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myOtaku.com: mioki da fwoggie

Friday, December 2, 2005

Today was good and all, but I had a near death experience, it was so scary. I was walking home from school when this huge Semi-truck just slid into the street next to me. It was about 10 feet away, I was so scared!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank the man above, because if I would've tooken those 10 steps, I wouldn't be typing this right now... I'm still a bit shooken up from it all...

Anyways, today was good, I stayed after school and everything, and I'm working on some of my art, I think I'm gonna put in my portfolio for college... *Sweatdrop* I know that's way into my future, but I really need to start planning this kinda of stuff! lol,
Anyways, how was your week?

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