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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Mrs Fucking Fitts.....
I am sooooo pissed at my social studies teacher. Her name's Mrs.Fitts and she speaks with a horrid accent. It's wayyyy to sourtherny for North Carolina. She's also slow as hell too.
Anyway today in class we're talking about the cold war and suddenly she goes off into this huge tangent thingy about how when she was a kid she was soo scared because they had to practice the nuclear drills and they would die if they ever started to attack. (Keep in mind she say all of this very slowly with that terrible country accent.)
We had read some pages in our taxtbooks and had to answer about 20 questions with 30 minutes of class left to begin with and she takes- 20 minutes telling us about her past and how she used to play in her best friends bombshelter. Needless to say I couldn't finish all the questions in time. Now almost all of the class has even more homework then usual and there's a band concert tonight. (Not like I'm in band or anything I just gotta represent)
In April I'm going to be forced to take a seven hour trip with this women since she's my homeroom teacher too. I just know that on hour four of that trip I'm jummpin outta the bus window. (My homeroom class isn't exactly the group of kids I'd want to spend a trip like this with)
/End Rant
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Beyblade watch out cause here we come Let it rip now let's go now
Don't tell us who's gonna be number one Let it rip now let it go now
Blah....blah..blah... You gotta use your brain in order to obtain the number one postion in the game
(Randomness at its finest)
 What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
If you could live like me underground lonely sites and lonely sounds
Could you fight the darkness all around No way up and always down?
For me this is the only game in town
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Ehh..... What am I going to post now?
See I had this little post thing all typed out last night which was a Sunday but something was wrong with the server and it wouldn't let me post. Since the thing that wanted to say would only really make sense if it was a Sunday night- which it's not I don't really know what to put. Oh well.
I just actually bothered to look at my site and it turns out that even though it gave me those error messages it actually posted them. Now I have like 6 posts to delete...... Done!
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
It's weird, on weekends like today I can be so bored wanting to do something, but then on Monday I find myself in social studies class just wishing to get out so that I can go back to my room and... sleep or something.
Man there's something wrong with myOtaku right now it's already deleted the post thing twice and gave my an error message instead.
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Todays random thought: Jenrya and Suichon both have one image song that focuses on the word mirai.
Yup, proof that even with school I have way too much time on my hands.
I found out like 5 minutes ago that the song "Dive For You" from Japan For Sale- Volume 4 really bothers me. Maybe cause "dive for you" sounds so much like die for you. Maybe cause I don't see the point in diving for somebody. Maybe cause hearing the line makes me think of swimming pools. Or maybe it's cause I'm just weird. Yup, definetly that last one.
And I just got three freaking phone calls while typing this causing me to get up and down every three seconds. And miss most of "Fly High" The song I was just trying to listen to in the fist place. Stupid Delta and American Airlines. Yes I know, I'm getting worked up over missing a song I could just play again. In fact I'm doing it now.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
 Okay, I'll leave you alone. You don't enjoy company and you don't exactly have an optimistic view on life. Probably you think I hate you, but in your mind, who doesn't?
Which Digimon Frontier mental disorder do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
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Well today's just another rainy weekend. Nothing to do. Very boring.
The weather right now's 55 degrees, not bad considering tomorrow the high is supposed to get up to a mugy 35. What fun. But then again I could be in New York where a snowstorm is taking place. But still, I'd rather have sweltering heat then freezing cold.
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