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myOtaku.com: mioki da fwoggie

Friday, November 11, 2005

Omg, I though I was going to never get through the week, I'm chaning my site once again, cause I likes to change it up every now and then! Anyways, during Drama, I screwed up my lines in front of the audience, man I felt soooo stupid!!! Bleh, I never want to act again, and I'm bad at it, so yeah... I get art Club next!!! I'm gonna work on all my manga's and my anime concepts, and make a sculpture and and and and!!!

Anyways, here's a funny video!
I love it sooo much, it rox my sox! lol, That Goat doesn't love you!!!

Anyways, how've you all been? I've been bored, and I can't think of a site theme.. bleh! So, enjoy my gifs... lol
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Image hosted by Photobucket.com Jiggle jiggle, xD!

Anyways, bai!
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