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Sunday, January 8, 2006


I jsut finished my anime party, it was really really fun. I think we had a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sooo bummed about going to school tommorow, It's gonna suck!!!!!! I need to finish my homework too... -sigh- I'll do that a little later, so I could have some time to do stuff. bleh, who likes school? I wanna know, because I think it's crappy, I hate waking up so early, and it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man I'm so sick of it... -dies- Next weekend, i'm gonna be totaly lazy, and i'm not gonna do anything!!! lol, that's gonna be a ton of fun... -sigh- so... bored
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Anyways, how was your weekend?

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Saturday, January 7, 2006


*dances with joy* NOT only did I get my Yu-yu Hakusho Dvds, I also got Hellsing, and R.o.d. Omg I'm sooooo excitted!!!!!!!! I've only watched a couple episodes of Yu-yu and ROD so far, but I will get through them all!!!!!!

*Squeals with delight*

Anyways, how was your day?

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Thursday, January 5, 2006

   Livin' La Vida Loca ^-^

Yep, that's what I'm listening to... he he.... Anyways, I've been drawing a ton, and I'm putting so much crap on deviant, it's kinda sad, but that's ok ^_~
So I promised my link to my naruto and here it is! http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/27265696/ Pretty sweet I must say, but anyways....

I'M GETTING A YUYU HAKUSHO DVD BOXED SET!!! *Dances* omg I can't wait, I'm so excitted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well shall end the post with a picture
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STRIP POKER! xD!!!!!!!!


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Wednesday, January 4, 2006


I finnaly figured out this damn html, aug it was pissing me off so badleyyy... -cries-.
anyways, my new sites theme is chiyo-chan, YAY FOR AZUMANGA DAIOH!

I've been working so hard on my art, and it's really paying off, I'm gonna paint my naruto thing, and it's gonna be pretty awesome, I'll scan it to deviant so you can check it out and stuff, i hope you'll really like it.

I've also been taking a lot of ideas from yasha, and It's kinda sad. I'm not very original! AUG! Anyways, Image hosted by Photobucket.com how is everyone?

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Tuesday, January 3, 2006

   Bored... bored... bored...

Well, I'm trying realistic again, and I do hope this one looks a bunch better. After I finish shading in my naruto picture, I'll load it up on deviant, and then give you guys the link.
Anways, My realistic pic is looking soooooo much better! I'm so proud of myself -grin- Anyways, I've been a bit bored lately, and I get to babysit tommorow, which is good, cuz I love babysitting! YAY!
Image hosted by TinyPic.com *Dances like rock lee*


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   Heh heh

Sorry I haven't posted in sooo long, i've been really into my deviant art, and drawing, i'm getting soo much better, I drew a sweet protrait of naruto, it's awesome, I'm gonna shade it in, if my mom ever buys me more graphite pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Argggg
Anyways, how is everybody?
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Look in the upper left hand corner, I call that, "Wack-a-sensi" xD


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Sunday, January 1, 2006


*parties* It's 2006!!!!!!!!! And i feel sick.. I ate why too much crap, and drank too much sparkling cider, two full bottles to be exact.. >.< Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Friday, December 30, 2005


Sorry I didn't post again yesterday, I was way to busy, it sucked balls. Anyways, I had to babysit again, but it was kinda fun, we watched a couple animes, drew and painted, normal fun stuff I guess.

Well I've been obessed with this movie lately, so check it out!

It's only funny if you're a kishu fanatic I guess, but I am, so if the description fits! n_n


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Thursday, December 29, 2005

   Babysitting, and being artistic!

I'm baby sitting again, it's not to bad cuz I get to watch my mini, and I do love her so. This is Kieko, I use code names cuz I'll get in trouble if I use our reals names online, yah know?

Anyways, this is the same girl aboslutlely loves anime, and having mangas read to her. How can you not abosulely adore a little girl like that?

Well, she's been wanting to use my comp, and she gets it when I'm done.

I'll post again today, so stay tuned ~_^


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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

   Had to post again

I had to post a better post. My other one was icky. Anyways, I changed up my site a ton, an I really love how it looks now, after all, gaara is awesome!!!!!!!!

I can't upload my image, and it made me mad. But I have been finding funny stuff, and this made me crack up VVVVVV
I couldn't help it how bad I laughed, this is hilarious!

Anyways, enjoy th funny videos, and enjoy my site n_n


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