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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

   Today was awesome!

School wasn't all that awesome, infact it was done right boring! Then I went to the doctors, and I'm being put on prozac... I don't really mind because I wanna start feelings happy and good about myself Like I used to. How is everyone else doing this fine day?

Also, the highlight of my day just ended, I went to a lazer tag place with a bunch of boys and my niece, and it was awesome, I soo Whooped their butts!I also got paired with an adult team, and I was the mvp, among all those people who play this for a living! I felt sooo good Image hosted by Photobucket.comthis always makes me laugh


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Monday, November 21, 2005


Hey I'm posting again... and I feel much better, my friend visited me, and he made me smile... it was nice to know I'm cared about. I've been relieving myself through art, although I really do suck, and even one of my friends agree, so I know I do... I've been making more dolls on my comp too. Some of them are really good, but some arn't... but here are some!
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And these are the ones I did on an online website:
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The first one is my bro and his gf, and the second is me... and yeah, I didn't post a lot of the ones that I did, because they really suck, but other than that, it's all good!


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   Messed up...

Hey whoever is reading this... Yesterday wasn't the best of all my days. I had a huge emotional breakdown and almost commited suicide. But my mom calmed me down quite a bit. I even had to call back my friends and everything... because I had one of them really really worried... and I just felt aweful. Like shit to tell you the truth. But today I'm a bit happy, my mom let me stay home so I didn't have to deal with the shitty kids at school And all... well how was everyone's monday/weekend?

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

   Hey everyone

Hey, yasha just left my house, we were hanging out and she was sleeping over. We went swimming, and everything, and it was really fun except the younger/older guys hitting on us, it was kinda... creepy... just kidding. Anyways, I've been working on a ton of dolls in my free time (Which everyone knows I have way too much of it) and I got a ton of new art supplies, like nice colored pencils, graphite/charcole pencils, and oil pastels. All my stuff is really fun and nice, but I really suck... bleh. Oh well, it's still fun ;P. Anyways, how has everybody else been?

(Sorry guys, I don't wanna put any pics up, maybe later ;P )

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Friday, November 18, 2005

   -Insert overly creative title here-

Hey everybody! Today was awesome! I had the best day ever!!! For once I wasn't really depressed! I made these awesome dolls on my comp, and like my art teacher showed them to the entire club class! I felt sooo good!!! Everyone was either jealous, or in awe, it was soooo cool! Anyways, how are all of you this fine day?
Image hosted by Photobucket.com this happens to be my fav. doll!!!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Hey, I'm all confuzzled today... I think my boyfriend hates me because the chemicals inb my brain arn't right, and at lunch I said this, and yes I acually said "I fucking hate him now!" and I kinda screamed it... the highlight of my day was going to the concilers office, and learning about my friend... but today pretty much sucked

Don't even get me started about last night, my bro slammed my fingers in his door, not much more to say but that... How is everyone else, since I feel like crappy shit?


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Sunday, November 13, 2005


I figured out what I have, I think I'm Bipolar... I still need to see a doctor, I know I'm going to be put on meds, because there is something seriously wrong with me.
Anyways, today was one of my happy days. I went up to Ludlow. It was really depressiong, here's the summary I typed up when going home:
"Miners and coal workers had been working in a “utopian” place. The company that owned the mines was giving homes to the workers, food, schooling for their children. But when being paid in sun simple papers that allowed you to use them in the companies store. They also subtracting their housing/school expenses from their pay check. The miners went on strike.
They lived in tents, and made underground shelters in fear of being shot. The company didn’t like this, and set the tents on fire. 4 men, 2 women, and 11 children were suffocated by being trapped under ground in their hideouts. Others were shot. This awful thing was now known as the Ludlow Massacre. 30 lost their lives, and nobody was charged for the incident."

It really made me think about how much people have sacraficed to make the united states so free. After all Freedom isn't free. But the hideouts were made of conrete, there was one that you could open and look in, but since we didn't have a flashlight I didn't get to go down in it. I wanted to go down so badley, and see if there was blood stains or something like that. This whole experience almost made me cry, it was depressing! But I still really love spending time with my mom, my dad and my brother.
Anyways, how's everyone else doing these days?
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there's how much I can change with in 5 minutes...


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Saturday, November 12, 2005

   I don't know what to believe anymore...

Hey everyone... I hafta see a doctor... there's something seriously wrong with me. I think I have a serious desease... I'm.. depressed... and yeah... I feel.... sad... how is everyone else doing?
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"I walk in the rain, to hide my tears"


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Friday, November 11, 2005


Omg, I though I was going to never get through the week, I'm chaning my site once again, cause I likes to change it up every now and then! Anyways, during Drama, I screwed up my lines in front of the audience, man I felt soooo stupid!!! Bleh, I never want to act again, and I'm bad at it, so yeah... I get art Club next!!! I'm gonna work on all my manga's and my anime concepts, and make a sculpture and and and and!!!

Anyways, here's a funny video!
I love it sooo much, it rox my sox! lol, That Goat doesn't love you!!!

Anyways, how've you all been? I've been bored, and I can't think of a site theme.. bleh! So, enjoy my gifs... lol
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Image hosted by Photobucket.com Jiggle jiggle, xD!

Anyways, bai!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005

   WOAH I'm hyper.. xD!

I'm really hyper, and I hafta go to bed in .. 25 minutes O.o I'm screwed! Lol, anyways, I was going through all my old crap and I found my poems! Sooo I'm gonna show you the one I thought is the best, here it goes!!!

Between Life and Death...

My eyes close,
my finger tips go numb,
I see a flash of light,
A flash of Life...
My life's story replays,
I see all that I've done,
I no longer feel my body,
my eyes stop blinking,
I can't move,
Where am I?
Thoughts rush through my head,
I swear I can hear voices,
My sight goes,
My heart stops!
My breathing Ceases...

I Feel a jolt of electricty surge through my body!
My heart beats,
Mu lungs collasp,
and fill...
My eyes open.
I just felt...
The difference...
between life... and death...

Wow, it's soo uplifting... xD!!! Anyways, I gotta prepare to sleep, bye bye!!!


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