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myOtaku.com: MiramotoMine

Saturday, June 30, 2007

   Loooong day...
It's only noon, but I feel like passing out for 5 months...Well, maybe only 4 days, because that's when I get married >w<

I woke up sometime around 3am-ish. I vaguely remember the baby wanting something peanutbutter-pickle-ish. When I think about it with my head on my shoulders, it's a kind of gross combination XD Makes me wonder what my baby boy's (Yes, I still demand that the baby be male) appatite is going to be like when he get's older...

Did you know that if you wake someone up (say someone who only went to bed at 2am, and had just got off from an 18hour overtime shift) at 6am, just because you want pancakes and can't remember where you put the griddle, they'll snap at you? Yeah. I woke Keii-Kun up. He yelled at me, and then realized that I was still pregnant, and went and found the griddle at me. (Watch, when he reads this, he's going to say "I didn't YELL at you, I RAISED MY VOICE!" XD) Yes sweetie, you yelled. The lady who lives in the appartment down the hall agrees with me!

Anybody have any ideas as to what color I should paint the walls in my baby boy's room? I was thinking maybe a light green, so if God decides to spite me, green still works.

I believe I'm going to go kick Keii off the couch (he has a few weeks off, since our wedding is in FOUR DAYS!) and take a nap. The baby demands it ^^

ttyl, Mine

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