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myOtaku.com: mioki da fwoggie

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hey, I'm soo excitted for halloween, and I needed daylight savings soo badley! That extra hour was super nice! I'm kinda getting sick of my BG, and I can't wait to take all the halloween colors, OFF! lol.

My Niece is over, and I'm kinda, a bit... annoyed, she's just now getting into anime and manga, but she doesn't get the concept of reading right to left. It's confusing fo rher, and she doesn't like the super powers either, lol. I'm starting to write lyrics, but I don't have music for it... Oh I have an idea, never mind! lol. Maybe I'll sing it and everything, and I can put it on my site, would anyone like that by chance? (lol, probaly not)
Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com LOL!Image hosted by Photobucket.com wouldn't it be cool to dress like this for halloween, or a con?!

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