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myOtaku.com: mioki da fwoggie

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I get to back on! I've been workin so hard with school! I've also been drawing, and I'll post those towards the bottom of my post.
Anyways, there was some drama at our socail, as you may have heard. Well frankly, I don't give a crap anymore. It's just way to hard to keep everyone happy. Also, If I upsetted anyone at the dance, I am truely sorry, and I didn't mean to. I was confused as all heck! Please forgive me, for what ever I did...

Anyways, here's my pics I drew!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com It's me, yasha, and Usagiko! I love it so!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com I did this one a while back, but I just scanned it recently!

My golly, I wish you a holly jolly christmas! (happy holidays)

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