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myOtaku.com: mioki da fwoggie

Sunday, November 27, 2005

   A bit happy today
Yesterday I had to babysit, and it was really nice, me and my mini me (She's so totally cool! Anime loving, manga reading 6 year old, what's not to love?!) watched AMV hell:3! The motion picture... lol, she was laughing so hard, and it was making me laugh too. But, when I first got there, the parents didn't say anything, but that they ordered pizza. And then when the got home, they were drunk, and yelled at me and the kids that they were supposed to be in bed, I felt like yelling out "You know what you fucking drunks, you never told us anything! So shut the hell up and stop yelling at y our damn kids!" but, of course, I didn't. Bleh... also in bout in an hour, I have to go order some presents for my friends... bleh, Holidays, who needs 'em?

Anyways, how is everyone this fine afternoon?

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