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Saturday, October 8, 2005

   I'm actualy good right now

Last night I was really freaked, but today I'm fine, I got to sleep and I feel good! I've been working on my comp since 11, and it's starting to come together, I actualy have a homepage! It's much better!!!

Anyways the reason I'm so great is because i'm going out with this boy, who I really like, and well... I guess we're kinda GF and BF now... heh!

How are all you?

~Dai hoshiko~

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   I'm so freaked right now!

My brother made me watch this movie called "rubber Johnny" anyone else seen it? Well inless you dont want to sleep for a while don't watch it, and i know after I say this you'll probaly go look it up on google, go ahead, but beware.. this dude is so scary.... >.< I hate my brother right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have a night mare....

~Dai Hoshiko needs a hug~

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Wednesday, October 5, 2005

   Todai Waz a Gewd dai!

I had fun messing around with Yasha-Sama at school, I think Kijotora hates us both for making fun of her, but yah know what? I don't really care because it was fun, she'll get over it sooner or later, LOL. Yasha-sama is sooo cool! n.n! I like hanging with her, anyways, Since my day was sooo much better how was yours? n.n

Also, my hamster says "Squeak squeak" Translation> "I shall rule the world after my fellow rodents help take over!! HA HA",(he he Yuki is gonna help take over the world, LOL)

Anyways, I'm about done, BAI BAI

~Dai Hoshiko, AKA Mioki~Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Tuesday, October 4, 2005

   um.. ok =D

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   Arg... I dont feel good at all today...

I've been coughing and sneezing all day, if I lift my arm I'm in deep pain, it sucks!!! Anyways I had to stay home with my tempurature being at 99.5 degrees. My stomach doesn't hurt which I guess is good,but yeah know what? I feel like shitokimushrooms!

Anyways, How was your day? n.n

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Monday, October 3, 2005

   O.o oooooOOoo

Your chances with the bishounens of the Sohma family (from Fruits Basket) by Lady Obscurity
Chinese Zodiac Sign
Yuki: 96%
Kyo: 41%
Shigure: 80%
Haru: 53%
Hatori: 7%
Ayame: 24%
Ritsu: 52%
Momiji: 52%
Hiro: 93%
Akito: 74%
Kureno: 58%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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   Damn I'm stupid

Fruits Basket Life [pics] [modified] by emma159
Zodiac Sign:
How you got involved with the Sohmas:You attend Kyo and Yuki's class at their school.
Who you fell for:
Who fell for you:
He asked you out:And you said yes, but you both agreed only as friends…but you had other plans *smirk*
Who was jealous:
How jealous was he?As soon as he realized that it was you, he didn’t really care.
On your date:You had some boring moments...you know, like those awkward silences…but for the most part it was a good date.
The relationship lasted:Never really got past the first date.
How enjoyable your first kiss was:: 35%
How much you love him:: 41%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I fell for cowman and I didn't notice my prince charming was falling for me!!! WHAT THE CRAP!? THIS SUCKS

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I hafta admit, he is pretty hot n.n *Drools* O.o

Whom you shared the kiss with:
What was it like?You were watching a scary movie at a movie theatre; you got scared and he leaned over and kissed you to comfort you
How much you enjoyed it:: 61%
How much he enjoyed it:: 76%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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AWW SHITv.v I wanted yuki soo badley

Which Fruits Basket Character do you date? (Girls)::Now with PICS:: by albino blackWolf
Favorite Zodiac
Your going to date..
He takes you..to the Beach
What date says to you when you meet..HAHAHAH GREASER!
Will your relationship grow?Were just friends
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Great I dated a Cow... >.<

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What will the Souma's sayafter they meet you? (girls) ( fruits basket anime ) by raybird
fav. color
KyoYou're a really good fighter.
YukiWouldn't it hurt more if I didn't.
HatsuharuSorry if my black does any thing.
MomijiWanna play with me some time^^
ShigureSo are you single?
Ayame*completey ignores*
HatoriYou act like Shigure far too much.
Ritsu* smiles* thank you, for accepting me.
Akitosure stay with the souma's. *evil laugh*
Quiz created with MemeGen!


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