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Sunday, December 4, 2005

   Average day

today has been pretty average. Cept I was woken up by my bro's friends, it was bad. They're making A hoverr craft for a physics project, and bleh they're always over, it's soooo stupid.

I won't get my cell phone till tuesday, and it sucks major bad guy butt! I wanted it today!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Cries* Anyways how was your day?

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Saturday, December 3, 2005

   Just here

Hey, I've been bored, and I've been watching a ton of stuff lately, and this is what made me cry...>http://www.pitbullproblem.tk/ I can't believe some of the pictures.... it's so saaaaaaaaaaaaadddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!T.T


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Friday, December 2, 2005


Today was good and all, but I had a near death experience, it was so scary. I was walking home from school when this huge Semi-truck just slid into the street next to me. It was about 10 feet away, I was so scared!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank the man above, because if I would've tooken those 10 steps, I wouldn't be typing this right now... I'm still a bit shooken up from it all...

Anyways, today was good, I stayed after school and everything, and I'm working on some of my art, I think I'm gonna put in my portfolio for college... *Sweatdrop* I know that's way into my future, but I really need to start planning this kinda of stuff! lol,
Anyways, how was your week?

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

   Good day

Today was a good day at school, cept I have a ton of homework, and I'm supposed to finish my book, but I don't really wanna... so i've been working on my site, my new theme is the naruto girls! Yay!!! jk. I really like my bg now, so how is everyone else this fine evening?
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I'm depressed again, my stupid pills are supposed to prevent this, but it's not working, I felt like dieing, I just want to be held by my grandfather again... I really am so ... sad... I've been crying, and this is the first thing i've done in an hour, so... yeah...

"If Tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd go right up to heaven, and bring you home again" Image hosted by Photobucket.com

~Tears fill my heart, spike~

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   So sleepy

I didn't got to school because I was so tired I couldn't get up. I think the main reason I was sooo tired was because last night I hit my head and was knocked out for 20 min. >.< I had/have the hugest lump on my head, it hurt soo badley. Anyways, hows everyone else this nice day?


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Sunday, November 27, 2005

   A bit happy today

Yesterday I had to babysit, and it was really nice, me and my mini me (She's so totally cool! Anime loving, manga reading 6 year old, what's not to love?!) watched AMV hell:3! The motion picture... lol, she was laughing so hard, and it was making me laugh too. But, when I first got there, the parents didn't say anything, but that they ordered pizza. And then when the got home, they were drunk, and yelled at me and the kids that they were supposed to be in bed, I felt like yelling out "You know what you fucking drunks, you never told us anything! So shut the hell up and stop yelling at y our damn kids!" but, of course, I didn't. Bleh... also in bout in an hour, I have to go order some presents for my friends... bleh, Holidays, who needs 'em?

Anyways, how is everyone this fine afternoon?

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Saturday, November 26, 2005


omg, I just realized, after watching all these japanese music videos, Japanese guys are hot! I mean man! *Drool!* >,< If only I had a japanese guy for myself... -sigh- lol... but really, I wants one!!!

-Daydreaming spike...-

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Friday, November 25, 2005

   I'm a little piggy, here's my snout, oink oink oink, oink oink oink! xD

Hey! Well first off, I need to know why my gb signings are being deleted!!! It's starting to make me a bit mad! Anyways, turkey day was boring.. I hated being around "Family".. bleh.. anyways, how is every one?

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

   xD I love it

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