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Wednesday, November 9, 2005

   -Insert a better title here...-

hey, I'm a bit bored... and no i didn't ask him for a kiss, I couldn't it's tooo hard!!! I can't handle this love stuff... I need someone to guide my through... bleh anyways, Yasha's Bf is a bad bf, he won't even hug her.. bleh lol. He's like a good friend to me now, we always hang out now, it's kinda nice. Welll you know I shouldn't be posting, cause i've got like 4 pages to write on my damn story.. so peace out ya'll!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com OMG I WANT SOME OF THAT YAOI ACTION!!! Lol!


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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

   -Insert overly creative title here-

Hey guys, I had to post again, cause I got bored, I'm sooo happy today, cept my bf is really sick, and i'm worried! I was gonna ask for a kiss today, but he wasn't here... bleh,It would've been my first kiss too, now I'm not so sure I'll be able to ask him tommorow... Anyone got advice for me?... thanks! Anyways, enjoy my little video!!!
HECK YES, Kakashi-sensi is frichen sexy!!!


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   Good morning Star shine, the earth says HELLOOO!!!

Heya people! I'm happy for once, I don't know why I was soooo depressed yesterday... I need to write some non-depressing poems or something, cause these ones are killing me!!! I have a Frichen C in American history, my mom's gonna be pissed enless I can get it higher... bleh it sucks! Anyways, I don't have anything to post but, How are ya'll?


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Monday, November 7, 2005

   Depressing, and Long post! Beware!

I thought my boyfriend was mad at me and such, but I guess he wasn't, and he was kinda upset when Yasha told him he had made me cry, which he had... but it's ok... I guess

Anyways, I came up with a conclusion/poem for what life is about, and here it is, and I'm sorry it kinda sucks...

Life, a never ending story,
The meaning of life?
We shall never know.
Why must we live?
Why must we die?
I think I know the anwser!
We live to die...
Is that not right?
But of course it is,
why wouldn'tf it be?
Open your eyes and shall see,
The anwser to be right
infront of you...

Why must we love?
For it makes our life complete...
Or does it cause us pain?
The surfering from a broken heart,
Yes it is bad,
But remember the next time you tell someone you love them...
Love is the Slowest form of sucide.

Death and love,
Hurt and angish,
The meaning of life?
to live, to Die...

(Depressing stuff huh?) Well I had to write down my feelings for the day.. I'm gonna start doing it a bit more often so you can see what I'm feeling... Anyways, my day was good I guess, but yeah... anyways, good bye...


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Sunday, November 6, 2005


Hey, I'm babysitting again but i'll be done soon, I get to go swimming with my niece and my nephews, and all thier little friends, I'm bumbed about their freinds but excited about my niece, I do love her so, well I hate babysitting!!! It's boring, but at least I have the internet and my good ole dell laptop!

well bye bye for now!


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Saturday, November 5, 2005



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I just looked in the mirror.. xD jk jk. Anyways, as we speak I'm babysitting, the most awesome little girl! She's an anime freak, and she's always hyper, Keiko! She's so frichen cool! I love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, here's my most awesomist quiz ever!
What is your Naruto Character? by PrimitiveOne
Full Name:
Hand Seal:Dragon
Best Form:Genjutsu
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Bye bye All!

~Spikey Likies~

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Friday, November 4, 2005

   Lol! ;P

Lol, today was the best, it was funny as all hell! ok so school sucked, but afterwards I sat with my bf on the grass, we walked around and all that stuff. but I forgot to call my mom and she almost had a hearts attack when she came and picked me up at 3:00 (School's out at 2 xD) It was funny, and I was laughing, it was frichen awesome! Anyways, how was all of your day(s)?


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Thursday, November 3, 2005

   Bleh, lol

I'm a bit bored, and my grades with school and slipping, so that kinda sucks... oh well! lol! I made a ton of food and my mom is pissed, because she said I won't eat it, I've had it for 10 min, and I'm more than half way through, it's pretty awesome. Anyways, how are all of you otakuians (That's my new term) doing?
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Bye bye all!


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Wednesday, November 2, 2005


These are just quizzes from today, read my real post down below please!

Which Naruto Character Are You Destined To Kill? by amoretto
Your Name:
You Are From:Hidden Sound Village
Hired To Kill:
Your Jutsu:Kumonenkin (Golden Spider Spikes)
Number Of Kills Today:16,632
Your Battle Cry:"I'm gonna kick ass!"
Chakra Level:: 47%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Sex Life With A Naruto Character by theunstoppable
Your Partner:Rock Lee
How Many Times You219
What Happened?:You went at it for another 5 days!
Was There Anything Kinky?:Does a flute sound familiar??
How Does It End?:You continued for another 10 years... damn...
How Good Was It Overall?:: 65%
Quiz created with MemeGen!
omg.. >.< wtf?
Which Guy Naruto Character Are You Most/Least Compatible With? by glasskiwi
Favorite Naruto Character (out of follwing)
Least Compatible WithKankurou
Most Compatible WithSasuke
Quiz created with MemeGen!
YES MY SASUKE *grabs for, he screams like a girl and runs away* aw.. xD
What is your Naruto Character? by PrimitiveOne
Full Name:
Hand Seal:Ox
Best Form:Taijutsu
Summon:Richard Simmons
Quiz created with MemeGen!
woah sweet... needles! owie.. xD
Which Naruto character do you belong with? by Angel_Myu
You belong with:Rock Lee
You get together:September 25, 2030
You stay together until:October 24, 2473
He/She finds you:Nice
Quiz created with MemeGen!
what the hell is it with me and rock lee?!
What Naruto character will save you?
now the question is.. who's giant snake? xD jk
Which Inuyasha character will save you when you go on a homicidal rampage?(Girls only...lovely pics) by Sesshoumaru_Rox
Using what:Jaken's Staff...Amazing isn't it?
When:May 27, 2026
Damage cost:$83,264,271
Who do you want to save you:
Who will save you:
Your reaction:"GO AWAY! I was just starting to have fun!":hits person over heard with fist, then runs away::(Houstan, we have a problem)
Quiz created with MemeGen!
well that's kinda cool!
One more quiz, and that's It I promise
sweet!Neiji Hyuuga
The suited guy for you is... Neiji! Neiji is a
fairly nice guy. He believes in luck and is
also very talented. A genius actually. He's
very down to earth too. Being the kind of
person that you are, he suits you best because
his wisdom can guide you in your decisions and
he's a romantic dude too in case you haven't
noticed. Another good thing about him too is
that he lets you walk in your own toes to help
you learn but then helps you when he knows that
you can't take it anymore. He could be your big
brother.!! (ahem, I better leave you two...
have a nice date!)

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