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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

   Bored... bored... bored...

I've been so bored, I got to skip school though to go play my flute and eat burritos, it was fun! I got this really pretty lace skirt, and a black wrap around silk shirt, just to wear today, it was weird cause we were so nice looking, but everyone else wass wearing normal clothes. I'm gonna get a Digital camera soon, I'm excitted! I'll probaly take pictures of my artwork, intill I can afford a stupid scanner. I hate school! How bout all of you?

Image hosted by Photobucket.com(lol) ~Dai~

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Hey everyone, Guess what! I should be getting a scanner soon, I'm excitted, then I'll be able to scan my work and show it all off, it's gonna be really nice. I'm going to try to do longer posts, mine are always so short and boring! Well School was boring, my niece came over and bugged me, we watch nightmare before christmas on my computer, she really liked it, which is good! Cause it's such a good movie!

I'm really excitted that KH2 is coming out! I'm excitted! I got nitendogs, it's supposed to be an enjoyable game, but I can't figure out the damn thing, it sucks!!! Well I think I'm just gonna go trick-or-treating with Yasha, I'm just gonna wear halloween clothes with some orange or black wings, somethin easy, that'll cost less than ten dollars (Damn I'm good) anyways, I'm a bit bored now, So I'm gonna get off, How was your day?Image hosted by Photobucket.com (lol)

~Baka Oni, alien ninja thingy, Dai Hoshiko~

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Monday, October 24, 2005


Kay, I'm a bit bored, i was looking around on the internet and came across these, (i love em', don;t call me a pervert, admit, they're freakin sweet!)Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com lol, don't ask why i like them they're soo cool... xD!!! anways, i'm not doing anything for halloween, it sounds so.. boring! I want to have a party or something, but everyone already has plans... bleh this sucks....


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Friday, October 21, 2005

   Well hey there!

Sorry I haven't been on otaku in like forever. I keep forgetting! I don't have much to talk about, I'm excitted to KH2 I guess... I drew Sora, it's really good, IF ONLY MY STUPID SCANNER WASN'T BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!! heh... sorry, well how are all of you?Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Monday, October 17, 2005

   Hey guys!!!

Hey, sorry i haven't been on lately, I'll check all of your sites soon, I lost my password for otaku, and i didn't remember the account or anything, it sucked a$$!!! Anyways, on saturday I went to the mall with Yasha-sama and my Bf, Korey. It was really fun, untill he almost got us kicked out, we were really scared! Anyways, how are all of you?Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Friday, October 14, 2005

   Hi peoples

Hey, Yasha and Kara are over, and we were really frichen hyper, it was so funny. Anyways I have nothing to comment on, How are all of you?Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Thursday, October 13, 2005


YESSS I don't have school tommorow, or monday!!! SWEEEEETT. I also get to go to the mall with Yasha-sama and my other friend Kara. I'm meeting my BF also, it rocks! It rocks! I'm so excitted!

I got this really cute Mini skirt, It's plad and pleated, it's so cute. I love wearing it!

Well I'm pretty much done, How've you all been???
Image hosted by Photobucket.com (lol)

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

   Hey guys

Hey, sorry I haven't posted on your sites lately, I've been meaning to get to it, but I don't have a lot of time trying to keep all my grades at As, and I have a B, I was so pissed. Anyways, My new bf is so cute, I think I love him! Yeah it is a strong word, but yah know, I think it fits. Also my friend still hasn't gotten her reply from a boy, I was so pissed, he won't answer her!!! ARGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, How are all you?Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Sunday, October 9, 2005


DAI-O, MESSA DAI-OOOO, daylight come and meh wanna go home! lol jk

Today was fantastic, Yasha-sama came over yesterday and spent the night, I was up intil, 3 (Mind you I normaly go to bed at 10ish) It was so much fun eating so much candy! Anyways How are you?

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Yasha is over, and well... well..well HOOORAYYYY!!!!!!!!! We went swimming were like hyper ass things. Anyways heres my hedgey

adopt your own virtual pet!

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