers (from the motion picture) music, Cuddle with the girl and we slept on the couch... It was nice, but I got there and it was 6:30, and they didn't come home till 1:00 am, that's what.. 7 and a half hours? WHAT THE F^CK CAN YOU DO FOR THAT LONG, ALL THEY SAID THAT THEY WERE GOING TO DINNER!!!! That makes me mad.. Oh well I was paid a decent amount, and I do like playing with those kids...

So how was your night? lol
well... BAI
~Dai hoshiko, aka Mioki~

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Saturday, September 24, 2005

   lol, yay for Yuffie!

Final Fantasy Child by ChaoticSoul
Your Name
Your MotherYuffie
Your FatherSephiroth
Looks from...Father
Attitude from...Father
Weapon from...Father
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Friday, September 23, 2005

   he he I luff it

You're the spazztastic Aerin, a bit a tomboy.
Although you can bit annoying at times, people
think you're just the cutest thing. You're
hyper and outta control, stubborn and short
temmpered, and finally cute and fun. Yup that's
you, cute as a botton. Boys die to be friend,
and you love boys. You think they are the
cooliest. And even though you act carefree and
sugar high all the time, your dreams are big
for that small body and brain. You're a hyper
maniac but you're also sweet and loving. All
you want is world peace and some ice cream! Is
that so much to ask? I think not! You're
stubborn as a bull so I doubt people will have
a choice when it comes to you unless they want
bananas thrown at them. Then again you can be
forgetful so who knows? You've got the
attention spand of a dumb fly. You may not be
the smartest on the block, but you'll always be
the happiest you perky little squirt. Good for
you, yah crazy spazz!

what type of girl are you? (anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

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You're most likely a school girl.. as kawaii and
innocent as possible!

Which Kind of Anime Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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   w00t for pudding

What character from Tokyo Mew Mew are you?! (Pictures)

brought to you by Quizilla

yea this pretty much explains me

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   he he, yum.. now I hafta go make some tea

Mint Tea
Mint Tea...
You are Mint Tea!
Naturally sweet you have a happy-go-lucky attitude.
The world is full of fun and wonder! Although
you can be naive at times and quite aloof to
your surroundings you know how to have good
clean fun! Most people see you as cute and very
gentle by nature and it is most likely true.
You have a great outlook on life and you try
not to let things get to you. Go you!

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by Quizilla

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